Cork floors: types, features, installation methods

After opening a bottle of champagne or wine, a person has a cork in his hand. It would seem that a trifle, which is not worth paying attention to. But few at the same time think about what they are holding the real finishing material from which cork floors are made on an industrial scale. They can be used as a rough and even finish flooring.

Cork floors are made using various technologies from two types of oak bark , which can only be found in the western Mediterranean. At the same time, the material of already mature trees comes into processing. The first time the bark is removed from oaks aged 25-30 years. If the removal procedure is performed correctly, then no harm is done to the trees. The next time the bark can be obtained only after 6-9 years.

cork floors
Manufacturing technology

- One-piece veneer. This type of material is the most expensive.
- Agglomerate. This coating is made of cork by pressing at high temperature. Material is the cheapest.
- The combination of veneer and agglomerate. For the manufacture of coatings, both small crumbs and large veneers are used.

Types of cork coatings

- The technical stopper is issued in the form of granules, plates or rolls.

- Adhesive coatings are available in the form of tiles. The standard sizes are 300x300, 450x150, 600x300, 450x450 mm. Such coatings may have an upper protective layer. Most often they are painted, which allows you to combine colors and create different patterns from them. In addition, this type of coating is considered the most moisture resistant, which predetermined its use in wet rooms.

- Floating cork floors. Under such a loud name is a cork coating glued to an MDF panel. The standard size of one panel is 900x185 mm.


- High rates of heat and sound insulation.
- Chemical inertness.
- It does not rot.
- Orthopedic functions.
- It is not eaten by microorganisms, beetles and rodents.


- High price.
- Easy deformation of the material.
- Abrasion of the protective layer over time.

how to lay cork floor
How to lay a cork floor

1. Floating cork floor. The work is performed similarly to laying a conventional laminate. On a cleaned floor surface, lay a substrate, preferably cork. Next, the installation of the panels begins. It is recommended that they be placed parallel to the rays of the sun. The collection of the floor is carried out in rows, that is, one whole row is assembled, then the second, and then they are connected together. Etc. Lateral gaps between a covering and a wall should make 1 centimeter. Spacers are installed every three rows.

2. Laying by gluing. Work is more time consuming. The first step is to thoroughly clean the floor from dirt and dust, after which the surface must be covered with a primer. This is necessary for better adhesion of materials. When the impregnation has dried, you can proceed with the installation of tiles. To do this, apply glue with a notched trowel. The tile is laid on the mortar and pressed. A gap should be left between the coating and the walls. To align already grasped tiles, you can use a mallet. So it is necessary to lay the material in the whole room. The last step is to varnish the glued cork flooring.

cork flooring reviews
Owner reviews

When choosing one or another material, most people take into account the opinion of those who are familiar with it firsthand and, accordingly, can say about its advantages and disadvantages. All owners are unanimous in their opinion that cork floors have a lot of advantages as a floor covering , among which moisture resistance, thermal insulation and even depreciation can be especially noted. But on the issue of strength, opinions differ. Someone claims that the floors are easily deformed even from the slightest pressure, while others indicate that even after rearranging the furniture, the floors look like new.


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