Elena Sergeevna Ventzel: biography, personal life, achievements

No wonder they say that mathematics is the mother of all sciences, since it is built on computing. But in vain it is considered “boring”, because, despite the complexity, and perhaps thanks to it, it is a very interesting science. Many famous scientists have made a great contribution to its development, which is why they went down in history. At present, the young generation has the opportunity to learn a lot of necessary and useful information about these great people. The article will discuss the world-famous writer and talented mathematician Elena Sergeevna Wentzel.

elena sergeevna ventzel mathematician


Elena Wentzel was born and raised in Tallinn. Parents were educated people, mother taught literature, father taught mathematics. He dreamed that his children would also become talented mathematicians, but Elena was most capable of this. He inherited his knowledge to his daughter, studying with her regularly and helping to study this great science.

When the girl was 16 years old, she entered the University of Petrograd, studying with various teachers who noted her ability to exact sciences. Elena Sergeevna is a graduate of the University of Mathematics, where her ability and desire to study were also approved by the teachers. She was hardworking since childhood, did not like to “sit still,” therefore, after graduation, the woman worked at the Academy of Engineering, then - as a teacher. While studying at the university with a teacher, Zhukovsky, she found time both to study and to support her teachers and classmates at any moment.

The book "Theory of Probabilities" was written by Elena for people who are oriented to mathematics at the university level, as well as for those interested in probability theory, in particular the theory of shooting. This book is also intended for engineers of other specialties, for whom this area of ​​science may be important in that the calculations must be applied in practice.

Elena Sergeevna Wentzel was engaged in writing and publishing works of art. She served as a member of the joint venture of the USSR. A woman died in 2002 at the age of 95 years.

ventzel elena sergeevna probability theory

Scientific activity

In the biography of Wentzel, Elena Sergeevna, one cannot fail to mention her scientific achievements. Particular attention should be paid to publications and their practical application in schools and other educational institutions. Here is some of them:

  1. Elena Sergeevna Wentzel - "Probability Theory".
  2. "Elements of game theory."
  3. "Operations research. Tasks. Principles Methodology".
ventzel elena sergeevna books

Educational activities

For the works and achievements Wentzel was awarded the degree of Doctor of Science. This is a very interesting story. Initially, Elena's husband was against her scientific research, and she was worried that he would prevent her from defending her dissertation. The woman made the defense of her dissertation coincide with their joint leave. Without thinking twice, she took the tickets and went south with her husband. At the resort, Elena Sergeyevna said that the iron remained at home turned on. She went home, went straight from the airport to the academy. The defense was successful.

Literary activity

Elena Sergeevna Wentzel was a talented prose writer. Wentzel was engaged in literary activities under the pseudonym I. Grekov (from the word “game” - a mathematical sign denoting the unknown to be found). Elena S. Wentzel wrote her books with great enthusiasm and enthusiasm. Not always her prose was approved by others, but still the majority recognized in Elena a talented prose writer.

Wentzel Elena Sergeevna biography

Her first works were published in a scientific journal. Here are some of her creations:

  • the story “Behind the checkpoint”;
  • the story "Ladies' master";
  • the story “Under the Lantern”;
  • the story "On trials";
  • the story “Little Garusov”.

Some literary works by Elena Sergeevna Wentzel were made into films and presented to the audience.

She wrote many books for children. By the way, her literature is interesting and informative, easy to read. Elena Sergeevna Wentzel wrote a lot about children. Donut is the name of one of the characters. The boy's father was loving, but too strict, completely suppressed his personality. And Wentzel, as an author, condemned this approach: even with the best intentions, one cannot "redraw" a child for himself.

Everyone who has read Elena’s stories and stories speaks positively of her writing style, her ability to convey to the reader the most important and necessary. Elena Sergeevna revealed their psychology and internal state in the heroes of her plays.

A family

Elena’s husband Dmitry Alexandrovich Wentzel was also a talented and successful scientist. Spouse Elena Sergeevna - Stalin Prize laureate, full member of the Academy of Artillery Sciences.

Spouses almost never swore, did not quarrel, both were constantly passionate about work, and there were many common interests. Sometimes even on weekends they had to work, but they loved and knew their job well.

The spouses have three joint children. Two of them, Tatyana and Alexander Venttseli, followed in the footsteps of their parents: they were teachers at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics. These were talented and intelligent children who inherited a gift from their parents. About the second son, Michael, nothing is known. None of them are already alive.


Wentzel Elena Sergeevna has always been respected at work and at home. The staff and colleagues valued her for her ability to communicate with people, and her family for her kindness and care, since Elena was able to combine work with household chores. In turn, students loved her for the peculiar ability to present educational material. She managed to constantly keep the audience in suspense. It was a mathematician with a capital letter.

Elena Sergeevna Ventzel Donat

At one time, Elena Wentzel was a successful, busy woman, recognized by critics and ordinary people. As for literary activity, its prose was in demand and enjoyed great popularity, translated into different languages ​​of the world. Readers from many cities and countries love and know all of her interesting stories, plays, and stories.

This woman harmoniously combined the ability to write and teach exact sciences. A friend of Elena once said about her: “Elena Ventzel is an unusual and very bright person.” Elena Sergeevna Wentzel lived a life full of various accomplishments, achievements and difficulties, but, in spite of everything, she managed to become a great personality, write many interesting books.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F35372/

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