Installation of door frames: calculation, procedure

Installation of door frames must be done very carefully. The main feature of the installation are smooth vertical and horizontal sides. Thanks to this principle, the door will last a long time, it will not warp, and the hinges will not creak.

Types of installations

Installation of door frames begins at the end of finishing work not only on the wall and ceilings, but also on the floor, that is, where the floor covering has already been laid. But until the moment the walls are painted or papered.

Doors can have three configurations:

  1. Canvas. In this case, the purchase of boxes and supplies is done separately. That is, you can purchase a tree and build from it the necessary door frame. Standard boxes are also available. They must accurately enter the opening.
  2. Canvas with box. In this case, all structural elements are selected under the opening, but are disassembled. Their assembly can be carried out independently or with the help of masters.
  3. Door block. Entrance doors are fully assembled, it remains only to securely fix them in the doorway.

Any of the options is chosen by the landlord, based on personal preferences. It is worth noting that their cost is also different.

Calculation and box size

The dimensions of standard doors in different countries differ from each other.

door frame installation
For example, standard entrance doors in Russia have a width of 700 mm, 800 mm, etc. In Italy, completely different numbers are observed - 790 mm, 890 mm. But the choice in the domestic market is much greater. If the standard sizes do not fit, then you need to redo the doorway. There are no other options.

The size of the box is calculated by regulatory documentation and depends on the type of room:

  • in the kitchen - 2 x 0.7 m;
  • in the bathroom - 2 x 0.6 m;
  • in the living room - 2 x 1.2 m.

However, such constructions are not always installed, since after construction work, the openings can change their dimensions. To order a door of the right size, measure the opening, and take a lower standard value. Before taking measurements, you should inspect the doorway for defects and perform this procedure after correcting them.

An important parameter is the depth of the box. It should have a value of 80 cm. In some houses, the wall thickness may be larger. In this case, the box is installed flush with the wall, and the remaining gaps close up.

Beginning of work

Before installing the box, you must assemble it into a single unit. The process is carried out on the floor. Vertical and horizontal elements are interconnected. Next, check for bumps and process with sandpaper.

box size
Purchased items must fit right under the door. Before installing, it is best to check this so that you do not have to redo it later. A door is put on the assembled box. The gaps on both sides should be about 3 mm. Only then will the doors open and close normally. As a rule, lateral vertical racks make 15 cm above the door. When installing, they will need to be lowered to the logs, or adjusted in height, that is, remove unnecessary 15 cm.

Door frame assembly

This process is performed using self-tapping screws. It all depends on how the corners of the slats are located. If at an angle of 45ΒΊ, then the holes for the screws are drilled obliquely and the bar is twisted with a horizontal beam.

It is much easier if the angles in the box are 90ΒΊ. But for reliability, the holes are still drilled. The MDF box has these properties.

The upper beam is applied to the side, then the edges are aligned and two holes are made for self-tapping screws. To date, the lower horizontal beam is not used, which greatly simplifies the work. The assembled wooden door frames should be checked for gaps so that the elements open and close freely. If they are, then the assembly is completed correctly.

As mentioned earlier, the vertical bars are made a little more.

entrance doors
The easiest way is to saw off the required amount. On both racks, measurements are taken in comparison with the doorway, and with the help of a saw, the excess part is cut off. Thus, half of the work has already been completed.

Hinge installation

Light wooden doors should have two hinges. One is located at the top, the other is below. If the doors are heavy, then the third additional is installed strictly in the middle. Hinges are performed on the floor. Its prerequisite is that the pin should look up. Using a chisel on the beams and on the door, special recesses are made into which the hinges are inserted. The clearance between the door and the side pillar must be at least 4 mm.

Installation of the finished box

The assembled door frame, which forms the letter "P", is set according to the level in the opening. It is fixed with spacers. In this case, the level is constantly used. Comfortable use of the door depends on how it is exposed. Therefore, this procedure requires special care.

Next, fasteners are selected. Depending on the wall material, you can choose self-tapping screws or large dowels. Fixture for the door frame is made in several places. The distance between them should be about 30 cm, that is, 7 self-tapping screws or dowels are installed on vertical boards, and 3 pieces on a horizontal one. In the door frame, holes are drilled for self-tapping screws. Moreover, the size of the drill should be less than the size of the cap.

door frames wooden
Only in this case will the door be held securely.

It will be much more difficult if the wall is made of bricks or other solid elements. Here it is already necessary to carry out the installation of door frames using dowels. Their installation is particularly difficult, since the dowel must go into the brick block, and not into the seams. Here you need to work with a drill with a diameter of more than 4 mm. And do it so that no traces remain on the wall. Next, remove the door frame and check what place the drill got into.

door frame assembly
If it’s in the seam, then you need to look for another place to make it easier, leave notes on the box with a pencil. If it fell into a brick, then begin to make holes for the dowels. Now you should reinstall the wooden box so that the holes in it coincide with the dowels. Then, using the level check the installation.

The next step is to install the door leaf. Doors are hung on the already embedded pins located at the top. Next, check the functioning of the door. It should open and close freely. After that, all the gaps are filled with foam.

Foam fixing

The installation of door frames ends at its secure fastening. To do this, check the fixation of the structure. Sealing material is laid in the formed cracks. As it can serve as cardboard. The door closes and spacers are installed so that it does not bend in different directions.

Next, a cylinder with mounting foam is taken and the cracks are filled.

fasteners for door frame
Too much to use it is not necessary, since over time it expands. As a rule, half a bottle is enough for one box. If there will be a lot of it, then when it dries, it can bend the door trims and the installation procedure will need to be performed from scratch. After blowing foam into the cracks, the door is left for 24 hours. After hardening, the installed door frame is given an attractive appearance. That is, the remains of the foam are cut off and the struts are removed. The design is fully operational.


Installation of the door frame can be done independently.

MDF box
For this, you do not need to have special skills and tools. However, such work requires special care. If the installation is not carried out correctly, the door will not open and close well, and there will also be big problems with the hinges. To find the right door, you need to measure the doorway and order a box that meets the standard. The remaining slots can be easily hidden with foam.

So, we found out what wooden door frames are and how to install them yourself with your own hands.


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