Computer game Fallout 4 - resource codes: concrete, wood, textile, steel

Cheats in computer games is an incredibly common phenomenon. They are used by developers to test various functions of the game without spending dozens of hours on it. Some developers remove cheats from the game or block access to them, but in most cases you can use them almost completely freely. In this article, we will talk about cheats for Fallout 4, about codes for resources in particular. You will learn what cheats are in this game, how to use them exactly, why you may need resources in a role-playing game, and how to get them quickly and efficiently. If you know the resource codes for Fallout 4, then you can succeed in this game quite quickly and without much difficulty, so you should definitely familiarize yourself with this material.

What kind of game is it?

fallout 4 resource codes

In Fallout 4, resource codes play a very important role, which is why they will be given the important part of this article. However, you should not immediately rush to this difficult topic, it is better to start from the very beginning and talk about everything in order. Therefore, before you learn the codes for the resources for Fallout 4, you should understand what this project is all about.

Fallout 4 is a role-playing game, which is a continuation of a successful series of computer games on a post-apocalyptic theme. You play the role of a person who has survived after a nuclear disaster, who has to solve many of his own and social problems, as well as save the world from repeated death. As in other role-playing games, here you have to study a large open world, pump your own character, making him stronger and stronger, and also make difficult decisions that will affect how events unfold in the world around. As you can see, a difficult task rests on your shoulders, but the gameplay is very exciting, the plot captures, and the game has many things that you have to explore, and they will definitely please and entertain you.

However, the question arises: what does the resource have to do with it? Why are they needed in a role-playing game? It turns out that their role in the game is very important, and now you will know everything about it.

In-game resources

cheat codes for fallout 4

If you want to find out the concrete code for Fallout 4, then you most likely already know how important the resources in this game can be. The fact is that in the fourth part of the series you have the opportunity to build your own settlement, in which you can collect other survivors, forming your own post-apocalyptic community. You can build a variety of buildings, strengthen the protection of your settlement, enclose it with a fence to protect yourself from bandits and mutants, and so on. For all this, of course, you need resources, so their importance should not be underestimated.

However, you may also need resources to create and improve armor and weapons, instead of spending money to buy them. Again, this is a very important element of the game, so you should definitely not forget that resources need to be collected and saved throughout the game process.

Now that you know why you need resources, it's time to move on to the main topic of the article, which is cheat codes for Fallout 4.

What are these codes?

fallout 4 concrete code

Cheat codes for Fallout 4 - this is what helps you deal with difficult places in the game that otherwise you can’t get through. The fact is that cheats give you certain opportunities, skills, skills and items that are impossible to obtain in an honest way in the game. As you can already understand, the use of cheats is a dishonest method, the name itself comes from the English word cheat, which means "cheat."

If we talk about the technical side of the issue, then everything is pretty simple. Cheats are collections of letters and numbers that you need to enter in the game to get one or another item, a specific ability, and so on. However, each game has its own characteristics of introducing cheats, and the way you use them in one game may not make sense in another. Accordingly, this article will tell you exactly how you need to enter codes in Fallout 4.

How to use them?

tree code fallout 4

If you want to use codes, then no one will forbid you to do this. Naturally, with activated cheats you will not be able to get official achievements, and your progress will not be included in the overall statistics, so you need to think carefully before entering the codes, as their effect will be irreversible. If you are not interested in Internet statistics, then you can safely use cheats, because they will allow you to get much more pleasure from the game. But for this you need to find out exactly how to use them.

It turns out that everything is pretty simple. Fortunately, in Fallout 4, cheats need to be entered exactly the same as in most computer games. This is done using a special game console, which you can call by pressing the "~" key. As soon as you press this key, a window will appear on the screen with a line into which you need to enter the cheat you are interested in. Enter it carefully, without typos, because otherwise it will not work. Once you're done, press the Enter key and look at what appears in the window. If you did something wrong, then you can see the error message and, accordingly, correct what you made a mistake. Close the console and enjoy your new features, powerful weapons, skill points that you can independently distribute, and so on.

Key Codes

fallout 4 codes for lead

Now that you know how to enter cheats in this game, it's time to take a look at the main codes that gamers use as often as possible. The most popular code is tgm. It gives the character the ability to carry any number of items without limiting it to a weight limit. However, it is much more important that he makes the character immortal. If you enter the tmm 1 cheat, you can see absolutely all the markers and key points on the world map, even if you were not there. If you then replace the unit with zero, you can hide all the markers back, except for those that you have already opened yourself. Another very useful code that allows you to go through even the most difficult parts of the game is kill. As experts in English could have guessed, this cheat allows you to easily deal with all enemies, since each of them will die from one of your blows. Combining this code with a cheat on immortality, you can turn your character into an invulnerable killing machine.

Items Cheats

fallout 4 code for steel

Well, of course, you need to tell more about the cheat on resources. More precisely, this is a cheat on getting any items, including resources, so it will be incredibly useful to you, because with it you can get both concrete and armor, and powerful guns. But what is this cheat? It looks like this: player.additem, however, you need to remember that it does not give anything in itself. Following the cheat itself, you need to write the code of the item that you want to receive, as well as the required quantity. And here the question arises: where to get the item code? This is what will be discussed now.

How to get resources?

fallout 4 textile code

So, you now know which cheat you need to use to get resources. However, this is not a tree code for Fallout 4, it is just a team that allows you to get any item in the game. Accordingly, you need to know what exactly you want. For example, the tree number is 000731a3. So if you want ten units of a tree, then you need to enter the player.additem 000731a3 cheat 10. To get, for example, copper instead of a tree, you need to use the identifier 0006907c, and for gold - 000AEC62. Thus, there is no textile code in Fallout 4. To get textiles, you need to use the cheat on objects, combining it with the identifier 000aec5f.

Batch Resource Delivery

For those who like compactness, there are other identifiers that will allow you to get resources not in pieces, but in batches, which is a much more efficient method. For example, if you go to get 25 units of lead at once, you can use different codes for lead in Fallout 4. Either you can enter the identifier of the metal itself, or use the identifier 001EC149, which will immediately give you a whole batch of 25 units. However, you cannot do this with all resources. For example, you cannot convert steel code to Fallout 4 in this way; you will have to use the standard identifier 000731a4.

Alternative code

If you wish, you can use the alternative player.placeatme cheat, which does not add the items and resources you have selected to your inventory, but simply scatters them near the place where you are. This can be convenient in some situations, for example, when you no longer have space in your inventory, but you need to create a large supply of a particular resource.


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