We plant an aquarium with Javanese moss

Javanese moss (Vesicularia dubayana) is very common in Indonesia. He is very hardy, beautiful and practical: small fish can take refuge in his thicket, fleeing the persecution of their larger relatives.

javanese moss
It is not surprising that a good half of aquarists around the world began to plant an aquarium with Javanese moss. It is perfect even for beginners, since it is not necessary to root the plant in the soil: it can be tied with kapron thread to a stone or snag, or completely released into free swimming.

This remarkable plant belongs to the Hypnaceae family. Each moss fragment consists of small twigs, with pairwise two-sided arrangement of leaves. Passion for Javanese moss also started because it is practically indifferent to water parameters.

But this does not apply to its purity, since in dirty water a beautiful plant quickly turns into a scruffy washcloth, a shapeless lump floating around the aquarium. Because of this, it is highly recommended not to cultivate it in bodies of water, which contain fish that adore digging in the ground, raising turbidity.

The initial landing is that you need to identify those places in which you would like to see lush and beautiful thickets. As we have already noted, it can be attached to the substrate using ordinary kapron thread or a simple fishing line.

javanese moss photo
But Javanese moss on snags looks much better! Note that on a soft and supple surface, the plant releases thin and fragile roots over time. So after this, the fishing line can be removed so that nothing violates the naturalness of the species.

If the lighting is in order, and there is enough organic matter in the water (without an overabundance!), Then even a small twig can very quickly turn into a lush bush.

If you want to completely plant an aquarium with Javanese moss, just regularly prune its processes, planting them around the entire perimeter of the tank. Surprisingly, even from the smallest pieces of it that went unnoticed during harvesting, a new twig can grow.

We have already said that this plant is almost indifferent to the parameters of water, except for its purity. But it grows best in a slightly alkaline environment at a pH of 5.8-8.0 and a temperature of 18-30 0 C. It is very important that the water in the aquarium does not bloom, because otherwise you will quickly say goodbye to Javanese moss. It is better not to overdo it with the level of lighting, since moss loves soft, natural light most of all.

Javanese moss on snag
Especially “Javanese” is loved by those breeders who prefer to keep live-bearing species of fish: it provides excellent shelter for fry, not allowing parents to satisfy their hunger. In addition, the mentioned plant can be successfully used as a spawning substrate for almost all types of aquarium fish.

Unlike synthetic threads, which are also used in this capacity, it not only hides eggs that have fallen to the bottom, but also filters and purifies water, creating optimal conditions for their growth and development. In addition, the ciliates perfectly live in it, which are indispensable food for fry in the first days of their life.

Thus, Javanese moss (the photo is presented to your attention) is an excellent aquarium plant!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F35336/

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