What to do if a cat has diarrhea

To begin with, in a cat, diarrhea is not a disease, as in humans. This is a symptom that can be caused by a variety of reasons. In particular, diarrhea can be caused by inaccuracies in the feeding of a pet. For example, only milk or meat food is unacceptable. The cat causes diarrhea and foods that have deteriorated, as well as those seasoned with spices, are difficult to digest.

It is generally believed that the products that can cause diarrhea in a cat are individual for each. It is possible that the symptom was caused by fear, excitement when other domestic animals appeared in the family, motion sickness during the move. When kittens are abruptly transferred to another, unusual for them food, this can also lead to diarrhea. Accordingly, such a translation should be carried out slowly, adding new food gradually.

In a cat, diarrhea may be due to overfeeding. What if the cat has diarrhea in this case? Cut servings, of course! Water changes can also cause diarrhea in cats. Returning to the cat's usual water can fix the problem. What to do if a cat has diarrhea due to something toxic or irritating in her body? Contact the appropriate specialist who knows what antidotes are needed in this case.

To remove food allergies, food intolerances, an animal should be prescribed a therapeutic diet. Products suspicious for intolerance should be removed from its menu. When the diarrhea is stopped, the cat may go on a diet for some more time or you need to add regular food gradually. The allergen seen in this case is eliminated from the menu completely.

If the cat’s diarrhea lasts more than a day, urgent veterinary care is needed. The fact is that diarrhea causes dehydration of the body, unsafe for the animal , which can provoke more serious pathologies. If the cat has diarrhea with blood, as well as vomiting, then the help of a specialist is also urgently needed. Long-term, over 7 days, ongoing diarrhea, requires special examination and observation of the animal by a veterinarian. Kittens are much weaker than adult animals, which requires special attention to them.

With diarrhea, the color of the stool plays a role. Intolerance to some food or an allergy to some of its components leads to brown diarrhea. The same color of the stool happens when an animal is poisoned, including anthelmintic drugs. If the cat has white diarrhea, then a dangerous infection is not excluded, possibly panleukopenia. Naturally, in this case, an appeal to the veterinarian is mandatory. This pathology is treated with antibiotics and immunomodulators.

What to do if a cat has diarrhea for a short time? Then it can be treated at home. Especially if the temperature does not exceed 38.8˚ and the animal has no weakness. To begin with, any food is cleaned for a day. If we are talking about kittens, then at eight, ten hours. Cats tolerate such measures normally. At the same time, access to freshly boiled water should not be restricted to the animal. Activated charcoal shredded and diluted in water should be given to the cat twice a day . The calculation is as follows - for 10 kg of weight one tablet is taken.

In addition to this tool, you can add a decoction of St. John's wort and chamomile. Such decoctions are served in 5 ml three times a day. All of the above funds can be infused with a syringe on the cheek, holding the cat's chin. Coal absorbs excess bacteria, and decoctions of St. John's wort and chamomile have a healing effect.

As the condition of the pet improves, you need to divide the food into small portions and give the cat several times (3.4) per day. Food should be easily digestible. For example, you can start feeding with poultry, low-fat feed. Small portions of boiled rice, boiled egg yolk are also useful. At first, approximately half of the usual volume of food is given to the cat. You can go on to normal feeding after full recovery.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F35242/

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