Description of Dubrovsky from the novel "Dubrovsky". Characteristic senior Dubrovsky

The novel "Dubrovsky" is one of the most interesting prose works of Pushkin. How many generations with enthusiasm read it, sympathizing, empathizing and indignant, along with the author and the main characters! Moreover, it can be confidently stated that interest in the novel will not fade over time.

Typology of the work

Type (or rather, genre) it can be attributed to the family, and to the social, and adventurous, adventure, and love, and historical. For a long time, literary critics could not come to the conclusion that this is a novel or a novel? And in general, how much the storylines are completed, the characters of the heroes are formed, the conflict is revealed - for us it will remain unknown. After all, a work dated 1833 was found in the manuscripts of the writer. Pushkin did not finish it - he intended to give further development to the fate of the characters. And yet, published in 1841, the novel arouses keen interest among fans of real works of art, especially among teenagers and young men.

History of creation

Dubrovsky characteristic

The novel is based on a story reminiscent of the dramatic events from Shakespeare's tragedy "Romeo and Juliet." The hostility of the two families, which became the cause of the unhappy love of the young representatives of the Troekurov and Dubrovsky clans, however, was transferred by Pushkin to Russian and Russian soil. And its background lies not so much in medieval legends as in contemporary reality of our poet. About the events that are described in the novel, the writer learned from his friend Nashchokin. He once spoke about a small-local nobleman Ostrovsky (the description of Dubrovsky, or rather Dubrovsky - father and son, coincides in many details with his story and indicates that it was this person who became the prototype of both heroes), who for a long time conducted land lawsuits with his neighbor. But since his opponent was richer and more powerful, he survived Ostrovsky from the walls of his own house. And he, outraged by the injustice of the judges and authorities, made a gang of robbers from his peasants, robbing other landowners.

Prototypes and fiction

senior Dubrovsky characteristic
On this, perhaps, the comparative characteristic of Dubrovsky Sr. and Dubrovsky Jr. with their prototype ends. Pushkin, of course, changed the name of the heroes, introduced an adventurous story, new characters, a love line into history. And the robbery, in fact, is engaged in by the younger representative of the family, while the elder was offended. Moreover, Vladimir is not an ordinary robber-villain. He is a thief involuntarily, by an unfortunate coincidence. It is, rather, a victim of fatal forces, rather than a conscious fighter for justice, a formidable retribution to all those in power. And the opponent of Andrei Gavrilovich and Vladimir, the gentleman Troekurov, is described very vividly, colorfully, which was not in the version of Nashchokin. And finally, the title of the story. Pushkin’s novel is entitled by the date of writing. And Dubrovsky is a free version of the publisher.

Two buddies

comparative characteristics of Dubrovsky and Troekurov
The action in the work falls on the 20s of the 19th century. It ends after a year and a half from the beginning of the events described. From the very first lines of the novel, we see pictures of the life of the provincial Russian landowners: their leisurely way, characteristic details of life, care and fun. The characteristics of Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky and Kiril Petrovich Troekurov, whom the author introduces us, are built on the principle of contrast, or contrast. They are really very different in everything, from the material situation to the outlook on life.

"Between them everything gave rise to controversy ..."

characteristic of Dubrovsky from the novel Dubrovsky

To begin with, Kirila Petrovich Troekurov was very rich and influential. Throughout the district he was famous for wealthy, strong villages with well-trained serfs. The peasants were afraid of the master to death, but also boasted of him, in their slavish psychology, before the same "serf brother" of other landowners, who did not so high fly up. The characteristic of Dubrovsky Sr. is different. He belongs to the family, no less noble and ancient, but long impoverished. And if Troekurov, as a military man, retired with the honorary title of General-General, which brought him many privileges and honors, then Andrei Gavrilovich returned from the guard as a rather poor lieutenant. He owns Kistenevka - a small village of several dozen unprepossessing, rickety peasant huts with fields adjacent to it, and a birch grove.

Moral qualities

One has been corrupted by wealth and power, having raised in him exorbitant pride and contempt for all who stand a notch on the social ladder. The characteristics of the senior Dubrovsky in this regard are different. He is also proud, but this pride developed in him from the restrained pride and poverty. It is in them that lies the reason for the pretense of arrogance, the increased demand for respect for others. Poverty developed a heightened sense of dignity and justice in the hero. And here again the comparative characteristic of Dubrovsky and Troekurov indicates the moral superiority of the former. Without tolerating humiliation himself, Andrei Gavrilovich never stooped to such treatment of others. Even serfs do not hypocritically fool before the master, internally freezing with horror, but treat him with sincere respect. No wonder they do not want to go "under Troyekurov", preferring the fate of runaway robbers.

“They converged ...”

brief description of Dubrovsky

However, the characterization of Dubrovsky from the novel "Dubrovsky" and Cyril Petrovich has some points of contact. Both, as we have already established, served in the army and were proud of it. Both married out of great and sincere love, both soon became widowers with small children in their arms. True, if in Andrei Gavrilovich we can assume such strong and romantic feelings, then it’s difficult to believe in the sincerity of Kirila Petrovich. And yet ... The fact that he can deeply love is evidenced by his fatherly relationship with Marya Kirillovna, whom Troekurov indulges in all requests and whims, although outwardly strict. True, his feelings are blind, firmly intertwined with tyranny, which will lead to a tragedy in the fate of Masha. A brief description of Dubrovsky life history (alas, everything that is said about the heroes, far from a full account and psychological portrait of them) is close, but not identical: having lost his wife, the hero brings up Volodka, his only son, in strict tenderness. Sending him to St. Petersburg on his own, giving a good guard education and upbringing, which spends the lion's share of meager incomes, Andrei Gavrilovich hopes that his heir will be more successful and happier. And when Troekurov is planning a marriage of the offspring of their families, the old lieutenant firmly replies: Vladimir is better off marrying an equal, noblewoman poor, but respecting him, than will become a toy in the hands of a spoiled lady.

Reason for a quarrel

comparative characteristic of Dubrovsky

A comparative description of Dubrovsky and Troekurov would be incomplete, if we did not mention their common passion - hunting. No matter how much Kiril Petrovich understood her subtleties, such a meticulous connoisseur as Dubrovsky was, it was still worth looking in the afternoon with fire. For this, Troekurov immensely respected the poor neighbor, highly valued and welcomed. Not a single trip could do without him. And if, for any reason, the retired lieutenant was absent, the General-General grumbled, cursed, was dissatisfied with everything and everything, and no hunt came out. Moreover, only Dubrovsky allowed him to stay on an equal footing, respected for the fact that the friend himself never fooled and did not allow himself to be treated downward. And yet, between the neighbors there was a secret rivalry and the subject of involuntary envy of the poor to the rich. This is the famous kennel of Troekurov, the source of his legitimate pride and swagger. And she is the unrealizable dream of Dubrovsky. The careless words of the kindergarten addressed to Andrei Gavrilovich hurt his noble honor, and the connivance of Kirila Petrovich exacerbated the insult. And so the friendship broke, with which the whole little envy was envious. And hostility began, affecting many destinies and shattering the happiness of two young hearts - Masha and Vladimir.

And what happened next, you can find out by reading the wonderful work of Pushkin!


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