"Wild Landowner": quotation plan of the work of M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin

A fairy tale by M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin “The Wild Landowner” is popular among readers. The quotation plan emphasizes particular sarcasm in relation to the petty nobility to the common people. As in most of his works, the author pays attention to precisely this opposition “landlord people”. This work is no exception.

Wild landowner quote plan

What it is

Before writing a quotation plan for the story "The Wild Landowner", you need to clearly understand what it is. Pupils and students, starting to write a regular essay or essay, make up the scheme of their creative work. The same plan, which has quotations from the work as points, has the name “quotation”. Why is this done? This is a sure way to determine whether students have read a work or not.


Certain requirements are imposed on this type of work: the obligatory presence of an introduction, a main part and a conclusion. The introduction should contain the main idea expressed by the author in the work. The main part consists of the passage and the main problems of the story or story. In conclusion, it will be necessary to bring to the place a quote containing an assessment and a summary of everything said above in the work.

The plan for the story "Wild Landowner"

The satirist Saltykov-Shchedrin, recognized by all critics, writes works in which human and social shortcomings are mocked. And his story "The Wild Landowner" raises to an unattainable height a simple person, his mind, resourcefulness and strength. His landowner is something that loses its human appearance with a white, loose and crumbly body. He does not know how to work, without a peasant man he is like without hands.

The quotation plan of the tale "Wild Landowner" may have the following contents and the following points:

  • Life with the peasants.
  • Character, habits.
  • Opinion of the author about the landowner.
  • Saying the reader about the landowner.
  • Where are the men?
  • How it all ended.

For the fairy tale "Wild Landowner" a quote plan will do and detailed and concise. The creators are free to add some points to it, as well as reveal more widely existing ones. The specific structure depends on the individual impression that the fairy tale made on the person who read it.

Fairytale quotation plan wild landowner

A brief example of the work “Wild Landowner”: quotation plan:

  • "Once upon a time there was a landowner and he was incredibly stupid."
  • He loved the undead body, "but it was soft, white and crumbly."
  • “... he only prayed to God:

- Lord! I am satisfied with everything from you, I have been awarded everything! It’s not intolerable to my heart alone: ​​a lot of men have divorced in our kingdom! ”

  • “... the peasants prayed and the whole world turned to the Lord God:
    - Lord! it’s easier for us to see the abyss with children with small ones, rather than toil like this all our lives!

The gracious god heard the tearful prayer of the offended peasants, and the men disappeared from all the possessions of the stupid landowner. And he began to live alone ... "

  • Three times it is said about stupidity in a fairy tale, everyone speaks about it in his own way, for example: "However, you are stupid!"
  • “All of it, completely, became covered with hair ... and his nails became so firm and strong, just as iron. He had already forgotten how to blow his nose for a long time, but moved, preferably, more and more on four legs. And he has long ceased to make articulate human sounds ... ".
  • "... the bosses decided: to catch and return the peasant, but to the foolish landowner, who had committed all this, had to suggest to him that he should stop his quirks and no longer build obstacles to replenish the treasury."
  • “What happened to the landowner? Caught him with great difficulty. Caught, brought in a divine form. Then they made a corresponding suggestion to him, took away his favorite reading matter and left. ”
  • "He is still alive, ... yearns for his life, reaches for the forest, and sometimes begins to mumble."

Recommendations to the compiler

Quotation plan of the story of the wild landowner

For the story "Wild Landowner" the citation plan is perfect to show ownership of the text. But this is a creative work, therefore, it must have an individuality and its own point of view on the events occurring in the work. The author of the work expresses his attitude to the main character.

Using quotes from the text makes the written essay credible.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F35282/

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