Collie Shorthair: breed description, photos and reviews

Choosing a dog is a crucial step, because it is a real family member who will share with you all the joys and sorrows for ten to fifteen years. Today we want to tell you about such a breed as Collie Shorthair. If you plan to take such a puppy for yourself, then be sure to discuss this with your household. It is imperative that everyone is aware of the responsibility, as well as a good understanding of the characteristics of these dogs.

collie shorthair

Origin of breed

We will briefly tell the story of these dogs. Collie Shorthair - this is an English breed with its characteristic charm, the closest relative to the long-haired collie. Moreover, at the stage of formation of the breed, there was no fundamental difference between them. However, already in 1870, dog shows in England showed that long-haired and short-haired, short-tailed and long-tailed representatives of this breed have differences that need to be fixed. Then the story of this subspecies began.

Subtype Features

Collie Shorthair - these are amazing dogs that deserve special attention. In general, modern animals of this breed are first of all companions who love their family unlimitedly, due to which they won the fame of a nanny. They are very contact and quick-witted, which makes them very convenient for apartment maintenance. However, here lies the most important difference between different species. Collie Shorthair, unlike his counterparts with luxurious, long hair, requires a fairly active lifestyle. It is necessary to provide long and active walks, regular trips to nature, where he can throw out his natural energy. If you are not a fan of spending several hours before and after work on the street, doing cycling, it is better for you to choose a more relaxed pet.

Collie Shorthair Photo

A little more about what these dogs are

How will your collie shorthair grow? The photo will clearly show you a large dog with a well-developed skeleton. Its body is somewhat elongated, but in general the addition is harmonious. In this dog, everything is very balanced, it was such a physique that provided the functions that were originally assigned to it. In appearance, it differs from longhair only in the absence of lush hair. Otherwise, they are very similar. They have a long muzzle, erect ears, and almond-shaped eyes. They have a well-curved, graceful neck and a deep, wide neck. Wool with a hard texture and thick undercoat, easy to care for and practically does not fade. If you are planning an exhibition career, then when choosing a puppy, pay attention to what color the collie has shorthair. Color can be only three options, all others are considered marriage. All dogs have a white pattern. This is a kind of tie and socks.

collie shorthair photo puppies

The nature and purpose of the dog

This is probably the most important advantage that Collie Shorthair has. Photo (puppies look especially attractive) does not give a full impression of these dogs. Judiciously, they can be compared with people. This is a rather vigilant, but at the same time very playful dog, and she retains this quality until she is old. You will receive the most obedient and hardworking pet, which easily and with great willingness obeys its owner. However, unlike their long-haired, aristocratic brothers, they are more mobile and active, sociable animals. At the same time, they are calm, patient and non-aggressive, and therefore perfect for families in which young children grow up.

In England, these dogs are actively used as shepherds. Unlike all other representatives of its breed, shorthair collies have more pronounced protective qualities. The reviews confirm that they successfully act as a guard and watchman. They are known as guides, nannies for children and just companions for active people.

collie shorthair reviews

Puppy selection and psychological portrait

Dog clubs monitor the cleanliness of the breed, and therefore, which individuals should be excluded from breeding. Professionals are well aware of what a shorthair collie should be like. The description completely excludes the manifestation of aggression or nervousness. I must say that such qualities are very rare. These are funny and friendly dogs, responsive and affectionate, which will become the best friend for your family for years to come.

To get a healthy dog, you need to contact a kennel or club, where they will tell you a professional breeder. Carefully study all the offers on the market and reviews, because unscrupulous breeders can, in pursuit of profit, sell sick animals or those that do not meet breed standards. Be sure to pay attention to the conditions of the puppies. The room should be warm and clean, without a heavy smell. The breeder must provide documents confirming the origin of the parents and the puppies themselves. The optimal age for taking the baby out of the nest is the age of 1.5-2 months. By this time, the puppy already has strong and even paws, a long neck. The standard provides for an almost square breed standard, so the height at the withers should be equal to the length of the body. Be sure to make sure that the back is even, without deflection or hump.

collie shorthair

Dog sizes

This must be taken into account when choosing a pet for yourself. This factor is especially important if you are the owner of a small-sized apartment. Like any family member, your pet needs personal space, especially if it is such an active creature as a shorthair collie. The description of the breed tells us that they are dogs of rather large dimensions. The bitch at the withers reaches a height of 51-56 cm, and a weight of 20-25 kg. The male is somewhat larger, 56-60 cm at the withers and 25-30 kg in weight.


In general, the dog is unpretentious and gets along practically in any conditions. This is what apartment owners use when choosing collies as pets. However, one must take into account the great energy of the dog. The best choice for its maintenance will be a country house where your pet will be able to run and frolic in plenty. In the apartment you can only keep it with the condition that one of the family members will be constantly at home and able to withstand long games in the fresh air. Left alone, a collie can bark for a long time and loudly, causing a natural reaction from neighbors who require complete silence. Being at home, the dog will also require your attention, this is natural, although sometimes incomprehensible to future owners. Lack of attention leads to the development of bad habits and destructive behavior of the dog.

collie shorthair description

Collie Care

Short hair makes them more comfortable for home and apartment. However, they are completely unsuitable for open-air cages, as they need constant attention from the person, his presence nearby. It is constantly near you - this is their main purpose in life. However, as already mentioned, they do not like to sit on the couch at all. Moreover, if you have a backyard, then they can perfectly run there on their own, without supervision. But the general care of this dog is much easier than their long-haired counterparts. They almost do not fade, they do not need to be cut and combed, bathing is necessary only as they become dirty. All care requirements come down to love and affection. This is the most important thing you can give your pet.

Ears require additional care, as they grow wool, clogging the ear canals. In order to avoid the development of infections, the wool must be removed from the ears, as well as to clean the shell itself from accumulated dirt and excess sulfur. But if you notice that a heavy smell comes from the ears, you should immediately contact a veterinarian.

collie shorthair breed description

Feeding collie

It is very important that your dog’s diet is balanced. Be sure to train your pet from the very first day at the same time. If there is food left in the cup, remove it until the next time. The break should be at least 2-3 hours for a puppy and 4 hours for an adult animal. You can feed home-made food, this is cereal and boiled meat, fish with stewed vegetables. However, in this case it is difficult to choose the optimal diet. The best food for a collie is a ready-made feed developed by veterinarians. Moreover, experts recommend not to mix it with natural food. Therefore, immediately consult a doctor and decide what you will feed your pet.


You need to start training with the puppy from the first day of your stay in your house. Already at the age of 1-3 months, the baby should receive all the basics of obedience. This is the feeding regimen, a place for sleeping and relaxing, hygiene procedures, a nickname, a leash, as well as the first commands “to me”, “walk”, “nearby”. The socialization of the puppy is extremely important. Be sure to take him out onto the street for walking dogs so that he gets to know other animals and people. Learning to sit can begin at the age of three months. When it is mastered, you can begin to sequentially study the commands “lie” and “stand”.

Reviews and prices

Dogs of this breed became widespread in Russia in the 70-80s of the 20th century. It was during these years that tribal work began, breeding animals were imported, which became the ancestors of all modern exhibition champions. However, the first shorthair collies appeared only in 1999. The price of collie puppies currently starts at 1,500 rubles. And many today, sorting through different options, choose just such a breed as Collie Shorthair. Responses of the owners say that this is the most seasoned, calm, affectionate and cheerful dog of all that exists.


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