Lychakiv Cemetery, Lviv, Ukraine. Description, famous burial ground

Lviv is one of the most beautiful cities in Ukraine, which, in addition to possessing the status of the cultural capital of the country, is one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites. This unique city is a real cultural treasure. A truly priceless pearl of this national-cultural heritage is the Lychakiv cemetery - one of the few ancient burials that have survived in Europe.

Historical Details of Origin

In the mid-14th century, the city of Lviv was in the grip of the Polish king Casimir the Third. This affected the appearance of the city, which began to change rapidly. The urban infrastructure is expanding: there are tavernas, prison facilities and, of course, cemeteries.

Lychakiv cemetery

In the Middle Ages, it was considered the norm to bury the dead on consecrated ground - near temples. However, over time, it became clear that such a neighborhood causes a lot of problems. Cemeteries located in close proximity to residential areas created many threats to people's lives. Therefore, the then Emperor Joseph II in 1783 decided to remove all the temple burials outside the city.

The city of Lviv was divided into several parts and four cemeteries were created. Residents of the fourth site and the center got one of the old cemeteries in Lychakovo.

The cemetery received its official status in 1786, but burials were made there before. According to historians, back in the thirteenth century, people who died during the plague were buried there.

Since the inhabitants of the center were mainly urban nobles, it is not surprising that after some time the Lychakiv cemetery became the main necropolis of Lviv.

origin of name

Lychakiv cemetery became so called thanks to the area in which it was located. This part of Lviv was settled in the fifteenth century and was considered a suburb. Caravans passed through these places in those distant times, which were sent to Constantinople. The road was called Glinyanskaya, as it led to the town of Glinyany. It took its origin from the gates of the monastery located here. However, part of the road was called Lychakivska due to the name of the local settlement.

Commenting on the origin of the name "Lychak", historians to this day do not have a single opinion. Some believe that this is a distorted version of the German Lutzenhof, derived from the name of the German colonist Lutz, who once lived in these parts. Others adhere to the version that the word "leech" served as the basis for this name. In those days, it was called the poorest residents who wore shoes woven from bast (bark of a tree).

The ancient name has taken root, and now, in addition to the cemetery, the city of Lviv, the park, the station and one of the streets are so named here.

Lychakiv cemetery in the pre-revolutionary period

Since its official opening, this place immediately secretly received an elite status. Here the most famous people of Lviv sought to find their last refuge: politicians, musicians, poets, representatives of the clergy, military leaders and just rich people. Actually, it was thanks to their efforts that the Lychakiv cemetery became more like a museum.

In 1856, local authorities decided to ennoble the territory. For this, the well-known masters of garden art were invited: K. Bauer and T. Tkhuzhevsky. The craftsmen transformed the cemetery, creating paths, alleys and many green spaces here. Now it has become more like a beautiful park, shading with its natural beauty the uniqueness of these places.

Lychakiv cemetery who is buried

The peculiar popularity of the Lychakovo necropolis became so huge that it had to be expanded several times until it reached its current area of ​​42 hectares, covering 86 fields.

Later, from the gloomy realm of death, the renewed park was transformed into a blooming and luxurious garden where you could walk and enjoy the beautiful creations of the masters Tadeusz Baroncz and Leonard Marconi. A special place in the design of the necropolis belongs to the Shimzer family, which gave Lviv two generations of sculptors: Anton and Johann, as well as their descendant Julian Markovsky, the author of the famous Sleeping on the Couch, which has already become a visiting card of the cemetery. There you can admire the famous mourners from Hartmann Whitver, thanks to whose talent this image of the gravestone sculpture was established. Some of the sculptors are buried here.

guided tours of the Lychakiv cemetery

Lychakiv cemetery: legends

Crypts and graves, tombstones, tombs, which are located here, are not only original reminders of the life of different people or entire families, but also tell many stories.

One of them is the legend of Jozef Bachevsky, who, during his lifetime, took care of his last refuge. His family was engaged in strong drinks and became famous thanks to them to the whole world. Jozef Adam, whose name is well known in this business field, showed particular enterprise. He also approached his funeral in advance, having built a chapel in advance on the territory of the Lychakiv cemetery and ordered an interesting fixture. The mechanical funeral robot not only delivered Jozef to the cemetery, but also put him in a coffin on his own.

Another story is associated with an unusual tombstone. Here, on both sides of the bust of the remarkable Dr. Yuzef Ivanovich, are two of his dogs - Pluto and Nero. Loyal to their master, and after his death, they remained with him in the cemetery. There are also inconspicuous monuments with an interesting history. For example, about the brave army soldier Franciszka Zaremba, who, having avoided death in the war, lived a long life of 112 years.

A peculiar visiting card of the Lychakiv cemetery was the sculpture of a sleeping girl. A mysterious story is associated with this poetic tombstone. Pictured here, Jozef Markowska died in 1877.

Lychakiv cemetery how to get

Mysterious and sudden death caused a lot of rumors. There are several versions. One of them says that Jozef was an actress and, accustomed to the role, died right during the premiere. The second is about the unhappy love of a girl who, having learned about the infidelity of her beloved, was poisoned. The third version is related to the dead children of Jozef. The fourth source is a Polish source, which claims that a man is buried here - Stanislav Zborovsky.

Famous historical figures buried here

Many stories and legends today are associated with such a mysterious place as Lychakiv cemetery. Who is buried here from famous personalities? Of course, among them are the most famous figures of culture, science, art of Ukraine: the famous composer, author of "Vodograi" and "Chervona Ruta" - Vladimir Ivasyuk; poet, public figure Ivan Franko; writers Osip Turyansky and Mikhail Rudnitsky; scientists Vasily Levitsky and Maxim Music; historian Isidor Sharanevich and others.

Lychakiv cemetery of lions

In addition to compatriots, one can also meet the graves of famous Poles living in Lviv: the author of wonderful children's tales Maria Konopnitskaya, the mathematician Stefan Banach, the artist Arthur Grottger, the world famous surgeon - Louis Ridiger, Sigmund Gorgolevsky - the author of the building of the Lviv Opera House, and many others figures of science, art.

Cemetery Memorials

The huge mass graves are particularly impressive. Lychakiv cemetery (Lviv) contains several famous memorial complexes that are known throughout the world. There are several of them:

  • a memorial dedicated to the fallen soldiers of the Ukrainian National Army;
  • Field of Mars, where the burial of almost four thousand Soviet soldiers who died here during the Great Patriotic War;
  • Lviv "eagles", a memorial dedicated to young Polish militias who died here during the Ukrainian-Polish war;
  • Hill of rebels - in this place people who took part in the Polish uprising in 1863 are buried;
  • tombs, where the sisters of the monastic order are buried.

Lviv cemetery "eagles"

The problem of restoring this burial site has been discussed for a long time, since in the Soviet period (in 1971) it was practically destroyed. After Ukraine gained independence, the Polish authorities proposed to create a memorial complex here, restoring the barbarously destroyed burial site of the legendary Polish β€œeagles”. So called the young Poles who took part in the defense of Lviv and fought here during the Polish-Ukrainian war. Another name for this burial is the cemetery of the defenders of Lviv.

Lychakiv legendary cemetery

In 2005, the memorial complex was finally restored; a grand opening was held with the participation of the heads of state of Ukraine and Poland.

Layout of the cemetery

The territory of the modern Lychakiv cemetery is huge, however, despite this, everything is arranged competently and harmoniously here. A stone fence with spire gates, which are connected by a forged lattice, greets visitors. Bypassing the fence, you can see nearby monuments and chapels, which are located on the territory surrounding the entrance area and side alleys. The latter takes guests to the deep greenery of the parks, hiding the tombstones. Further, rising to a small elevation, they are connected into a large ring road, from which numerous alleys branch out in different directions, penetrating into all corners of the cemetery.

Lviv Defenders Cemetery

Visit to the cemetery

Not to visit here means not to see one of the city’s stunning attractions. Moreover, since 1990, the Lychakiv Cemetery (Lviv) received the status of a historical and cultural museum. As you know, such places are best visited accompanied by a guide. The need for the presence of the latter is due to several reasons. Firstly, the vast territory of the cemetery, which is difficult to get around in one day. Secondly, there will be an opportunity to hear interesting life stories of people buried here.

The time for visiting the cemetery is from nine to seventeen. The administration of the museum offers lovers of thrills excursions at night.

Today, travel companies provide among their services short tours to Lviv. Acquaintance with its sights includes visiting theaters, museums, temples, as well as excursions around the Lychakiv cemetery.

How to get there

Today, the area of ​​the Lychakiv cemetery covers 42 hectares of land, so it is not surprising that it is easy to get lost here. And even the residents of Lviv cannot boast that they are well oriented in the 86 fields on which the Lychakiv cemetery is now located. How to get to this interesting place, city residents can tell, who willingly answer such questions of the guests. You can get here by tram number 7 or 2, having reached Mechnikov Street. Then you should go through the gate erected here in 1875, and several alleys will open in front of you. Here, the tourist already makes his own choice: either ask the administration for help and book an excursion, or cope on their own using the Internet, a map and personal preferences.

Lychakiv cemetery - a kind of city of the dead, which lives its own life. Like people, such places are born, grow and die. It is rare to find such an exception as this necropolis. Its history dates back more than two centuries, and the concentration of stories of fate, legend and miracles sometimes seems simply unbelievable.


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