Civil law. Age qualification

A person can participate in referenda, elections or hold a specific position only after reaching a certain age. The restriction may apply to other areas of activity. One way or another, it is called "age qualification." The definition of restrictions is carried out at the legislative level. Let us examine this concept in more detail, find out what it means.

age qualification

general information

Today, to express the right to vote (active) in many countries of the world, including Russia, a person must be at least 18 years old. However, some states increased this border to 21 years, while others, on the contrary, reduced it to 16 years. Age restrictions for the expression of passive suffrage have a wider spread. For example, in Colombia, only citizens who have reached the age of 30 can vote in the presidential election, while in Italy, people after 50 years of age cannot express their will. In some countries, age restrictions for entering a certain position have not only the bottom, but also the top line. In particular, in Kazakhstan, Gabon and Russia (until 1993), a candidate for the post of head of state must be under 65 years of age. In addition, candidates for ministers or judges are subject to such restrictions.

Limitations of the Criminal Code

Russian legislation provides for several age thresholds that have a significant impact on the corpus delicti. This means that appropriate criminal liability is established for a particular offense. In addition, the age of the accused and the victim is of considerable importance. To make it clearer, let's look at an example. In the law today there is an age qualification, relating to sexual freedom of the person, as well as sexual integrity. In the criminal code of the Russian Federation until 2009 there were three thresholds - these are 14, 16 and 18 years. Based on them, 4 main age groups are formed :

- Until the age of 14, "apparent helplessness."

- up to sixteen years - the period of sexual untouchability.

- after 16 years - the age of consent.

- after eighteen years - legal capacity.

age qualification definition


Legal capacity (adulthood) is the main age threshold that vests a citizen with all duties and rights established by law. Only a person who has reached legal capacity, that is, 18 years of age, can be accused of committing crimes against sexual untouchability. From which it follows that the age limit for responsibility for the commission of any illegal acts of a sexual nature begins with 18 years. However, in 2009, another threshold, 12 years, was introduced into the criminal code in order to increase responsibility for committing unlawful acts against minors. This is not to say that this restriction defines a certain age group. It only indicates the framework within which sexual violence will be punished extremely harshly.

age qualification for the president of the russian federation


The vast majority of world countries equate the age limit with a person reaching a specific age. For example, citizens who have reached the age of 18 are eligible to vote in the United States, Russia, Italy, Germany, Great Britain, Finland and Switzerland. But in countries such as Cuba, Brazil and Iran, this age is reduced to 16 years. In Japan, the framework, on the contrary, is increased to 20 liters. The age qualification for the President of the Russian Federation for the nomination of his candidacy is 35 years. You can run for the State Duma from the age of 21. Most often, the age threshold does not have a maximum limit for obtaining the opportunity to express one's right to vote. At least in Russia, the establishment of such a restriction is prohibited.


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