How to introduce an egg into lure? What kind of eggs to give the child? How much to cook eggs for a child

How to introduce an egg into lure is of interest to almost all young mothers. Despite the huge amount of trace elements and vitamins in the composition of this product, it still has disadvantages. At what age should an infant be offered an egg? And with what symptoms and reaction should eggs be temporarily abandoned?

When an egg is added to lure

For many decades, the yolk was considered the ideal lure for the baby. Our grandmothers have been giving it to their children since three months. Modern pediatricians do not agree with this opinion and believe that offering an egg yolk to an infant before reaching the age of eight months is unsafe. The product contains a lot of fat, and therefore the liver can be significantly disrupted. After all, a small organism is not yet prepared for such serious loads.

A newborn baby cannot cope with new foods in the diet, except for breast milk, since the work of his stomach is not yet perfect. He needs to ripen and establish the process of enzyme production. Therefore, the first complementary foods are administered to children from the age of six months. This is mainly cereals, juices, fruit and vegetable puree. And only from eight months of age it is allowed to give a try a half teaspoon of mashed egg yolk. Moreover, the egg is boiled hard boiled. And egg white begins to be offered to children only after a year.

Is it worth giving?

Before introducing eggs into complementary foods, it is important to understand what benefits and harm they can bring. Most mothers are afraid to offer the product crumbs, because they consider it the strongest allergen. Such an opinion has a right to exist. Indeed, egg protein can trigger an allergic reaction. But the yolk is practically not dangerous. But rather, even very useful.

Beneficial features

The yolk contains a lot of trace elements. Their main role is the proper regulation of metabolism. In addition, it has a positive effect on the development of bone tissue.

egg to feed children
  1. The many vitamins that make up the body are amazing. A, E, PP, D and vitamins of group B. All of them perform the functions that are necessary for the proper development of the child's body.
  2. Iodine, which is part of the yolk, has a positive effect on the absorption of other vitamins.
  3. Phosphorus strengthens the skeletal bone system.
  4. B vitamins have a positive effect on the nervous system.
  5. Lecithin is necessary for the speech and psychomotor development of the child.

Here is such a huge benefit from the yolk, which is contained in a chicken or quail egg.

Not the best product qualities

Despite the many advantages, the yolk of an egg has not only beneficial properties. Namely:

egg white in lure
  1. The product is not recommended for children who have problems with the biliary tract.
  2. Allergic reactions are possible. And the most unpleasant thing is that symptoms can appear only the next day. Therefore, before giving a new product to a child, it is necessary to evaluate the reaction over the next days. Start feeding in very small amounts.
  3. In no case do not offer your child a raw yolk. Eggs must be thermally processed. This is especially true for casseroles, cheesecakes and other dishes. The raw product is poorly absorbed by the stomach and can cause infection.
  4. Yolk has a high calorie content. Therefore, it can seriously harm children who are gaining excess weight.

Otherwise, food based on eggs will not cause serious harm to the baby.

When to offer?

When and how to introduce an egg into the lure, the parents decide. Modern pediatricians have no unequivocal opinion on this subject. Perhaps that is why there are a lot of conflicting opinions.

Rub the egg yolk

As you know, eggs themselves are a heavy product for digestion. On the stomach of the baby, they can have a serious burden. Therefore, it is recommended to offer their crumbs no earlier than eight months of age.

Start with a quail egg. Cook it, then chop it with a fork and add it to the vegetable puree or porridge. If you give the baby crumbs for the first time, then it is better to do this at the beginning of the day. Thus, you can track the reaction to a new product in the babyโ€™s diet.

What should be alarming?

Egg in feeding children is a responsible innovation in the diet of the baby. Therefore, it is important to monitor his well-being. Sharp tearfulness can be caused by abdominal pain. In addition, make sure that itching and rash do not appear. As well as vomiting and problems with the stool, which may be the result of the introduction of this complementary foods in the diet of crumbs.

what kind of eggs to give the child

Do not panic, this does not happen with all the kids. Each child is individual. You just have to watch the crumbs, so as not to miss the unpleasant symptoms.

Ideally, a child should be half a chicken yolk at a time with food before reaching the age of one year. However, this rate can be adjusted by your pediatrician.

As soon as the baby is one year old, egg protein can be included in the diet. But unlike the yolk, it should be introduced in minimal portions, practically grains.

And remember, if the crumbs even had a minimal negative reaction to the product, then it is worthwhile to postpone egg feeding for a while. On average, this period varies from one to two months.

How to cook

All mothers know that raw foods are unacceptable in the diet of infants. And eggs are completely taboo. Hard-boiled yolk is suitable for feeding.

Before preparing the product, it is necessary to wash it well with baby soap or gel under warm running water. It is arranged that the eggs carry an infection called salmonellosis on themselves. The carriers of which are birds. A large number of bacteria are located on the eggshell.

How much to cook eggs for a child

Therefore, do not neglect the preliminary washing of the product. Such an easy prevention will protect your baby from intestinal infection.

How to cook an egg for a child? Cook it for at least ten minutes in boiling water. After the product is ready, it should be cooled. Peel the egg and separate the yolk from the protein. A child up to a year can be exclusively yellow component of this product.

Omelets, casseroles, fried eggs and similar dishes should be given to a child no earlier than 2 years old.

And remember, such rules must not be violated. After all, products correctly introduced into complementary foods are interrelated with the well-being and health status of your baby.

What to choose

What kind of eggs to give the child? Each parent decides for himself what to offer his baby. But it is worth noting that according to studies, salmonella is almost never found in quail eggs. This is due to the fact that small birds have a high body temperature, and their eggs are under a protective shell with small pores. But you should be aware that there is still a small percentage of risk. Therefore, it is better to adhere to the basic rules.

Quail eggs to feed children

Quail eggs should be cooked for about 5 minutes. And itโ€™s important not to digest! Since after 15 minutes in boiling water, they lose their beneficial properties, and with them the vitamins and minerals necessary for the childโ€™s body.

Before introducing an egg into the babyโ€™s diet, it will be useful to consult a pediatrician. He will give a competent answer to this question, focusing on the physical indicators of crumbs and appetite.

And remember how to introduce the egg into the lure correctly. Start with a small amount of boiled yolk. And then control the reaction and well-being of your baby.


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