Age of survival: definition of a concept, standards, calculation rules, average indicators

The age of survival ... It sounds somehow non-optimistic, doesn't it? Nevertheless, this is the norm that is spelled out in regulatory enactments. Let's talk today in an article about this same age and what he gives. Read the article and you will not have unresolved questions.


Age of survival

To understand what the age of survival is, you need to know its definition. This is the age at which a person retires, and he is considered until death. That is, if in a simple way, then this is the period for which a person will receive a pension.

This figure is taken from data that informs about the average life expectancy.

Will increase

In connection with the sensational pension reform, many people are concerned about the question of whether the age of survival will be changed. Yes, it will increase. This year the government will increase the life expectancy by six months. Next year, the term will increase to two hundred and forty months. Thus, the government is trying to reduce the costs of retirees who are already retired.

How to reduce accruals

The reduction of the accrual period occurs only if the person draws up the pension later than the beginning of the age of survival.

The funded part of the pension is formed from what the employer contributes to the Pension Fund for the employee. This also includes additional funds that citizens or the state can transfer to their account if the state co-financing program or state support is working.

The effect of retirement

Harsh reality

How does the age of survival in Russia on retirement? The term of survival is used for the funded part of the pension, more precisely, to determine its amount. Any citizen of the country who was born later than 1967 can apply for this part . He must also have savings in a non-state or state current account. To date, no more than fifty thousand of the country's population receives money from the funded part throughout the country. But by 2022, the funded part will be assigned en masse.

Now the age of survival in Russia has little effect on pension payments. After all, each person can indicate from what time he wants to receive pension payments. This is called self-management of the funded part of the pension. If you use this rule in the calculation, then it will be quite simple.

It is only necessary to divide the accumulated amount by the number of months that the recipient indicates. The amount of such a pension depends on how long the payee has chosen.

Possibility of reduction

The funded part of the pension, which depends on the seniority of citizens, will only increase with today's reform. The government explains the increase in the age of survival when calculating a pension as a necessity, which only reflects reality.

An increase in the survival period will not affect every pensioner. If a person has the right to receive a lump-sum payment, then his increase in the age of retirement will not affect.

A lump sum payment is the payment immediately of the entire amount of funds that have been accumulated for the entire period of deduction. The amount of funds is reflected in the personal account of the person.

Who is eligible for a lump sum payment

Pension Fund

Get a lump sum allowance:

  1. Citizens of the country who are not paid old-age insurance benefits due to the fact that they do not have experience or pension points.
  2. People who receive savings due to lack of independence or incapacity. This also includes survivors receiving pensions.
  3. Citizens whose savings are less than five percent compared to the insurance part of the pension. Even if we take into account the fixed accruals and the amount of funded benefits.

How does extended survival affect urgent payments?

An increase in the average age of survival is not reflected if urgent payments are made. An urgent pension is called monthly payments at the time indicated by the pensioner. It is important that a period of less than ten years cannot be set.

Those people who accumulate their pension using the state co-financing program can apply for this method of obtaining a pension. The program can involve not only an individual, but also a company that provides work.

Urgent payments can also be received by those who formed their pension from maternity capital.

What to expect in the future

The average age of survival will gradually affect each senior citizen. This is due to the fact that there is no tendency to stop reform, so changes will be introduced slowly, but constantly.

The reform will end in 2022. During this time, the age of survival in the Russian Federation will increase to three hundred and twenty months. By the way, now it is two hundred and forty months.

The large age of survival has led to the fact that monthly pension payments are small. Starting this year, the government will encourage those who will retire later than time.

How is the average age of survival calculated?

Pension increase

Men in Russia live on retirement a little. According to statistics for 2017, the life expectancy of the male part of the population is 66-67 years. For women, life expectancy is not much longer - 77-78 years. These numbers have increased compared to the dashing nineties, but nevertheless remain low. Compared to the West, our average age is much less. So let's see how the average life expectancy and average age of survival in Russia are calculated.

Life expectancy is the same as life expectancy. A complex formula is used for the calculation, which has remained relevant for several decades.

To calculate the age of survival, you need to collect all the data about the dead for the time that they are trying to count. The deceased are divided by age and sex and calculated how many full years they lived.

After that, according to current data, the average annual population is calculated. All people are divided into groups from zero to one hundred and ten years. Further, the number of deaths of one age group is divided by the average annual number of the population. As a result, mortality rates are displayed.

The average annual population in the age group is the arithmetic average of the population from January of the current year to the beginning of January of the following year.

To correctly calculate the indicators, 0.5 is added to each of its age groups . So it turns out to calculate the age of survival in Russia for men and women.

Country averages

PF document

The age of survival in the regions is very different. We will figure out what it is like in each region of the country (see table).

Country subjectMenWomen
North Caucasus Federal District70,278.5
Karachay-Cherkess Republic69.978.8
Kabardino-Balkar Republic69.879.1
North Ossetia Alania68.679,4
St. Petersburg69.878.3
Stavropol region68.677.8
Chechen Republic70.376,4
Central Federal District67.477.7
Tatarstan Republic6778.3
Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug + Ugra67.577.4
Belgorod region63.377.3
Moscow region6777.1
Krasnodar region67.577.3
Penza region66,477.5
Southern Federal District6777
Rostov region66.976.7
Volgograd region66.677.1
Tyumen region66,477
Voronezh region65.677.7
Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug66.976.3

As you can see, the age of survival in the regions of Russia is not much different. Russia in the world ranking of average life expectancy is one hundred twenty-fifth. It's somewhere in the middle. By the way, in African countries people rarely live to be fifty-five years old, and in European countries they often cross the eighty-year threshold.


According to statistics in the Soviet period, the age of survival was even less. Until about mid-zero, life expectancy did not rise above sixty-four years. But in the early seventies, the indicators were at the level of today. It turns out that in the current year of 2018, we simply returned to what was almost fifty years ago.

What is the probability to cross the line?

Life span

Looking at these numbers, many people wonder if they can live to retirement age. Those figures that are given to us as the average life expectancy are calculated for those born this year. That is, a new life expectancy has recently been calculated, which is seventy-two and a half years. But this does not mean that you will live so much. This is just the forecast for those born in 2017.

How the indicator changes

The age of survival for men and women can change for the better if infant mortality falls . But this applies to our country, in the western countries, in order to increase indicators, the government needs to take care of the elderly.

Russia has a very low quality of life and people’s craving for alcohol. Few people think about what poisoning themselves, celebrating holidays once a week. Meanwhile, this directly affects the situation with average life expectancy.

The erroneous age of survival may also be due to the fact that the population census is incorrectly compiled. Or the data on the dead is incorrectly compiled.

Will a person survive to the specified age

Nobody knows this, but there is a tendency that if a person has lived to the middle age specified by the government, then he will most likely live longer. The problem is how to live to retirement age.

Many factors affect the life expectancy in our country, and we’ll talk about them.

Why low age of survival

Future pension

A lot of factors influence the life expectancy of a person, which at first glance does not affect the population. Consider each reason in more detail:

  1. Addiction. The problem of drug addiction is very acute in our country. Unfortunately, a large number of our youth have tried drugs at least once in their lives. And these are the people on whom the demographic situation in the country depends. It is not surprising that this problem comes first, because it is the younger generation that is responsible for the demographic situation in the country.
  2. Drunkenness. This vice has been with us since very ancient times, but it does not disappear with time, but progresses. Almost the entire population drinks, and although it has now become fashionable to lead a healthy lifestyle, this does not save from problems with alcohol. Not everyone is ready to give up a bottle of beer or wine at the end of the day or week, because people think that this is not alcoholism.
  3. Low salaries. This is also the reason for the low life expectancy. Indeed, in order to live, some people work on several jobs and simply do not have time to relax. People do not have enough money, and therefore they are in constant stress. Poverty leads to the fact that the products are consumed anyhow, no one is talking about any balanced diet.
  4. Mentality. Unfortunately, in our country there is such a problem. Such installations were hammered into our heads for a very long time, and they successfully took root. These include reluctance to go to the doctor if something bothers, lack of desire to live better, inability to relax with health benefits, sports in our country are also not accepted, because laziness. People do not think about their health and about themselves, they were taught to think about the country and society, forgetting about themselves, and they still do it.
  5. Employment problems. This is especially true for women. It is very difficult for them to find work, because employers believe that since she is young, she will soon give birth. If already with a child, it will often go to the sick leave. Well, if you crossed the thirty-five-year threshold, they won’t take it at all, because they need young specialists with experience. An absurd situation is taking shape. But men are no better. The bosses, who are nervous for any trifle, constant overtime work, a call to work even in the middle of the night do not surprise anyone, but nevertheless they do not contribute to a high quality of life.
  6. Climate conditions. Our country is in a climate where there are no fresh fruits and vegetables year-round, which means that people lack vitamins. Cold nine months a year also affects the body is not the best way.
  7. Medical service. Free medicine - in a deplorable state. Hospitals do not have new equipment, doctors do not want to work for a small salary. There seems to be no way out. Maybe because medicine is so bad, many people don’t rush to the hospital, and not everyone has enough money for private services.
  8. The war has not yet been completely erased from our memory and life. So many enterprises and cities were destroyed in that period that some still have not recovered from this.
  9. In Russia, big problems with the environment. This is due not only to the fact that mineral processing enterprises are located in our country, but also to the very attitude of people towards nature. For reference: two of the ten dirtiest places on the planet are in our country - these are Dzerzhinsk and Norilsk.
  10. Smoking. Russia has the largest number of smokers among the European population - about sixty percent. Even a child knows about the problems associated with smoking, but for some reason this does not stop anyone. Moreover, smoking is abused either by the poorest people or by the richest. The middle class leads a healthier lifestyle.
  11. Low level of people with higher education. Yes, education also affects life expectancy. After all, the more diplomas or professions a person has, the easier it will be for him to get a good position with a good salary. But people without higher education will not succeed in doing this, and so they work where they have to, just to survive.
  12. The situation with corruption also leaves its mark. The population is in constant fear for the future and does not trust the current government. By the way, our country has one of the highest percent corruption activity in the world.


We told you about the age of survival. This information is necessary, especially after the announcement of the pension reform. But still, it’s not worth shifting all your troubles to power.

Yes, there are problems in Russia, many problems, but how we will live and live now depends only on us. And the pension will now depend also only on us. Perhaps it is precisely the unwillingness to work to secure a decent old age that drives many people to criticize reform.

Of course, there are also disadvantages in it, but still distract from the thought that the state constantly owes you. Start monitoring your health. It is enough to eat the right food and lead a healthy lifestyle, and there will be no serious health problems. Give up bad habits and addictions. If there is no money for treatment, then do not create the soil for this treatment. Work only where you want, and do not let the employer sit on your neck.

In principle, even if these three points are fulfilled, life will already seem easier. You just need to take something and do it for yourself, and not wait for it to be done for you. To change the world, you need to start with yourself.


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