How to counter puja? Heroes, artifacts, game tactics

"Dota 2" is rightly included in the top most famous games on the planet. The number of its fans is growing every day, and the developers are developing in every possible way, introducing new heroes, items and other changes. Despite the fact that “DotA” provides for a conditional balance, inexperienced players do not always understand the strengths and weaknesses of some heroes and find them too difficult to fight. One of these characters is Pooj. The gamers who choose it for the game are divided into those who do not know how to control it, and those who do this so that the opponents clutch their heads, not understanding who to counter the Puja.

by whom to counter puja

What kind of hero is this?

Pooj is a fairly popular middler due to its abilities that allow it to gain an advantage from the first minutes not only over the opponent on the midline, but throughout the map as a whole. By the middle of the game, the hero becomes less useful, and a deep leith turns the butcher into a fat (in terms of health) tank, which has nothing left to do but absorb the damage and start fights. Not every team understands who to counter the Pooja with, and more often, if the player on it is literate, the match ends before the hero begins to lose his strength.

How to counter the puja in the mid?

Most ranged heroes do this very well. The main thing is that they have a good supply of health or the ability to avoid the attack of Puja. For example, Akasha can easily dodge a hook if she uses a second ability, slowing down a dagger allows her to send several punches to his back, and poison from the same ability in the first minutes of the game will spoil the life of a butcher well. Destroyer has an excellent ability to steal intelligence from the enemy. Just a few hits from the orb - and Puja simply does not have enough mana to hook, and without it this hero ceases to be a danger. If he can still pull Destroyer to himself, he can be saved from death by using the astral on time.

by whom to counter puja dota 2

Who should counter Puja besides these two heroes? Pak, Storm Spirit, Bristleback, Mirana, Viper, Weaver, Invoker - all those who have good mobility or are simply stronger than this hero.

Who is the counter puja?

"Dota 2" offers players a choice of a large number of heroes. Even if a hero who is inferior to Puja in strength was chosen for mid, you can always take the character to another line and repulse the butcher. First of all, these are heroes who are able not only to survive the gang of Puja, but also to save their ally if the enemy leader chose him as his victim. With the proper reaction level, the Omnic will have time to throw a repel on the victim, which will save her from the magical damage inflicted by the second ability of Puja, and also will not allow his ultimate to take the health of the ally. No less useful will be healing. Dark Sir will throw an increase in speed of movement on himself or an ally, which will help to escape from the Ganges, and if the puja could still catch the hero, then the shield that burns out his health will make him think carefully before continuing the attack.

who to counter the puja in the mid

Abbadon has as many as three abilities, forcing the butcher to choose another target for attack. Firstly, a shield that absorbs damage and returns it in case of explosion in a decent amount. Secondly, the ability to heal an ally or commit suicide, thereby depriving the enemy of experience and gold, that is, turning the ganges into wasted time. Thirdly, the ultimate. When Abbadon’s health falls below a certain point, any damage he takes will begin to restore the hero’s health. The puja, pulling him to him and using the ultimate, will simply replenish the life scale of Abbadon, after which, left without manna, he risks dying from his hand. Almost any hero is suitable for Kerry's position, the main thing is that he does not have too little health.

Artifact selection

Knowing who to counter the Puja, and having several heroes in the team who cope with this task, do not relax. To increase the chances of winning, you need not make a mistake with the choice of artifacts. Characters with a small supply of health, and especially support, should think about purchasing items for survivability: a blinker dager, glimer, eul, vampirism. Good options for buying: cuirass, BKB, halberd, pipe.

who's counter-puja dota 2

Game tactics against pooja

To win the game against this hero, it is not enough to know with whom to counter the Puja. “Dota 2” gives players the opportunity to win, even if none of the allies did not take a character that can withstand a butcher due to a set of abilities. First of all, the puja is controlled by wards. The hero's gang is 90% dependent on whether he was able to quietly get close to the enemy or not. If the team will constantly have visibility on key areas of the map, Pooj will no longer be able to just come and kill an ally. Moreover, it will be possible to ambush him. Most importantly, teamwork and friendly communication between group members. A good mood is the key to victory over any opponent.


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