How to make soap bubbles right at home?

Do you know what is your favorite pastime for small and not-so-small children? Of course, blow soap bubbles! They are quite inexpensive, but how can you measure with money the pleasure of blowing large and small rainbow balls? Frankly: do you yourself really want to sometimes inflate a couple of bubbles through a straw? Psychologists, by the way, have proved that this entertainment has a beneficial effect on the state of the psyche, namely, it helps to relax, feel a surge of positive emotions. So do not be surprised if, in the course of an ordinary office training to rally the team or achieve goals, the coach suddenly offers you a box and a tube with soap bubbles - this is now one of the most popular methods of relaxation.

how to make soap bubbles at home
As a child, you probably tried to make soap bubble liquid yourself. I bet you were unlikely to succeed if there was no chemist dad in your family. So how to make soap bubbles at home? We take water, soap and a straw for a cocktail - that's all we need. But not so simple. It turns out that there are many recipes for making soap bubbles at home. Let's consider only some of them.

Method number 1. In order for the soap bubbles to be large and strong, you should take laundry soap, grater, water and glycerin, which can be freely bought at the pharmacy. Soap should be grated or cut with a knife. We combine soap and water in the proportion: 10 parts of water to 1 part of soap. Glycerin should be added to the resulting solution, but this time the proportion will be as follows: 1 part of glycerin is required for 3 parts of water. All this needs to be mixed well and you can begin to inflate the bubbles.

how to make soap bubbles at home
Method number 2 talks about how to make soap bubbles with liquid for dishes at home. This is the easiest recipe! Just mix a little water with the liquid for the dishes and you can start blowing bubbles! But there is a little secret - the water should be soft, it is best to use boiled water. This recipe is not ideal, since it is impossible to determine the exact amount of water per amount of washing liquid - it all depends on the brand and composition of the product. But a guideline can serve as a 3: 1 ratio, and then everything is comprehended by trial and error.

Method number 3, which explains how to make soap bubbles at home, is also simple to implement. We take 50 ml of shower gel, add the same amount of water and half a teaspoon of sugar. We mix everything, shake and enjoy the inflation of bubbles.

soap bubble liquid

It remains to choose a suitable recipe for yourself and figure out how to inflate the bubbles. Of course, it is best to keep the factory ring for inflation, but a circle made of fingers and a cocktail straw are quite suitable. And if there is a desire and opportunity, special rings can be twisted from ordinary wire for blowing bubbles of various shapes and sizes.

After you have learned simple ways to make soap bubbles at home, you can always occupy your child with this simple entertainment. To play chemists together, making a โ€œbubble elixirโ€, or just have fun, blowing beautiful bubbles - this is very exciting and funny!


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