How to teach a budgie to speak in just a few months

Some people wonder if budgies are talking. The answer to this question is unequivocal: budgies speak quite well. There are several secrets to teach a budgerigar to speak :

You can teach to speak both males and females. The main condition for training is that the feathered pet should be alone. Parrots love communication very much, so if you have several pets, they will more likely communicate with each other, and not with you. It is believed that males are easier to learn, but females pronounce words more clearly.

The easiest to learn are young individuals. To determine the gender of the bird, carefully examine its wax. Young females have a bluish wax, with a light border around the nostrils. Males have a pink wax.

The key to successful training is a true friendship between the budgie and the owner. Before you think how to teach a budgie to speak, you need to gain the trust of the pet and really tame it. The bird should sit fearlessly on its shoulders or arms, as well as take food or treats from its hands. Budgerigars are very fond of when they scratch their head and neck. In the process of taming, be patient. Never yell at a bird.

Accustomed to close communication, the parrot needs to systematically say simple words, for example, his nickname or any greeting. Start deciding how to teach a budgie to speak with one or two words. The best time to learn is morning. Before feeding, say the words or let them listen to the birdie for 30-40 minutes. You can also conduct a lesson twice a day for 20 minutes.

Bird training should be carried out by one person. Usually this is done by the one who most often communicates with the parrot and cares for him. There is evidence that parrots are better trained in the process of communicating with children and women.

Classes should be conducted daily indoors without extraneous noise. Lessons must be carried out at one specific time, because the parrot can easily get used to this mode.

Two-syllable words are the best option in the first days of training. They must contain the letters "o" or "a". Approaching the cage, often say the word "hello", and leaving, say "bye."

When your pet pronounces the first word, continue to seek a clear pronunciation of the word from him for a while. After learning the first words, begin to teach the bird whole phrases. Some birds manage to memorize poems and songs.

How to teach a budgie to speak you already know. You should know some more nuances of "communication" with talkative birds. When naming your pet, keep in mind that names with light vowels are best remembered. Often, parrots are called names with hissing sounds (Gosh, Yasha, Kesha), and this is not done by chance. Parrots hardly pronounce the letters "m", "l", "n" and whistling sounds, so to memorize, choose the words that the budgie can easily pronounce. These funny birds are very fond of reproducing natural sounds, environmental noises or the sounds of animals living next to them.

Many parrots can not only repeat different words, but also consciously say what they want. So, for example, they may ask: give me something to eat; scratches behind the ear; want to swim. Such short sentences need to train a parrot, the code he mastered a relatively large number of words.

Unfortunately, budgerigars, however, like people have "capable" students and "mediocrity." It is almost impossible to determine whether a bird can speak well or not. But, in spite of this, the budgie will still become your faithful friend for several years.


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