Grapes Crystal: description and characteristics

Crystal grapes are an early technical variety ripening in early August. Of course, in the view of a person ignorant of these matters, the word โ€œtechnicalโ€ speaks of its inferiority, that it is suitable only for processing. In addition, it can be decided that such grapes will be ashamed to serve. But all this is far from the wrong and erroneous opinion. The latest grape varieties are much sweeter, juicier and tastier. But problems with them will be much less than with others. You can verify this yourself:

Grapes Crystal

  • They root perfectly, are unpretentious in leaving, well resist various diseases, are winter-resistant. According to some information, such a variety as Crystal can withstand up to โ€“29 degrees Celsius.
  • With proper and constant care, a technical grade can produce a huge crop. For example, planting such a plant, you can collect about 300 c / ha of juicy and sweet berries.
  • Crystal grapes are unpretentious in leaving, and thanks to pollination even in bad weather every year it constantly bears fruit.
  • Technical grade has a higher sugar content - about 18% - and it accumulates well. In addition, for the manufacture of juices or various wines gives excellent juice yield - about 70%. In ordinary varieties of this plant, the average sugar content is 14%.
  • Grapes Crystal bears fruit well and develops with short pruning. In addition, it is technological and easy to care for.
  • After ripening, the berries remain on the branches for a very long time, while not losing their unique taste. They do not crumble, do not crack, but accumulate sugar.
  • Technical grade is distinguished by its versatility in use. From berries you can make wines, juices or just dry them. Moreover, the Crystal grape variety is not inferior in its qualities to table species.
  • This plant is very fast and easy to breed, including through vaccination. It grows very well in the first years after its landing.

Grapes Crystal Description

Grapes Crystal: Description

  • The ripening time of the variety is early grapes.
  • The taste of Crystal grapes is sweet and sour.
  • The size of the berries is average.
  • The bones are small, medium.
  • The shape of the fruit is round.
  • The color of the variety is white.
  • The size of the clusters is medium.
  • Plant height - refers to the middle varieties.
  • Winter hardiness is quite high.
  • Ways of use - technical grade.
  • The breeding regions are the South, Center and Northwest of Russia, the Far East, Siberia.

What is the difference between a technical grape variety and a table one?

Grape variety crystal

Technical grade is most balanced in acidity and sugar for winemaking. In addition, it is very tasty and only the size of the berries and the weight of the bunches themselves differ from the canteens. But the sugar content in it is much higher than in table grapes. That is why they are interested in a fairly small number of people. But if you decide to plant Crystal grapes, it will not be a mistake, just, first of all, you need to be aware of why you need it. When, for example, you have only one or two bushes on a site, then with simple care you will get a good crop, and a good one. What you canโ€™t eat, you can put it into juice, but if you are seriously engaged in the production of wines, then you will need to increase the size of your garden to five bushes or make the formations as large as possible. At the same time, the quality of wine will be at the highest level, and you will not lose in your choice. But in general, it is up to you to decide which variety is more to your liking - technical, which is easier to grow, but smaller, or table, requiring special care, but of more impressive size. Most importantly, Crystal grapes are very tasty and will take their rightful place in your beautiful garden.


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