How to grow greens on a windowsill

The pleasure that a person receives from growing healthy plants with excellent taste can not be compared with anything. The gardener is especially looking forward to the future harvest, when there is still snow outside the window, and on the window there is a bowl with only hatching sprouts of tomatoes and peppers.

Taking care of one’s health and preference to eat vegetables and fruits grown on one’s own site without nitrates is a normal human aspiration, worthy only of praise. How to grow greens on the windowsill, so that not only in the warm season receive healthy vitamins without the addition of chemistry? In fact, everything is very simple. You will not need special expenses.

First you need to determine the list of desired plants. Celery, watercress, onions, root parsley, basil, green garlic, cilantro, spinach, various types of salad, mint and lemon balm are perfect for a windowsill.

How to grow greens on the windowsill? It will be necessary to prepare containers for planting, land, seeds and take care of additional lighting. For beginners, it is advisable to try growing green onions and celery. If something has already been planted in your containers, you must thoroughly rinse them and disinfect them with a potassium permanganate solution before reusing them.

Land can be bought at a supermarket, a specialized garden store, or brought from a summer cottage. Excellent land for planting is forest. Leaving berries or mushrooms in the forest, you can also prepare a nutrient mixture.

How to grow greens on the windowsill to get a big gain? Buy celery root and onions at the store. Before planting, put them in warm water for 6-8 hours. This will help the plant soak in water. Cut off the neck from the onion and remove the excess husk. We plant the plants in prepared containers and water abundantly. Set to the sunniest place.

If your windows face north or west, then additional lighting will be required. It is not difficult to do it using fluorescent lamps attached to the frame or side slopes of the window. Fresh greens will appear in a week. Having a garden plot, you can dig up parsley in the fall and plant it in flower pots and leave it in the country until the end of the season before growing greens on the windowsill. With a good root mass, parsley will quickly give greens. Each parsley root can be used for several months.

Lovers of tea with herbs can plant mint or lemon balm. If you are concerned about how to grow greenery at home, then it is harvested and grown in the same way as parsley. For planting, you can use both flower pots and special boxes. Gently dig a plant on the site and transplant it into a pot with nutrient soil. It is necessary to cut off the upper part of the plant, leaving a height of not more than 10 centimeters. Transplanted lemon balm quickly adapts to a new container and begins to build up green mass.

When growing lemon balm, you need to know some subtleties. She needs good ventilation. You should not put a pot with a plant on a densely laden window sill. Watering must be carried out basally, without getting water on the foliage. If these simple conditions are not observed, the plant will begin to wither, dry and become covered with white coating.

Do you have a glazed balcony or a loggia in your apartment? Then you are very lucky. You cannot find a more convenient place for a home garden. How to grow greens on the balcony? It is best to use flower boxes and hanging flower pots. Then your loggia will turn into a small greenhouse, beautifully illuminated by the sun's rays during the day and heated by air from the apartment.


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