Rhine river in Germany: description and characteristics

Germany is one of the oldest states in Europe with an interesting history, architecture and natural landscape. One of the attractions of natural origin is the River Rhine. Its total length is 1,233 km.

general description

The source of the river is in the Swiss Alps. The reservoir has two sources at the Reichenau mountain at an altitude of 2 thousand meters:

  • Front rhine;
  • Rear Rhine.

Then the river flows through several European countries, namely:

  • Switzerland
  • Liechtenstein;
  • Austria
  • Germany
  • France
  • The Netherlands.

At the source, in the mountain range, the river is narrow, the banks are steep, so there are many rapids and waterfalls. As soon as the river passes Lake Constance, the channel expands, and after the city of Basel, the current sharply turns north and forms a wide expanse of water.

Castles on the banks of the Rhine

In some places of the river there are sections where navigation is established. The reservoir has many tributaries, and before flowing into the North Sea, the river breaks up into many branches.

Water supply

The Rhine River feeds mainly on meltwater. It rarely draws in a pond of ice, and even if this happens, then no longer than 60 days. There are no strong floods on the river, and in the lowlands the water level almost never drops.

The beauties of Germany

German biological disaster

Relatively recently, in 1986, an environmental disaster occurred on the Rhine river in Germany. A chemical plant caught fire and a huge amount of harmful substances appeared in the water, as a result of which fish died, in the amount of about 500 thousand individuals, some species disappeared altogether.

Naturally, the country's authorities took a number of measures to eliminate the consequences of the disaster. Emission standards for all enterprises have become stricter. To date, salmon has returned to the waters of the river. Until 2020, a new program for the protection of the reservoir is working, so that people can even swim.

The value of the river for the country

It is safe to say that the Rhine River is the same for the Germans as the Volga for the Russians. In fact, the Rhine connects two parts of the country: southern and northern.

On the banks there are many industrial enterprises, vineyards and sights, both natural and man-made.

The length of the Rhine River in Germany is 1,233 kilometers, but only 950 kilometers are suitable for shipping.

Marxburg Castle

The deepest places of the river in the Düsseldorf area are about 16 meters. Near the city of Mainz, the width of the river is 522 meters, and near Emmerich - 992 meters.

A bit of mythology

There are many myths and legends associated with the river. One myth says that Siegfried fought a battle with a dragon on this river. And the well-known Roland at the mouth of the Rhine shed tears about his beloved.

Lorelei, described by many poets and playwrights, sang “sweet” songs here, lulling the vigilance of sailors who were heard and lost in the abyss. And in the narrowest place of the river there is a 200-meter mountain of the same name.

The beauty of the banks of the river Rhine

Mecca for tourists: description

The Rhine River is one of the most beautiful in the world, especially its valley, with a length of 60 kilometers, located between the cities of Bonn and Bingen. This attraction is even inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

In the Middle Ages castles were built on the banks, which have survived to our times. These are exactly the attractions that are breathtaking for tourists. On the slopes, the well-known and most beautiful cities of Germany: Cologne, Heidelberg, Moselle, Mainz and others. And of course, it is in this valley that you can see Lake Constance, which has the status of one of the most beautiful reservoirs in the world.

Interesting fact: in the 19th century, visiting the river was included in the general education program for training European aristocrats.

Today, pleasure and sightseeing boats and motor ships run along the Rhine River.

Lake constance

This is a 63-kilometer body of water of three European countries: Germany, Austria and Switzerland. It has lower and upper parts connected by the river Rhine. On the shores of the lake developed infrastructure, with year-round resorts. In the summer, tourists not only sunbathe and swim, but also engage in windsurfing and sailing. And along the perimeter of the reservoir there is a 260-kilometer bicycle path.

Pleasure boat

Castle laneck

This ancient building is located in the city of Lahnstein, in the place where two rivers merge: the Lahn and the Rhine. The castle was built in 1226 and never served as a customs, but was a protective border of the northern possessions. Over the years of existence, a chapel was erected here, and many owners changed. After a 30-year war, in 1633, the castle was completely devastated and later abandoned.

However, in 1774, Goethe, having seen the building, was greatly admired by its architecture, and dedicated a poem to the castle.

Castle on the Rhine

In 1906, Larek acquired Admiral Robert Mishke, and to this day his descendants are the owners. In 1930, the doors of the first floor were opened to visitors, the remaining floors remained residential.

Marxburg Castle

Not far from Laneck, on the Middle Rhine, in the town of Braubach is the castle of Marxburg. The first mention of the structure dates back to 1231.

The most interesting thing is that during the period of the war with the French (1689-1692), all the castles on the banks of the river were destroyed, only Maxburg managed to resist.

For a long time he was in private hands, and in 1900 the German castle society bought it from the owner for 1000 gold marks. Since 2002, the object is listed by UNESCO.

Bonn city

"German corner"

In the place where the Moselle River converges with the Rhine is Koblenz. This is not a small and not a quiet city, but a place called the "German Corner", which must be visited. It is here that there is a monument to William I, who proudly sits on a horse. The height of the structure is 37 meters. But, the most interesting is the observation deck on the monument, which overlooks the place where the Moselle flows into the Rhine.

The city itself is famous for the fact that Beethoven's mother was born here. In her house there is an exhibition dedicated to her son.

From the city of Koblenz, tourists usually go to Rudesheim. The distance between them is 100 kilometers. And on these open spaces there are about 40 castles dating from the 10th century and older.

If the journey runs along the river, then tourists will definitely be told a legend about the rapids called “Seven Virgins”. The myth says that the owner of the Schönburg castle had 7 wayward daughters who did not want to submit to their father and marry those whom he proposed. As a result, the daughters tried to swim across the Rhine, and their father turned them into 7 stones.

Germany and the banks of the Rhine River - a huge number of attractions, myths and beautiful natural landscapes that you should definitely see with your own eyes.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F35311/

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