Cleaning filters for mechanical cleaning. Types of filters, instruction manual

The quality of the water in the pipes will determine the health of the people who consume it. Devices for cleaning such an important fluid are on the market today.

Need to use

mechanical filter cleaning

Our water utilities supply liquid that can hardly be called life-giving moisture. It has a lot of impurities, so if you want to drink healthy water, you should install a water purification system in the house .

The mechanical water purification filter is the first step to remove harmful impurities. To increase the efficiency of the device, a fine filter is installed next . Water from wells and wells can not be called perfect. If you take it to the examination, you can make sure that it contains calcium, dissolved iron, as well as magnesium. If we talk about water from wells, then it has microorganisms and nitrates.


mechanical water filter

A mechanical water purification filter is installed at the beginning of technical devices. Such devices provide primary removal of insoluble particles from the liquid. It is important to choose a model, taking into account specific requirements. Before purchasing, you should determine the operating conditions and area of ​​use. This will allow you to choose the optimal technical characteristics of the equipment.

Coarse filter recommendations

filter change

Such devices are designed to remove from the water insoluble elements such as sand, clay, rust and other similar substances. The volume of impurities in the water will determine the choice of one or another type of device. The principle of operation of such units is similar. Large particles are trapped in the filter, then water enters the piping system.

The mechanical filters are cleaned as they are filled by the method of removal and further cleaning of the device. After carrying out these manipulations, the device must be installed in its place. The filter does not involve the use of chemicals, the principle of its operation is based on mechanical action.

Before making an acquisition, you should take into account the performance of the system, or rather, how much fluid per hour will be consumed. It is important to consider the weight of solid fractions. If you want to purchase a mechanical cleaning filter, then you have to choose from cartridge, mesh and high-speed pressure head.

Operation and cleaning of the strainer

main mechanical water purification filter

Cleaning of mechanical filters will be required periodically. As the main element of the mesh filter acts, as you might guess, a special mesh, which consists of cells with a diameter of 50 to 500 microns. Such devices may be self-washing or intended for washing. The latter to be cleaned as they become soiled. To do this, turn off the water supply system, and then disassemble the device.

As for self-cleaning filters, you will not need to disassemble them for the reason that they will get rid of insoluble elements in automatic mode. A drain pipe should be installed for them, which is intended to drain contaminated water after self-cleaning. This type of filter is not replaced. It is made of transparent material if it is intended for installation in cold water. If you plan to install the device on a hot water supply system, you should choose a device that has a metal case. This is necessary so that the design can withstand the effects of high temperatures.

In some cases, with a strainer, a valve is installed at the outlet that controls the pressure. In addition to it, a manometer can be mounted. The first structural element is designed to protect household appliances from hydraulic shocks , as well as from pressure surges in the system. But the pressure gauge is necessary to determine the pressure in the pipeline. Mechanical filters must be cleaned in a timely manner.

Using and cleaning the cartridge filter

washing mechanical filter

The cartridge or replaceable cartridge acts as the main element of such a filter; it is placed in a flask made of plastic or steel. The device is capable of retaining impurities whose size is 0.5 ΞΌm or more. The body of the structure for installation on a cold water supply system is made of transparent material. This will allow the user to timely determine the need to replace the cartridge part.

The main mechanical water purification filter, which is installed on hot water supply, is made, as in the case described above, from an opaque material. Cartridges, which are based on a special fiber, can effectively trap chlorine, but hosiery cartridges do not allow impurities that have a fibrous structure. This applies to algae, clay, and tina.

High Speed ​​Pressure Filter Tips

mechanical strainers

If you are interested in strainers of mechanical cleaning, then you can also consider the pressure head high-speed variety. If there are a lot of impurities in water that have different structures, then the above-mentioned device acts as the optimal solution.

The instruments include a container that is made of anticorrosive materials. It is filled with filter material. The liquid that passes through the device gets rid of insoluble fractions, the size of which starts at 30 microns. An automatic control unit is installed in the upper part of the tank, which is responsible for the process of preserving the characteristics of the material and filtering. In addition to the device, a drainage pipe system is connected. Installation of such a filter may be accompanied by some inconvenience. This is due to the fact that the device has a sufficiently large size, it can be installed only in a warm room.

Features of the use of a sorption filter

industrial mechanical filters

Industrial mechanical filters can be represented by sorption devices. They are used when it is necessary to purify a liquid from heavy metals, lead and iron. Among other things, the liquid is deprived of microorganisms and organochlorine compounds. With this device, water loses an unpleasant odor. Such devices include a reservoir that is made of plastic. The latter is filled with sorbent. Activated carbon or aluminosilicate acts as a sorbent. Such a mechanical washing filter is small in size, so it is quite easy to install. If replacement is required, the cartridge is easily dismantled.

The disadvantage is the rather low filtration rate, as well as the need to replace the cartridge, which occurs quite often.

Features of reverse osmosis filter

Cleaning of mechanical filters is not required in all cases, as some devices require the need to replace a cartridge. Before purchasing, you need to consider whether this or that system is suitable for you, whether it will be convenient to use it. Otherwise, the system may be ineffective, and the funds will be wasted.

Among others, reverse osmosis devices can be distinguished, in which membranes made of polymer material act as an active component. They are sensitive to the composition of water and can be destroyed by chlorine. Replacing a filter of this kind will be required quite often if you do not install a pre-treatment system. That is why you should carefully consider what components the filtration element of the pipeline system will consist of.


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