Cat Scottish Scottish Straight: description of the breed, character, photo

Cats and dogs are loved by many people. It is widely believed that the propensity for one of these two types of domestic animals depends on the authoritarianism of the person himself. Say, dogs are brought up by people who want to be obediently obeyed, and cats by those who value personal freedom and are ready to put up with character flaws, uncomfortable habits and manifestations of independence in exchange for manifestly voluntary manifestations of affection.

It is hard to say whether this is so. Especially when considering the issue of thoroughbred animals. Scottish Straight refers specifically to the elite breeds.

scottish straight

Origin and selection

Folds are more valued in the world than straight. This is most likely explained by the fact that purebred folds in appearance are much easier to determine than straight. Still hanging ears can not be faked. However, Scottish Straight is valuable because without it there would simply be no Scottish fold .

Let's turn to the history. This breed, frankly, is not ancient, and as an elite line of cats, it appeared almost by accident. The initial moment of the origin of Scottish fold can be considered the 61st year of the twentieth century, and Scotland, naturally, is the historical homeland. A white kitten born on a farm had โ€œdroopingโ€ ears, resembling the hearing organs of hunting dogs, only smaller in size. With this cub the selection of lop-eared cats began.

scottish straight colors

To prevent ears from standing

However, the fact is that hanging ears are by no means a dominant feature. In the offspring of Scottish fold cats, at best, half of the kittens have a coveted trait. And if you fold the folds with folds, kittens appear with birth defects. Some of the most common are difficulties with the tail (and it is extremely important for cats) and problems with controlling the hind limbs. So it turned out that only mating Scottish fold and Scottish Straight give a full and viable offspring, although not all kittens inherit the fold.

Species of Straight

Be that as it may, no matter what fights felinologists arrange in their midst, Scottish Straight is recognized as a full-fledged and independent breed. She has fixed symptoms. In the description of the pedigree components, the round head and large eyes of Scottish Straight representatives are mentioned. In addition, they should become strong, but compact - no unnecessary grace inherent in Angora and Siamese. The tail is neither short nor long, not very pubescent. An adult, sexually mature male should weigh between 4 and 5 kg, and a female between 3.5 and 4 kg. The ears are naturally erect, not rounded and quite wide apart. The paws should not be long: the Scottish Straight cat breed is distinguished by a certain downsizing (in principle, these animals are willing to hunt).

kittens scottish straight

Ears are the main thing.

Scots and British are slightly different breeds. It is sad that their connection is bad for both lines. The most important thing that distinguishes one breed from another is the ears, their shape and location. In strikes, they are narrow at the base, almost vertical, visually without deviations to the side or orienting forward. It is precisely these structural features that allow Scottish fold and Scottish Straight to be crossed to get a โ€œlyingโ€ auricle, which harmoniously depicts the shape of the head. British cats would look ridiculous with such ears, because with their broad muzzle such auditory organs would seem miserable processes.

Wool structure and tail shape

If you want to be sure that the chosen pair for your pet is just a Scottish Straight straight and not variations on the British theme, that is, you need a guarantee that the fold will still appear, pay attention to the coat of the alleged spouse of your pet. It should be soft with all the set density, individual hairs should be thin, airy and soft. The British have a coarser hairline.

A reliable indicator is also the tail. The Scottish women - even fold, even straight - have a longer tail, and at the base (felinologists call it the "stem") it should be thin.

Do not forget about the constitution. The Scots' physique is not as heavy as that of the Britons, the bone is lighter, and their overall impression is more elegant than massive.

scottish fold and scottish straight

Colors inherent to the breed

Unlike the same Siamese, the cat Scottish Scottish Straight does not have a strictly defined and fixed list of acceptable colors. The thoroughbredness of these animals is determined by the above-described features, but the color can be very different. We can say that Scottish Straight colors were collected from almost all breeds and can be of almost any color.

Scots are often monophonic. But at the same time, scottis with a painted skin are often found - they are called tiger, ticked, marble or spotted, depending on the location of the spots and stripes in the color. Common colors with an abundance of white; such are called bicolors, harlequins or baths. There are options when a straight Scottish straight has contrasting marks on a common light background. Such marks are called points, and the color itself is called colorful.

It can be concluded that the color of the cat will never tell you exactly whether the Scot is in front of you or not. Some colors look very much like "nobles" from the nearest landfill, but the cat itself is a high-quality producer. Such a variety is an undoubted plus: you can choose a pet that will be a real straight, but at the same time it will meet your preferences in color.

Scots character

scottish straight straight

Some people are afraid to get representatives of a feline tribe, expecting from them harm, excessive mobility, vindictiveness and the resulting revenge. It is for them that the Scottish Straight cat breed will be the best choice. They have a surprisingly non-conflict character. They are able to adapt very quickly to the rules of life adopted in the house.

Nevertheless, it is worth noting that the Scottish people are attachments, and therefore choose "love" for life. Even if you have a large family, someone will be chosen alone, for whom the cat will go and who will need it. This does not mean that the chosen owner will have to drag the animal in his hands around the clock - the Scottish are affectionate, but unobtrusive. It is enough for them that the object of their adoration is in sight and occasionally draws attention to them (ideally - plays or talks with the cat).

Features of voice and communication with other animals

cat scottish scottish straight

The most unusual thing about Scottish Straights is their voice. First of all, they are unintelligible, itโ€™s unusual for them to "walk and yell" if they are just bored. You will hear your cat only if he has something important to say - he wants to eat, it hurts somewhere, a dirty tray or something else. However, even an experienced catman will need some time to learn how to listen to the Scotsman - their voice is very quiet. And besides, it is creaky, but this is not very familiar - at first it is not even clear that this is a cat meowing.

At the same time, Scottish Straights are very lively animals. Even having a dog will not cause them indignation. They will not touch small children, let them pull them by the tail or ears - they will prefer to leave and hide. Except for kittens, maybe Scottish Straight kittens: not being mentally mature enough, they can inadvertently scratch a child or hiss at a dog, but as soon as they understand that all these are family members, they quickly get used to both of them.

Is Scottish Straight Onerous

There are cats that canโ€™t do without a special, almost by the hour, well-coordinated care. Among them, for example, are Persians who need to be combed out every day, and preferably twice. And extremals of this breed also need to be fed only from a bowl - otherwise they simply will not be able to grab food with their concave, flattened physiognomy. Sphinxes belong to the same category: slightly overlooked - and the cat has pneumonia. Folds, too, should probably be included here. They need to be fed food with a low calcium content (otherwise the ears will stand up) and it is still necessary to maintain a certain humidity in the room (for the same reason).

cat breed Scottish Straight

Straights are much easier. The animal will have to be combed out, but not more than once a week. However, this hygienic procedure is useful even for outbred cats, but the scots have a very dense and dense coat. Bathing is optional. Probably, it is mandatory before the exhibition, and Scottish himself monitors the cleanliness of the skin, he is very clean. Claws to cut ... well, as you want. If there is a scratching post (and the Scottish women get used to it quickly and do not spoil the furniture in the future), then why? And the rest is a peaceful, friendly and positive animal from all sides.

What more can be said? Scottish Straight is a very cool breed. To get such a kitten is at least because of his voice. And the Scots at the same time have another funny feature: they stand on their hind legs for a long time, like gophers, if they are interested in something. And they can watch TV with you with curiosity.


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