The cat is very furry - what should I do? Vitamins for cats against hair loss. Rules for grooming cats

It is no secret that pets bring many pleasant minutes to their owners. They, in turn, are required to carefully monitor the health and good mood of their pets. Proper nutrition and daily care will make the cat look just perfect.

Responsible pet owners regularly visit a veterinarian and monitor the health of their pets. Particular attention is required to care for wool. It happens that a cat has a lot of hair. What to do? How to help your pet and prevent this from happening in the future?

why cat sheds so much


To begin with, it is worth determining why the cat has hair loss and think about whether it is possible to eliminate the negative effect. At the same time, one should not panic. If a cat has a tuft of wool, this does not mean that she is dying. The reasons may be different:

Seasonal molt. Have you noticed that the cat has a lot of hair? What to do? First, look carefully at the calendar. Your cat will not look sick and bald, but at the same time actively sheds excess hair? It is likely that she just molt. This usually happens twice a year: in the fall and in the spring. For “apartment” cats that are not on the street, the process can drag on for 2-3 months. Do not panic. Instead of old wool, a new beautiful coat will quickly grow.

Dermatitis. It is allergic and contact. When the cat’s hair comes out in shreds and obvious bald patches appear, the owners have cause for concern. In the future, bald bald spots can be covered with scales, blush and itch. It should immediately see a doctor and determine the cause of the disease. It is likely that this is how the animal reacts to certain foods or a new feed.

Flea dermatitis. If the formed bald patches itch and are covered with crusts and scales, there is reason to suspect a severe reaction to fleas. During this period, the temperature of the cat may rise, and between the hairs it is very easy to discern uninvited "guests".

Skin mite. The disease can be identified by bald paws and a muzzle. On the ears, the hair also thins noticeably, and throughout the body it becomes dull and untidy. Self-medication is indispensable; one will have to visit a veterinarian.

Lichen. In this case, the wool does not just climb, but falls out in whole pieces. Ugly bald spots form, which quickly increase in size. At the slightest suspicion, you need to show the animal to the doctor as soon as possible.

Stress. A cat can shed much in response to new impressions, an unusual environment. The catalyst can be the appearance in the family of other animals, moving, the birth of a baby, the death of the owner and more.

Avitaminosis. Lack of nutrients, change of feed, seasonal manifestations, lack of certain organic compounds.

Age-related changes. It seems that the cat is healthy, but the coat on the ears and muzzle has thinned noticeably? Your cat has been around for many years. In this case, hair loss is associated with poor nutrition of hair follicles.

Hormonal disbalance. The appearance and thickness of the coat can be affected by pregnancy, estrus, birth and feeding of kittens, birth control drops and pills that the cat takes.

it is important to consult a doctor on time

How to diagnose hair loss?

How to determine that a cat has a lot of hair? What to do and how to help the animal?

It’s simply impossible not to notice the problem. Cats with long hair lose their fur so actively that literally everything becomes covered with wool. Shorthair breeds do not lose their hair noticeably, but still noticeable. If the pussy looks cheerful and cheerful, actively eats, plays, but the number of lost hairs has increased, there is no need to worry. This is most likely a trivial moult.

The veterinarian should immediately show the pet if:

  1. The pet’s behavior has changed. He is too active or lethargic, shows aggression, sleeps more than usual, itches or gnaws pieces of wool.
  2. Wool falls out unevenly, bald patches and bald spots appear.
  3. Loss of hair is accompanied by the appearance of wounds, pustules or scales.
  4. The cat has dandruff, fungal manifestations or other troubles.

The doctor will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment. You may need to be tested.

How to help your pet?

When the doctor determines why the cat's hair falls out, treatment should be started immediately. In some cases, you can do without medication. Sometimes it’s enough:

  • adjust the diet of the animal, add previously absent foods to it, remove excess;
  • regularly comb out with a special brush, bathe the pet;
  • do not ignore preventive vaccinations;
  • walk with your pet more often;
  • reassure the cat, take care and attention when it comes to stressful manifestations;
  • pick up a special vitamin complex to improve the condition of the coat.

How to treat hair loss?

a cat’s hair may fall out due to allergies

If hair loss is associated with allergies, these measures will help:

  • determine the allergen, exclude salty and fatty foods from the diet;
  • adhere to a special balanced diet, which the doctor will advise;
  • if dry food for cats was given, it is better to use a therapeutic product recommended for dermatitis-prone animals for hair;
  • add special vitamins for wool to food;
  • give antiallergic drugs prescribed by your doctor.

If dermatitis has a flea nature, then first you need to get rid of the "neighbors". Special preparations will help: shampoos, drops, collars or spray.

Self-treatment of lichen can be a problem. It is important to contact a competent specialist as soon as possible. Also have to:

  • to clean with a disinfectant all carpets, bedspreads and furniture in the house;
  • wash and iron all clothes;
  • sanitize the room;
  • throw away, and it is better to burn all the bedding, rugs and the house of the animal.

How to choose vitamins?

So, you noticed that the cat has a lot of hair. What to do? If you are sure that your pussy is healthy and there is no reason to visit a veterinarian, you can just buy a special vitamin complex. The choice will depend on several factors:

  • cat's age ( vitamins are different for kittens and old cats);
  • the presence of pregnancy;
  • preservation of the ability to reproduce (castrated and sterilized animals need a special complex);
  • form of release of the drug (gel, tablets, drops, paste);
  • availability of a certificate for the product.

Popular Cat Vitamins for Healthy Fur

vitamins for good coat

There are a lot of preparations for improving the condition of the coat. It is best if they are selected and prescribed by a doctor. The most popular vitamins for cats against hair loss are:

  • "Farmavit Neo";
  • Cat Felltop Gel;
  • Wittree
  • Laveta Super For Cats;
  • "Phytomines";
  • Derm Liquid;
  • "Sherstevit";
  • Derm caps
  • Beafar
  • Gimpet Katzentabs;
  • Kitzim
  • Kitty's + Taurin + Biotin;
  • Canina Cat-Fell OK;
  • "8 in 1 Excel Brewer's Yeast";
  • "Felvit."

Furminator for hair care

To help the cat update the coat faster and get rid of the warlocks, it is best to use a special device. A furminator for longhair cats is great. Initially, the word was the name of a trademark of one American company that developed the device. Now this is the name of all hand-held “combers,” combining the functions of a curler, comb and trimmer.

furminator for longhair cats

The hair of a cat is not like human hair. Several hairs grow from one follicle at once: central; 2-3 additional, undercoat and fluff. To make the animal look beautiful and neat, old wool should be removed. Otherwise, your cat will fade all year round.

Conventional combs are not able to process the undercoat; special slickers injure the upper layer of the skin. The litter for the longhair cats lacks all these shortcomings. Outwardly, it looks like a razor, only instead of a traditional blade it has a special metal comb with honed teeth. With its help, it is very easy to process the undercoat and remove dead hair. Live hairs remain intact.

How to choose the right device?

To choose the right furminator, it is important to pay attention to such points:

  1. The width of the scallop. The larger the animal, the wider the comb should be.
  2. The length of the teeth. It should match the length of the animal’s coat. Too short teeth will not get to the undercoat of the “fluffies”, and very long ones will not be suitable for shorthair cats.
  3. The quality of sharpening teeth. They should be even, smooth, without nicks and bumps. Sharpening defects interfere with high-quality combing. Irregularities will pull the coat, injure the skin. To check the quality of sharpening, swipe the furminator over your own head. If you have not experienced discomfort, the quality of the sharpening is normal. Yanking hair? Sharpening is unsuccessful.
  4. Ejector button. Its presence allows one motion to get rid of wool on the work surface. It must be remembered that such devices fail faster.
  5. Handle comfort. It is best if the handle is rubberized, has a convex relief and a rounded end. Hold the furminator in your hand, feel its weight, try on the length of the handle to your palm.
it is important to comb the cat regularly

Not so long ago, universal furminators went on sale. They have removable ridges of various lengths and widths. With their help, you can take care of several pets of different sizes. But the mobile connection loosens over time and the device becomes unusable.

Wool Care Rules

A good brush for cat hair is not the only thing a responsible owner will need. Cats of any breed are very important to bathe. And you need to do this at least 3 times a year. Of course, the cat itself regularly cleans its hair with the help of its tongue. But she will not be able to cope with microscopic particles of sebum and dust. Over time, they clog pores, and the skin receives less oxygen. The hair of the animal becomes dull, brittle and falls out more strongly.

For bathing, special means for cats should be used: shampoos and balms. The use of "human" is unacceptable. The owners of long-haired animals have even more concerns. Several times a year, they need to expose their pets to “dry” bathing. To do this, pour special powder on the animal’s hair, and after a while comb it thoroughly.

It is very important to comb the cat correctly and regularly. Longhair should be subjected to this procedure daily, and owners of short hair - at least 2 times a week. Combing can not only get rid of dead hairs. It is also a kind of massage that stimulates blood circulation.

When a large lump of tangled wool was found during combing, it is worth trying to disassemble it. If it doesn’t work out, it is imperative to get rid of the cleaver, for example, cut it. If this is not done, it will increase in size and may become a source of infection or a nest for fleas.

causes of hair loss

Excessive Shedding Prevention

To keep your pet healthy, and his coat does not decorate your pants, carefully monitor his diet:

  • do not give the animal harmful products: spicy, smoked, salty or fried foods;
  • if you use ready-made feeds, purchase only a quality product of a well-known brand;
  • include in the diet a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals;
  • Do not overfeed your pet, especially if he is not young;
  • regularly show the cat to the veterinarian; do not neglect the vaccinations.

Even if your cat never went outside, it does not mean that she cannot get sick. We bring a diverse infection home on our own, on clothes and shoes.


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