Spectacular bruner: fit and care

Bruner (landing and care)
This plant from the borage family is often found in our garden plots. Bruner, planting and caring for which practically does not pose a problem for the florist, in appearance very much reminds everyone of the well-known forget-me-not. This perennial herb has superficial rhizomes. The height of its erect stems reaches 60 cm. Bruner has round-heart-shaped leaflets located on long petioles. Their size reaches 20 cm in diameter. This plant blooms with small blue flowers. They are collected in small panicle inflorescences. The plant is often called forget-me-not. This is due to the fact that its bright blue flowers are very similar to forget-me-not flowers. Bruner blooms in May. Flowering lasts about a month. Where would the bruner be appropriate? Planting and caring for this plant near ponds, in multi-species flower beds, in flowerbeds will allow you to appreciate the graceful beauty of this flower. She looks great in rock gardens against a background of stones.
Brunner largeleaf

Which bruner is right for you? Planting and caring for all types of this plant are similar. Most often, Bruner is grown large-leaved and Siberian. They are distinguished by their appearance. Large-leafed bruner is a winter-hardy, strong plant, undemanding to growing conditions. It can grow even under the shade of trees. It retains its decorative appearance until the first frost. At the moment, many varieties of this bruner are bred. Her leaves can be green, variegated, with a creamy-yellowish border, silver, with whitish spots. Siberian Bruner prefers clay soils. She has smaller leaves, their color is not as diverse as that of large-leaf bruners. When the soil dries, its leaves wilt. The rhizome of this species grows rapidly. In this case, picturesque dense thickets are formed. The leaves and stems that have lost their decorative effect are cut off in July. In August, new ones grow that retain their appearance until the very frost. Brunner, whose photo is presented above, is an excellent plant for creating flower beds with perennials. This flower can also be used as an addition to various bouquets, as it retains decorativeness for a long time.

Brunner (photo)

In our gardens, Brunner macrophylla is most often found. It is propagated by dividing a powerful rhizome in spring (May) or autumn (September). Pieces with growth buds are not planted too deep. Is Bruner whimsical? Planting and care of this plant comes down to propagation by rhizomes in sunny or slightly shaded areas. When choosing soils, preference should be given to light and well-drained ones. This plant is hygrophilous, so it needs abundant and regular watering (as the earth dries). A distinctive feature of bruners is that it is rarely exposed to diseases and pests. In the spring, you need to feed the plants with complex fertilizer. Since bruners lose their decorativeness closer to the fall, more often than not, their aboveground parts are simply removed.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F35292/

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