Decorative perennials wintering in open ground

Decorative perennials wintering in the open ground are wonderful plants for creating flower beds and various floral arrangements. For landscaping and floriculture, they are very important. There are perennials wintering in the open ground, which live 20-50 years. A vivid example of a long-livers is the tau-sagyz plant. These representatives of the flora belong to polycarpic plants. They can shoot and bloom annually.

Perennials wintering in the open ground
Perennial flowers for flowerbeds and plants

To create flower beds and various compositions, you need to choose the right plants. Perennials wintering in the open ground are most suitable for their creation, since their cultivation does not require any measures from the gardener to preserve flora representatives in winter. The term "perennial plants" combines both grass and trees with shrubs. When choosing plants for flower beds, a huge role is played not only by their color scheme, but also by how much they can get along nearby, flowering time, soil composition, photophilousness and water lovingness. All these parameters should be similar, otherwise some representatives of the flora in the flowerbed will actively develop and bloom, others will dry out and wither, and still others may not rise.

Perennial flowers photo


Perennials wintering in the open ground are fairly common representatives of the green world. There are many types of plants and flowers of this type.

  • Rogersia. There are several types of this wonderful representative of the flora. Most of them do not require shelter for the winter (except for the feathery rogers). All conservation measures in the winter are reduced to mulching with peat or fallen leaves. Frost resistance is estimated at -23 C.
  • Astilba. There are many varieties. These are unpretentious plants that bloom from June to September. Winter tolerate well. The aboveground part dies.
  • Astrantia. A very unusual representative of the flora. There are several types of this plant. Inflorescences are umbrella. Astrantia are shady and tolerate winter well.
  • Antemis. This representative of the flora blooms very beautifully and has lacy bright green leaves that create dense bushes. Antemis rises 30 cm above the ground. The plant tolerates winter well.
  • Tulip. A bulbous representative of the flora, which has many varieties and colors. Tulip plantations and flower beds look great. The plants are unpretentious, and the bulb winters perfectly in the ground.
  • Rudbeckia. A wonderful unpretentious frost-resistant perennial that blooms very beautifully. The stems of the plant can reach two meters in height, which makes it very popular when creating hedges, as well as different ensembles. The flowers are yellow or purple.
  • Aster. These representatives of the flora are perfectly adapted to different soils, except for excessively wet ones. With a lack of care can grow greatly. Prefer well lit areas.
    perennial flowers


When creating compositions, it is also necessary to take into account the possible unequal need for fertilizers and their types. Therefore, it is necessary to select plants that are similar in need. Most perennials are fertilized with nitrogen and potassium fertilizers. The latter contribute to the vegetative period. Phosphorus fertilizers are used only when planting plants. With the correct layout of plantings and proper care of the gardener, perennial flowers will always delight. Photos of such compositions can be found everywhere.


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