Electric stove for a summer residence: advantages and disadvantages

The organization of life in a personal plot or cottage is sometimes associated with the solution of various problems dictated by the lack of some of the communal goods inherent in urban life. This becomes especially noticeable during the arrangement of the kitchen, as the gas stove, which is familiar to the townspeople, cannot be installed due to the lack of an appropriate mains. That is why it is usually replaced by an electric stove with an oven for a summer residence.

This device is quite popular not only in non-gasified areas, but even where this highway is carried out. It is often used by housewives to achieve uniform and accurate heating. However, it should be noted that the electric stove for the cottage is significantly different from the standard models used in everyday life. It has compact dimensions, which greatly facilitates transportation and allows you to install the device on a minimum amount of space. This makes it possible to take it with you, leaving the site for the winter, and store it at home.

With all its advantages, an ordinary electric stove for a summer residence has some disadvantages. It can not control the temperature as accurately as a stationary hob, and has a rather high power consumption. It should also be noted that cheaper models are equipped with not very high-quality heating elements, which, in case of accidental ingress of water, can fail.

electric stove for summer cottage

Currently, there are a large number of different devices of this type, among which a two-burner hotplate takes a separate place, because in addition to all the advantages and rather compact dimensions, it allows the use of two heating elements, simplifying the cooking process.

An important point when using such electrical devices is that their power must match the capabilities of the network. The fact is that an electric stove for a summer residence, as was said, consumes a large amount of energy, which naturally affects the entire system. That is why it is recommended to be used only in those rooms where all wiring is properly performed and is capable of servicing such devices.

electric stove with oven for garden

It should be noted that the electric stove for the garden is made quite simply. It is a conventional heating element that works as an active resistance, which is connected to a power regulator and placed in a heat-resistant housing. That is why the maintenance of such a device will not cause any difficulties, and if you have the necessary technical skills, it will even make it possible to carry out minor repairs or replacing damaged parts. However, more expensive models are equipped with additional devices that control the keyboard or provide protection against short circuits. Also, some devices are equipped with digital indicators and touch control, which automates the cooking process.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F35391/

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