The most beautiful orchid: description

Orchids are considered the most unusual flowers in the world and are popular among gardeners and beauty lovers. They have a huge variety of varieties that amaze with beautiful colors and delicate aromas. Read about the most beautiful orchid in the article.

General information

Orchids are representatives of the largest family of Orchid plants, which has thirty-five thousand species. These flowers are found everywhere, grow on the territories of all continents, with the exception of Antarctica.

The most beautiful phalaenopsis orchid in the world

Orchids are most common in the tropics, characterized by a favorable climate. Here, the dry season is short and the rainfall is high. Orchids of all varieties are good, but there are among them especially distinguished by their beauty and tenderness. These include the most beautiful orchid Phalaenopsis, Dendrobium, Cattleya.


The name of the flower in Greek means "life on a tree." Indeed, this orchid belongs to epiphytic plants. It grows in vast territories of various continents. You cannot find more beautiful this flower. Dendrobium is the most beautiful orchid in the world. The photo shows a luxurious flower with charming petals resembling clouds.

This plant has approximately one hundred species. The place of growth is Japan, New Guinea, India, Sri Lanka, New Zealand, Australia and the islands in the Pacific Ocean. The most beautiful and famous varieties are Felenopsis and Dendrobium Nobile.


This orchid is also called a Malay flower or butterfly. The most beautiful orchid is Phalaenopsis. In the world there are about seventy species of this genus. They grow on the islands of the Pacific Ocean, in Australia and in the tropical regions of southeast Asia. They feel comfortable at a height among the lush crowns of trees. Found on rocky slopes that abound in rainforests.

The most beautiful orchid in the world is Phalaenopsis. The photo clearly demonstrates the beauty of flowers, the tenderness and lightness of amazing petals. In addition, ease of care and unpretentiousness in growing attract florists. Orchid is becoming more popular.

The most beautiful phalaenopsis orchid in the world photo

This plant has beautiful not only flowers, but also leaves. They are large and wide, collected in sockets, from which many aerial roots and peduncles on high legs that can branch out. The peduncles collected beautiful flowers with a diameter of ten centimeters, they can be from five to fifteen pieces.

The orchid flower is rounded flat in shape with lobes; it has a different color - it all depends on the variety. Petals are white, bright pink, green, yellow, orange and lilac. Orchid blooms two to three times a year, in any season.

Dendrobium Nobile

It can also be called the most beautiful orchid. The plant is common in China, India, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand. It grows on trees. As a rare plant is protected by law. It differs in large sizes. The plant is not pretentious in growing. It is easy to look after him.

Inflorescences have a axillary structure. The flowers do not fade for a long time, they can remain attractive from three weeks to a month and a half. Petals come in different colors: white, pink, pale lilac. At the base of the petal-lip is a dark purple stain that gives the flower a hypnotic appeal. The plant also attracts with its shiny leaves with alternating structure. A feature of this orchid is the formation of daughter shoots, as a result of which the life of the plant continues.

The most beautiful orchid

Despite the beauty of orchids, individual flower varieties are rarely found in collections of gardeners. Obviously, this is due to the crowding out of the original species with bright and colorful hybrids, among which the most beautiful orchid breeder Yamamoto from Japan is especially popular. Its flowering is so magnificent that the bush turns into a cloud of delicate flowers with a pleasant aroma.


The homeland of this most beautiful orchid is the tropics of America: Mexico, Argentina, Paraguay. Here the flowers have one leaf. Orchids growing in Brazil have two each. The most common flower was in the jungle of the Amazon. Favorite habitats are river banks, lowland forests and mountain ranges. Certain varieties of this orchid prefer to grow in dry, cool places. Especially they abound in Mexico, in its northern states.

In nature, there are a huge variety of species of this flower. Most of them are epiphytic plants (grow on trees), but there are also those that feel comfortable on the slopes of the mountains, they are called lithophytic.

The most beautiful orchid in the world photo

In this orchid, the flowers have an original shape, their petals are painted in different colors. But white and dark violet tones prevail. The peduncle has four to five large flowers. Their diameter reaches twenty-two centimeters. The aroma is similar to the smell of lilies or lilies of the valley.

Orchids bloom twice a year. This period has a long duration: from early spring to late autumn, capturing the beginning of winter. Sometimes they continue to bloom in the summer, if weather conditions permit.


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