Baranavichy: attractions of the city and surroundings

The Belarusian city of Baranavichy is located 142 km from the capital of the republic, on the Baranavichy plain, between the rivers Shchara and its small tributary Myshanka. The city was founded in 1871. Today it has become the administrative center of the Brest region (Belarus). Baranovichi is a city that is known far beyond the borders of the republic for light industry enterprises.

The knitwear of local factories in the USSR was the first to be awarded the international Quality Mark. In addition, the city has enterprises in the construction, chemical, food and woodworking industries.

Baranavichy attractions

The city has a rich history and many interesting places that tourists always inspect with curiosity. Get to know some of them.

Sightseeing (Baranavichy): a photo with a description. Church of Alexander Nevsky

The temple was built on the site of a small cemetery church. In the postwar years, it was demolished due to a change in the layout of the city, and later a beautiful new church was built, named after Alexander Nevsky. In 1992, a parish community appeared. The initiator of the construction, and then the rector of the parish, was the dean of the district, Archpriest Alexander Dzichkovsky.

Baranavichy sights photo

The design of the temple was created by the honored architect of Belarus L.V. Makarevich. The construction of the lower church (Euphrosyne of Polotsk) began in 1993. It was consecrated in early June 1995 by Archbishop Stephen. The upper temple was built for three years. He was also consecrated in early September 1998 by His Grace Stephen in honor of Prince A. Nevsky.

Church of St. Zygmunt

It should be noted that the sights of Baranavichy and its environs attract quite a lot of tourists to this city. The church of St. Zygmunt Lozinsky is part of the Pinsk Diocese of the Catholic Church of Belarus.

Baranavichy sights pedestrian

The construction of the church began in 1990, but, due to financial difficulties, it was completed only in 2000. The building is made in neo-Gothic style. The facade is lined with decorative brown tiles, on both sides of the entrance are two towers, the tops of which are crowned with Catholic crosses. The front part is almost completely made of glass.

Svetilovsk lake

Tourists who come to Baranavichy in the summertime continue to study the sights of the city in the Northern microdistrict. Here is the favorite resting place of the townspeople - Svetilovskoe Lake and an artificial pond.

All the guests who want to know the sights available in such a city as Baranavichy are brought here. The pedestrian zone in this area is not equipped for swimming, but sunbathing and breathing fresh air near the water is always pleasant in the summer heat. In the middle of the pond, the Island of lovers was built. On it is a gazebo and a graceful tree made of metal, on the branches of which lovers and newlyweds hang locks and multi-colored ribbons.

Baranavichy attractions what to see

Pharmacy Regina Apotheke

The very diverse city of Baranavichy. Sights, photos of which we posted in this article, are different in architectural design, age, design.

At the end of the 1920s, a pharmacy appeared on Telman Street, which was opened by pharmacist Stanislav Laevsky. Since its opening, it has received the name Regina Apotheke. The first floor of a small bright orange house was occupied by the pharmacy itself, where medicines were sold. On the second floor, Laevsky lived with his family.

Attractions Baranavichy and surroundings

The pharmacy produced drugs that were delivered to the city hospital. Even in the terrible war years, the pharmacy did not stop working. In 1946, she was nationalized, and the Laevsky family left for Poland.

Most recently, Regina Apotheke underwent a reconstruction project by Sergei Krishtalev, an interior designer. The trading floor has been updated. Today you can see an old console of a reference pharmacy, a tonometer, an old lamp, several copies of old books on pharmaceuticals. On the second floor of the current museum there are rare exhibits related to pharmaceutical business.

Baranovichi: attractions. What to see?

The memorial sign "About Mother" is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. It would seem that a simple sculpture of medium size awakens the warmest and most tender feelings. The monument is dedicated to the great power of motherly love.

An unusually touching memorial sign made of light stone. Large strained female palms hold a drop of water, which depicts the face of a baby. Under the sculpture on a stone there is an inscription in the Belarusian language: "I am only a drop in your palms, mommy." This monument almost always has flowers.

Attractions Baranavichy photo with a description

Manor of Adam Mickiewicz

Not only city monuments are famous for the city of Baranavichy. Attractions are in its surroundings. Perhaps not everyone knows that the Polish poet Miscavige was born in 1798 in Zaosye, not far from Baranavichy.

Before the outbreak of World War I, the Mickiewicz family estate was preserved in its original form. During the Second World War, it was partially destroyed, but, fortunately, today it is completely restored. Now it is a museum, which was opened on the anniversary of the writer in 1998.

It is made in the style of Belarusian peasant architecture. The creation of the interiors was influenced by Mitskevich’s poem “Pan Tadeusz”, and drawings by E. Pavlovich. All visitors to this museum note that you will completely plunge into it in that distant era, and you will learn a lot of interesting things from the life of a great man.

The layout of the museum-estate "Zaosye" in detail copies the gentry folklore of the XVIII-XIX centuries. In the center is the master's house, on the contrary - a barn, stable and barn. On the shore of the pond there is a bathhouse, a cellar and a crane well. In addition, there is also an outbuilding (sviran), on the second floor of which the young poet lived in the summer. In the halls of the museum there is a permanent exhibition "The Return of Pan Tadeusz".

Sparrow Monument

Many guests may be surprised by the city of Baranavichy. Its sights are not only important for the history of the country. Many of them are quite funny and able to cheer up, such as a monument to a sparrow. It was opened in 2003. The author of this project was the sculptor S. Tselyuk.

Baranavichy attractions

A cute sparrow is located in the center of Baranavichy, on Heinola Boulevard. A bronze sparrow stands on a pedestal with a height of 1.5 meters. An inscription at its foot (in Belarusian) says that 2003 is the year of the house sparrow. He does not need distant countries, he is closer and dearer to his native Fatherland.

Horse monument

Another monument to a representative of the local fauna, which can be seen in a city like Baranavichy. The sights of any city never appear on a randomly selected location. The monument is located at the intersection of Lenin Square and Sovetskaya Street, opposite the Horizont Hotel. It was here that in the past there was an inn, to which guests traveled only on horseback.

Baranavichy sights photo

The monument was built in 2009. It is made of bronze and is a saddled horse grazing peacefully on the lawn at the inn, waiting for the owner, who stopped here to rest.

It's funny that the horse has a saddle, but stirrups for some reason are missing. It turns out that this is a kind of “anti-theft system”: this was done so that none of the guests would leave on someone else's horse. Locals believe in signs - by rubbing the sculpture with your hand, you will attract good luck in everything. That is why the horse's sides are perfectly polished.


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