Beaded yin-yang tree: step-by-step description, diagrams and recommendations

Do-it-yourself interior decorations not only enliven the environment, but also add personality to the design. Beaded yin-yang tree is a bright element that will fit into any interior. Such a product can be bought in a handmade goods store or try to make it yourself. This business will require patience and skill, but the result is worth it. A few evenings and an exclusive product is ready.


In Chinese philosophy, Yin and Yang are two opposites that are parts of one whole. Balance and harmony in the world depend on the unity of these two halves. So the yin-yang tree from beads will bring peace and joy to the house. But even without a deep meaning, this product will delight the eye and charge positively.

beaded yin-yang tree master class

Materials for work

To make a yin-yang tree from beads with your own hands, you need to prepare the materials and tools necessary for the work:

  • You will need beads in two colors - black and white. Each color needs 200 g, although the amount depends on the desired splendor of the crown of the future tree.
  • Thin copper wire for creating twigs.
  • 3.5 mm thick wire for the trunk - about 1 meter. Copper wire is best suited for such a product - it holds its shape well and is strong enough to support the weight of the bead crown.
  • Threads are white and black for wrapping branches and trunk. The best option is silk. They have a beautiful sheen that will give the product additional charm and mystery.

Also needed for decoration:

  • pot for wood;
  • gypsum;
  • water;
  • a container for mixing the solution;
  • scissors;
  • nippers;
  • paints;
  • tassels.

Leaves and twigs

You need to start work with the formation of branches. To do this, string 8 black beads on a piece of wire 0.5 m long. Leave at least 5 cm from the edge of the wire, loop through the wire at the base of the loop a couple of times. So it turns out a leaflet. Through a centimeter, make another loop, and so on to the end of the wire. At the end, too, the end should be at least 5 cm. The number of leaves should be odd. The workpiece is ready. The photo shows a bead yin-yang tree diagram.

Now you need to form a twig. To do this, find the central loop and fold the blank in half. Twisting in one direction, a twig should be formed so that the loops are opposite each other. Flatten the โ€œleavesโ€ and scroll through the remaining free ends. The twig is ready. They will need 70-100 pieces of each color.

beaded yin yang tree

Branches and Crown

Take one twig of black color, attach another to it where the leaves end, and twist the wire. Attach the third twig and repeat twisting. So it turns out a small branch. Thus, you need to connect three pieces of the remaining branches. Small branches in the same way connect three in a large branch. From large, the crown of the tree is formed. At the end, you should get two crowns: black and white.

The branches need to be wrapped with threads to match the beads. To keep the threads in place, they can be fixed with glue.

yin yang tree


Take a piece of thick wire about 50 cm and attach to it a prepared crown of black color. Wrap with a thin wire and secure with black threads. Do the same with the white half. To make the trunk thicker, it can be wrapped with electrical tape, floristic paper, stripes of bandage or coated with plaster.

It remains to form a yin-yang tree from beads, slightly interlacing the trunks with each other. This technique adds romanticism to the product.

"Planting" tree

The yin-yang bead tree is ready, it remains to "plant" it in a pot. The capacity for such decoration is selected discreet, preferably black or white.

Dilute the gypsum according to the instructions to the density of sour cream. To make the tree stable, bend the ends of the thick wire in the area of โ€‹โ€‹the โ€œrootsโ€ with pliers in the form of a loop. Set the tree in a pot and pour in gypsum mortar. While the mixture does not set, you need to hold the workpiece so that it does not move. Then leave until completely solidified for about a day.

At this stage, you can coat the trunk of the tree to make an imitation of bark. A thin layer of gypsum mortar is applied to the trunk and grooves on not set gypsum are made with a toothpick or other sharp thin object.

You can do without a pot at all. In this case, you need a flat container, which is covered with cellophane. The tree is installed in this container and filled with plaster, and after drying it is taken out of shape. The base is painted and decorated as desired.

bead tree


After the gypsum has completely dried, you need to apply the finishing touches. If the barrel was covered with gypsum, it must be painted with acrylics or gouache in the appropriate color. The paint is applied in several layers. Each layer must be completely dry. Only in this case will blemishes in staining be visible.

The base can also be decorated at will. For example, lay out the yin-yang sign from the beads by gluing the beads to the gypsum base. You can paint or decorate in any other way. The finished product is varnished (optional).

Variations nor theme

The described master class of the yin-yang tree from beads is a basic one. But the creation of trees from beads is a creative process and various retreats and a flight of fantasy are welcome.

So, it is not necessary that the color palette is only black and white. You can do it from other contrasting colors that will look no less impressive: from blue and red, yellow and green, and others.

You can also experiment with trunks. An embodiment is described here in which two trunks are intertwined. But it is possible that branchings of different colors come from one base.

The shape of the tree is also not fundamental. It is important that there is a symmetrical composition. You can give the shape of a heart or a horseshoe. In any case, it will look bright and spectacular.

beaded yin yang tree

Having learned how to make a tree from yin-yang beads, you can safely get to work. This is painstaking work, requiring not only good imagination, but also perseverance. But the result is a beautiful and stylish decoration for the home or a memorable gift for friends and relatives.

Creating trees from yin-yang beads and other options is an exciting process. The whole family can be connected to the creation of such a masterpiece. Children are happy to string beads on a wire, and men can be puzzled by the curly bending of thick wire. Each member of the family will then proudly say that he had a hand in this masterpiece.


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