Healing lovage: useful properties, application, cultivation

Lovage is a perennial plant, in appearance and smell very much like celery. Due to the delicate and delicate aroma it is used in cooking, giving the dishes a special sophistication. Since ancient times, the miraculous and magical properties of grass lovage have been known . Kids were bathed in a decoction of grass to be loved, brides were sewn into the hem of the wedding dress, so that the husband loved.

lovage useful properties
Modern science has explained why it is popular lovage, whose useful properties, it turns out, are in the high content of minerals and vitamins. Being the strongest aphrodisiac, lovage, and received the fame of a magical plant. What is popular with a lovage? Its use in cosmetology, medicine, cooking is known to many.

Cooking Application

The root is used to make healing tea, which contributes to a significant improvement in the activity of the digestive tract. As a spice and an excellent flavoring, lovage is used in the preparation of meat, salads and confectionery. You can also make an excellent treat for children in the form of sweets, if you cook the grass in sugar. And if you use it regularly, then the charge of vivacity and huge energy is provided to the body every day.

lovage application

Medical use

Both in folk and traditional medicine, lovage is widely used. Useful properties of the plant are used in anti-inflammatory, diuretic, laxative drugs. Known and healing properties of grass juice. The healing power of a lovage is used to treat the nervous system, to combat various inflammations, and to eliminate flatulence. The grass has also proven itself in the fight against parasites. Women especially appreciate the lovage, whose beneficial properties help to preserve many families. The strength of the plant can free from alcohol addiction. Preparing a miraculous infusion is quite simple: you need to put the root of the herb and two leaves of laurel in a glass of vodka. The solution should be infused for about two weeks. Then you need to drink this solution to a person who is abusing alcohol. And the affliction is healed. And the essential oil from this plant has the ability to attract men.

Application in cosmetology

If you have dull, brittle and thin hair, then you simply can’t find the best way to cure them. The lovage not only strengthens the hair, but also gives it shine and shine. Use the plant and with

lovage rearing
skin problems. Regular baths with added herbs will help restore skin firmness and elasticity.

Growing plants

Many are trying to grow lovage in their summer cottages, the useful properties of which can hardly be overestimated. Yes, and in appearance it is quite attractive. In the first year, the plant will surprise you with its height, beautiful yellow flowers. And over time, it will grow into a large and beautiful bush. Those who come to visit you will certainly be interested in a lovage, whose cultivation is not difficult. This plant is unpretentious, grows on any soil, does not require high humidity, can grow in the shade, even frosts are not afraid of it. It is enough to make a small amount of fertilizer before planting. And grow, lovage, for the joy and benefit of others.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F35377/

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