Troekurovsky cemetery, eternal memory

One of the most prestigious Moscow, Troekurovsky cemetery is considered a branch, or rather, a continuation of the legendary Novodevichy. Designed for the burial of famous people. The cemetery is located near the ring road (MKAD). The Troekurovsky cemetery, access to which is possible from the Kuntsevskaya metro station by bus 612, is also accessible by car. Currently, its territory is expanding significantly due to the accession of nearby land.

Troekurovsky cemetery
The history of the Troekurov cemetery originates from the estate of the boyar Troekurov, who once lived in Moscow. A small burial place in the village of Troekurovka, gradually growing, turned into a Moscow city cemetery. Its territory is well-groomed, the layout of the sites is subject to strict symmetry, the graves do not line up in line, but there is no randomness in the location of the burials. In the 20th century, the Troekurovsky cemetery became the resting place of honored people of Russia, top military commanders, members of the CPSU Central Committee and Heroes of the Soviet Union. In 1975, the Necropolis was opened. And later, at the Troekurovsky cemetery, people began to bury art and celebrities.

Troekurovsky cemetery
The legendary Alla Larionova rests in the cemetery, which the whole country remembers for her role as Lyubava in the film "Sadko", which was released in 1953. Larionova died in 2000 from a heart attack. Next to her lies Nikolai Rybnikov, the legal spouse. And although they had been in a quarrel for many years, they were buried nearby. Troekurovsky cemetery reconciled them forever.

Troekurovsky cemetery photo
Vladimir Troshin, singer of the Russian stage of the 60s. No one better than him could perform the sincere, soulful song "Moscow Nights". He was buried next to Anatoly Dneprov, who was a wonderful composer and performer of his songs. People cried at his concerts during the performance of the song "Russia" by Dneprov, of tremendous depth and expressiveness.

the grave of any Polishchuk
Troekurovsky cemetery contains several graves with a dramatic history. Boris Pugo, in 1990-91, the Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR. A member of the State Emergency Committee in August 1991, after the failure of the rally, came home, shot his wife, Pugo Valentina, and then committed suicide. Another member of the State Emergency Committee, the former vice-president of the USSR, who died at the age of 73, is also buried in the Troekurovsky cemetery.

Gomiashvili Ostap Bender
Valentina Tolkunova, a popularly beloved singer who died of a serious illness at the age of 64, is buried in the Troekurovsky cemetery. Wonderful actress Lyubov Polishchuk, actress Lena Mayorova, Irina Metlitskaya, actor Viktor Ilchenko, a man of unlimited talent, friend and partner of Roman Kartsev, film actor Alexander Dedyushko, who died in a car accident with his wife and young son ... All these people are now lying at the Troekurovsky cemetery , alone, but not in oblivion. Eternal memory to them.

petushkova and ashes
And I want to say separately about the wonderful monument that adorns the Troekurovsky cemetery, the photo can be seen here. On a pedestal there is a bronze horse, the famous Olympic champion Ash, and on it is the order-bearing Elena Petushkova, an outstanding athlete, scientist, candidate of biological sciences, champion of the world and Olympic equestrian games. We keep the blessed memory of Petushkova and her faithful Ashes forever and ever.


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