The child is 7 months old. Physical and mental development

The development of the baby is happening with great speed! Every day, the kid learns something new, learns this world and surprises his parents with his success. A 7-month-old baby no longer lies calmly in the crib; he is interested in everything! Motor activity is developing faster, the child daily masters and hones acquired skills.

Physical development.

This period can be called consolidation of skills. The kid sits much more confidently. At the same time, its back is well straightened. To maintain a stable position, a child of 7 months is supported by handles, but is already trying to stay in a sitting position without additional support. Sometimes these attempts can lead to a fall, so leaving the child unattended, it is necessary to put him on a soft surface, adapt a special mat for this.

Crawl. Most kids of this age have already mastered this skill, now every day the child moves faster. Crawling is a very important moment in development. By acquiring this skill, the baby begins to study the space surrounding him. Do not limit his freedom with a crib or playpen.

Standing at the pylon. A 7-month-old baby begins to get up by the sofa or in his crib, holding on to its sides. This period is quite traumatic, the baby has not yet learned to maintain balance, often falls and hits, trying to get up. Now he needs a safety net for an adult who will always catch him. More or less having fixed the skill of standing at the support, the child tries to walk along it. Parents can contribute to faster walking. For this baby, you can stimulate your favorite toy. Just put it in the reach of the child, and he will definitely try to reach her.

The weight and height of the child at 7 months is 8000g. / 68cm. for girls and 8400g. / 70cm. for boys.

Mental development.

The difficult stage of development for mom begins. The baby does not move away from her a single step, cries if his mother left him even for a moment. In the presence of her mother, she plays calmly and does not pay attention to her, but one only needs to notice her absence, tears immediately appear and the child goes in search of the mother. Yes, it is difficult for the mother herself, who does not have time to do anything at all, but this is a certain stage of psychological development. And it is worth worrying about those parents whose child does not show affection for their mother. Thus, the child shows the fear of being without a mother and how he needs her. Over time, the baby will understand that mom will definitely return, but so far this is beyond his understanding.

The child begins to realize the meaning of certain words and actions. To the question โ€œWhere is dadโ€ looking for dad with his eyes, stops if you say โ€œIt hurts!โ€ With special intonation, a 7-month-old baby can react to the word โ€œNoโ€ with annoying crying.

Itโ€™s already possible to buy baby pyramids, learn to string rings on a rod, and gradually the child will begin to do this himself. Interest is being developed in shifting small objects into large ones. For example, puts rattles in a bowl or plays with a nesting doll. Able to shift objects from one hand to another, knocking toys on any surface.

He remembers and starts playing various games such as "Ku-ku", actively waves his hands while playing in "Ladushki".

Gradually, babble becomes more intense. These are not just lingering sounds, but separate syllables. Speech occurs when playing or expressing emotions; it can be fun and involuntary. So far, these are individual syllables that have no meaning. It is important during this period to talk as much as possible with the rebec, to stimulate him to answer.

The development is very dynamic, it is important to feed the baby at 7 months, which necessarily contains more high-calorie and nutritious food. These are porridge, protein food (cottage cheese, kefir).


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