How to store gladioli in winter to enjoy their beautiful flowering in summer

Gladiolus always occupied an honorable place among other flowers on personal plots and summer cottages. Magnificent inflorescences, the noble form of the stem and the diversity of species are the main reasons for the popularity of these beautiful plants. Florists who are just beginning to master the art of growing these garden "aristocrats" need to know not only how to properly care for them, but also how to store gladioli, or rather, their bulbs, in winter, so that next year these flowers could again please the eye.

how to store gladioli

Preparing bulbs for wintering

First of all, it should be understood that the bulbs of gladioli can not tolerate cold, therefore it is impossible to leave them in the ground for the winter - even at zero soil temperature they die. In the fall, corms and children (tuber buds) of plants are dug out of the ground, but this can be done no earlier than a month and a half after cutting flowers, because it is during this period that they form. Even if your gladiolus is not going to fade at the end of summer, do not be afraid to cut it so that it does not happen that the frost sets in before the time comes to dig the bulbs. After removing the tubers from the soil, they are processed for the first time.

where to store gladioli in winter

By the way, in the question of how to properly store gladioli, it is the preliminary preparation of corms that plays the main role. At the first stage, they are washed in order to prevent diseases. To do this, they fall into the weak solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour . The second stage includes their high-quality drying. And then the bulbs are sorted by size and variety, although some growers only practice the selection of adult tubers from children.

Where to store gladioli in winter?

how to store gladioli

For storing bulbs of gladioli, you can use cardboard boxes with holes previously made in them for ventilation. In this case, it is recommended to wrap each copy in a newspaper. Future gladioli will also feel great in well-ventilated wooden crates. Another great option for storing gladioli is with vegetable nets, such as those that sell fruits and vegetables in supermarkets. As for the optimal temperature regime, it is 3-8 degrees, so a refrigerator, cellar or basement is suitable for wintering bulbs. Periodically, it is necessary to revise the tubers, and in case of moisture on them - to dry. Plastic bags are categorically not suitable for storing bulbs, because polyethylene will not be able to provide air access, and future gladioli will simply rot.

How to store gladioli (bulbs) after the end of the dormant period

Around the second half of January, the corms end their dormant period. Their body wakes up and the process of germination begins. In this regard, future gladioli will require changes in storage conditions. Noticing the first signs of onion awakening, they must be removed from the refrigerator and β€œrelocated” to a bright place where there will be no direct sunlight. All of the above recommendations on how to store gladioli also apply to tubers (children).


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