DIY paper flowers

The art of creating flowers from paper is available to absolutely all people. This is a fascinating activity that both adults and children like to do. Starting from the manufacture of crafts on cardboard, the children in kindergarten are moving on to creating voluminous flowers. Already at the senior preschool age, children learn to make flowers from corrugated paper. It is sold in long rolls, so crafts can be created in large sizes, decorating the premises of a kindergarten group for the holidays.

The article will examine in detail how to create flowers from paper. The information is intended for schoolchildren and adult masters, since the production of some crafts requires certain skills and paperwork skills. When working on flowers from corrugated paper, you will need the ability to handle scissors, make carved edges of the petals, and twist soft and supple paper into different skeins.

The step-by-step instructions in the article will help you cope with the task with ease. Consider options for making large flowers for decorating rooms, templates for making bouquets. Some flowers from corrugated paper are used to pack chocolates as a gift to a loved one. Learn to create beautiful bouquets of sweets.

Corrugated flowers

Such spectacular flowers consist of three parts. Three rectangles of the same size are cut from two-sided dense colored paper. For a flower arrangement, you can make crafts of various sizes, then the figures are also prepared different. Each rectangle is bent "accordion" to the end of the sheet.

corrugated flowers

A similar work is carried out on the other two figures. Then the extreme strip is smeared with glue and attached to the first bent piece of paper of the next figure. The third workpiece is joined in the same way. At the end, the first and last edges of all parts are attached. It turns corrugated pipe. It must be placed on a flat surface and laid out to make a circle. Hand pressure should be done carefully so as not to wrinkle the folds.

To prevent paper flowers from opening, it is necessary to strengthen them with centers on both sides. Cardboard circles are best secured with a glue gun. The central details of the flowers can be decorated with shiny pebbles or rhinestones.

Square Dahlia

To create such beautiful flowers from paper (photo below) you need to buy a set of self-adhesive stickers in stationery stores. Craftsmen use them to create spectacular fluffy dahlias.

First, the center circle is cut out of cardboard, depending on the planned size of the future flower. This is the basis on which twisted cones will subsequently be placed. The main work is carried out on the manufacture of the constituent elements of a large flower from paper.

square dahlia

If the cones do not hold the shape well with an adhesive strip, then you can additionally coat it with an adhesive pencil. When many details have been prepared, you can begin to take turns attaching the cones to the cardboard circle, placing the bells in one direction. Bonding starts from the outside in a circle and advances to the center in layers. Each next row is attached with a shift of one centimeter in depth.

The craftwork in which each layer is made of paper of a different color looks interesting. The flower is bright, spectacular. As you can see, making such flowers out of paper with your own hands (a step-by-step description of the work is provided in the article) is simple and takes a little time.

Flowers from circles

A variety of floral arrangements are made from paper mugs of the same size. As you can see in the photo, for work it is necessary to bend the circles in half and smooth the bend well. Using such small details, you can create various flowers from paper. Read the master class below in the article.

To make a round flower, as in the photo, you will need a fairly large number of bent elements. They are glued alternately, PVA glue is smeared only on the inner edge of the semicircle. The next element is attached after it has been inserted into the previous petal. The main thing is to try to ensure that the sharp corner is placed clearly in the center. To do this, you need to mark the center point on the cardboard circle with a marker.

creating flowers from circles

You can place flower petals densely or less often. From above, the center point is closed by overhead decoration. It can be a beautiful pebble or a bright button, a large bead or a simple circle made of cardboard, decorated with sparkles or rhinestones.

In the photo you can consider another option for making flowers from cut out identical circles. Combine the petals with green circles that are bent in half or corner. When glued on it, the petals are placed even sides to each other. You can make a flower from circles of the same size, but interestingly it turns out from different, in size elements. In this case, the elements are laid out in decreasing order of size.

Flowers from paper: a master class of hearts

You can make beautiful crafts not only from circles, but also from forms in the shape of a heart. Such petals have a central recess, which makes the product more like a real flower. To cut the same elements to make a flower, you need to draw a pattern. Then circle around the contours with a simple pencil, transferring the image to double-sided colored paper. When cutting the petals, you can fold the sheet several times and simultaneously get several elements at once. Thus, it takes much less time to prepare the details for creating the flower.

flowers from hearts

As can be seen in the photograph, the petals are placed in a bent version, connecting at a central point. Next to the flowers are twigs, which are made up of leaves created from a heart folded in half.

The middle of the flower is not sealed, as in the previous version, because in this way the petals will not be able to open, because they must be voluminous.

Fluffy balls

The creation of such a "puffer" is made of corrugated paper. Flowers are made from several layers at once, so that the craft is as voluminous as in the photograph. It is better to use from 6 to 10 pieces. Rectangles are cut, the length of which is equal to the width of the flower. The sheets are folded with an accordion and all folds are carefully smoothed. With sharp scissors, the edges of the bent strip are cut off in a semicircle.

fluffy corrugated paper flower

Then the workpiece is folded in half to correctly determine the center of the craft. Strong nylon threads bind all layers of paper and tie a strong knot. Then they begin to gently spread all the layers, lifting the paper alternately up.

In the same way, you can create a multilayer flower from corrugated paper in different colors. Beautifully arrange the sheets in the order of color saturation, for example, raspberry, dark pink, pink, pale pink and white in the middle.

You can arrange such voluminous flowers from corrugated paper on the rods wrapped in a strip of green paper. Another option for placing crafts is sticking onto a circle of cardboard and forming a wall panel from several colors of different sizes. Huge flowers look interesting when decorating a wedding arch or a hall for an anniversary feast.


DIY paper flowers are easy to make according to the available patterns. They are drawn either on their own or using the samples presented on the Internet. One of the popular templates is located in the photo below. The flower is made of double-sided colored paper along the contours. As can be seen in the sample, each element is smaller than the previous one.

paper cut patterns

After cutting out the details, the flower is glued onto the cardboard as follows:

  • First, the largest flower is pasted.
  • Then the second largest element is attached, glue is applied only to the central point. The edges should be free.
  • It must be taken into account that the petals are staggered, they should not overlap each other.
  • Next, a similar work is done on attaching the remaining two parts. You can draw and cut more elements for splendor crafts.
  • The middle is decorated at the request of the master. You can use paper of the same color, or you can make the central part of a contrasting shade.

Varieties of patterns

Flower patterns for cutting out of paper can depict solid layers of a flower of various shapes or separately drawn petals. They can have a pointed or rounded shape, the ends of each petal are drawn in accordance with the natural configuration of the elements. For cloves, it is necessary to make triangular cuts on each detail, for a rose - on the contrary, round off the edges, for chrysanthemums - draw elongated patterns.

Cut petals are glued around a central point in the form of sun rays. In the middle, they can be located nearby, or you can leave a small hole, subsequently filled with the manufactured central part of the flower.

Big rose from single petals

Paper flowers beloved by women (step by step instructions will help to make them yourself) are collected from separately cut petals. The contours of the patterns resemble a drop. On one side of the (outer) petals are drawn round, and the other represents a pointed corner in which the extreme part is cut off.

Depending on the size of the flower, the number of layers of the crafts is planned. Since the rose is quite a lush flower, you need to arrange individual elements at a close distance from each other, then in order to reach the core, you will have to attach a lot of details.

rose by pattern

The first outer layer is represented by the largest petals, which are glued to a smaller circle of cardboard. This is done so that he does not peek out from the edges of the craft. Color is selected accordingly. If there is no way to pick up a cardboard of such a shade, then it doesn’t matter, you can always just circle the circle with colored paper.

Each next layer consists of smaller petals, which are located with a shift in the middle of the previous one. The middle is performed in a different way. A thin strip of paper is cut, and one side of it is cut into small “noodles”. Then the workpiece is wound with an even part around the toothpick, and the edge is glued with PVA. Next, glue is smeared on the end part, after which the middle is pressed into the center of the flower.

Colored spikelets

Volumetric flowers from origami paper are made of several colors. It is necessary to cut a lot of blanks so that the spikelets are long. They are attached to a twisted stick of green colored paper. Use sheet A-4 and begin twisting from the corner. Thus, the stalk will be longer than the usual twist. Its edge is fixed on PVA. To understand what parts need to be cut, how to fix them, watch the video below.

After making such a bouquet, it can be wrapped in corrugated paper, tied with a beautiful bow and put in a vase. Such an article will make a splash at any exhibition in the school.

Bouquet of violets

Having made whole elements from the four petals of blue and white in the patterns, you can start making a voluminous bouquet of violets. However, first you will need to collect the base from the strips for attaching the elements. They make it out of blue colored paper, be sure to take thick sheets that will not bend under the weight of several flowers. The step-by-step image of the work sequence 5–6 shows how the strips need to be connected together.

a bouquet of violets from paper

Flowers are collected separately from three elements: a blue four-leaf, a white flower and a small middle. Purchased parts were used on this sample, however, it is quite possible to replace them with a small blue flower. Preliminary work will take a lot of time, but the craft looks original, so you should try and surprise your loved ones with such a masterpiece of manual labor. When the whole base is glued, all that remains is to glue two green leaves. This craft can simply be put on a shelf or table and enjoy.

Sunflowers with a surprise inside

Recently, it has become fashionable to give bouquets of flowers with sweets inside the bud. There are companies that custom-make such gifts in the form of baskets or simple bouquets. A lot of money is taken for such work. Now we will introduce the reader how to create flowers from paper with sweets on your own. Sweets usually choose a spherical shape, as they fit into the bud more naturally, however, some masters take in the work and bars, and even candy.

flowers with sweets

But for a present for the head or teacher at the graduation, it is unlikely that anyone would think of making a bouquet of candies, so back to the standard version of the sweet wrapped balls. It is easier to work with sweets in which the candy wrapper has a tied “tail”. It is for him that a flower is attached. If you have sweets wrapped in foil, then a simple way of forming a "tail" is used. You need to buy a thin grid of black and, having cut square pieces out of it, just wind the ball into it. Long corners are tied with thread.

Consider our version of the colors of corrugated paper. These are sunflowers collected from patterned pointed petals. Two or three rows staggered enough are enough. First of all, the candy is wrapped either in a net (it will look like sunflower seeds) or in a transparent cling film. Then, from the cut strips of green and yellow paper, the core of the flower is made by cutting one edge with "noodles". Further, the petals are alternately attached to the base cylinder. From the back, a thick bundle of paper is tied with a thread for strength and is decorated with green corrugated paper.

As you can see, creating flowers from different types of paper is not difficult, just use the tips of the author of the article and choose the option you like. You can try all the methods on any sheet, even newspaper. After several trainings, you can easily make a flower beautifully even from the most expensive material.


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