Hand jewelry: beautiful jewelry models for women and men, photo

Since ancient times, people wore various jewelry rings, chains, tiaras, necklaces, jewelry on their hands and other products. All this attracted the attention of others. Over time, these accessories have changed, transforming from year to year. Such a decoration as a bracelet played a role not only in order to emphasize the hands, emphasize their bend, but also served as a talisman from evil spirits. It was believed that the one who wears the bracelet is accompanied by good luck and good health.

Modern fashion for decoration

Nowadays, hand jewelry is a fashion accessory. Bracelets can be made of various materials: leather, wood, fur, satin, metal, plastic, pearls and many others. They can be of different sizes and have a diverse look.

Women's hand decoration

Bracelets are worn by both women and men. Modern ladies prefer bracelets in the form of a cuff shirt. It fits snugly to the hand and gives the female hand greater grace. Thus, the wrist even more attracts the eye. Hand-made jewelry in hi-tech style, avant-garde and, of course, classic products do not go unnoticed.

The style of the bracelets is diverse, as well as the material from which they are made, whether it is an ordinary glass or natural stone. Nowadays, bracelets from fresh desert flowers appear, the cell juice does not allow them to fade for a long time. Well, if a girl prefers to spend time in the company of rockers or bikers, you can borrow a men's bracelet. It harmoniously counts with leather or jeans.

Men's jewelry

Let's move on to the male half. So, men, although for the most part skeptical in nature, but still, like women, like to wear bracelets. When choosing a hand jewelry for men, you should focus on a wide bracelet made of leather or fabric, decorated with beads, a stone, a tree, thin chains or beads. The form should not be strongly provocative, everything should be restrained.

Hand decoration for men

Men love bracelets made with their own hands (this is so, girls note). In order to create such an accessory, in needlework stores you can find many different details. Manual work will not take much time, since there are a lot of execution techniques. With ease, you can make a bracelet made of leather or braided. Such a little thing will be very unusual and elegant, will bring some zest to the image.

Wedding Decorations

Jewelry is worn not only in everyday life, but also at the wedding ceremony. Recently, bridesmaids love to make a wedding as it is done abroad - so that there are many flowers and various decorations. Several bridesmaids are chosen, and in order to somehow highlight them, they make bracelets for them. Thus, the bride appears surrounded by her friends, not merging with them. They can be from fresh flowers, satin ribbons, beads, beads. The color is selected in accordance with the color of the entire ceremony.

Hand-made decoration for bridesmaids do-it-yourself

Some people prefer to just buy all the wedding attributes in the wedding salon, and those who have the time and desire, and of course talent, make hand-made jewelry for the bridesmaids with their own hands. This is how exclusive products are obtained, which in the future will be a memorable gift for unmarried girlfriends about the celebration.

Wedding Jewelry Making

Before starting work, it is necessary to plan the wedding ceremony from and to. Choose the theme, color, style, what material this or that detail will consist of, and only then proceed with the decoration.

Indian hand decoration

Bracelets for bridesmaids made of fresh flowers look very beautiful, but there is a drawback in this decoration - over time, the flowers fade and take on a not quite festive look. In order for this nuance not to spoil the holiday, because you want everything to be perfect that day, it’s better to make a wrist decoration for your bridesmaids with your own hands from ribbons.

From a satin ribbon you can make a bow, a flower, or use it as the basis for a bracelet. This decoration looks gentle, stylish and romantic. The atlas goes well with beads. Such an accessory can be made in any color that is needed. The bride will not incur large costs for such a bracelet.

How to make a DIY satin ribbon bracelet

What is needed for the bracelet?

  • satin ribbon;
  • beads;
  • scissors;
  • lighter or matches.

First, the width of the tape and the diameter of the bead are selected so that it is convenient to move the bead in, and whether there will be a much wider tape compared to the bead. The hole on the bead should be at least 2 mm. If the diameter of the holes is smaller, there is a chance that the tape will not crawl into it. There should be no contrast, everything should look synchronized.

Next, you need to take the tape and cut its edge with scissors at an acute angle, so it will be easier to put in the beads. In order for the material not to pour on the cut, you need to scorch the edges with fire, only you need to do this carefully.

The tape should be about 60 cm., Stepping back from the edge of 20 cm, you should tie a knot, then pull in a bead and, on the other hand, tie the same knot. Thus, a fixed bead is obtained.

All subsequent beads will be fixed in the same way, with knots on both sides. When 20 cm remains on the second side, the second edge should be burned with fire in the same way as the first side. Having ironed the edges of the ribbon with an iron, you can tie a beautiful bow. The bracelet is ready. Such jewelry on the hand will appeal to even the most finicky girlfriend.

History of jewelry for brides

What can be said about the decoration on the arm for the bride? So, putting rings on your hand during the wedding is not allowed, so the bracelet remains. In ancient times, the bride put on a bracelet with white flowers as a talisman against inclement weather and troubles, such a talisman was called the "talisman of happiness." Today, the bracelet for the bride serves simply as an original jewelry. Some dress him, and some do not, as this is not a mandatory attribute of a wedding look. But it looks unusual, original and stylish.

Hand decoration for the bride photo

So, if you can make bracelets for your bridesmaids with your own hands, then you can also do it with jewelry for your bride, photos of some models are presented in the article. There are a lot of possible options, so it will be easy to determine the style and material. Naturally, you can purchase beautiful expensive, stylish jewelry with which the bride will look charming. Not necessarily a bracelet must be made of noble metal. Choosing such an accessory it is better to use the advice of a stylist, he will tell you which style is best suited to the outfit, and of course you should not forget about your taste, choose what you like.

The role of accessories in the guise of a bride

The image of the bride should be gentle, moderate, elegant, there should be harmony in everything. When choosing jewelry, you should not exaggerate with its quantity. No need to put on a lot of trinkets, otherwise you can turn into a "Christmas tree", everything should be in moderation. No need to buy cheap accessories, if there is no way to expensive things - it is better to do without them.

Do-it-yourself decoration for bridesmaids with ribbons

The bracelet is suitable if the newlywed has an outfit without sleeves. Such an accessory can be made of pearls or with shiny stones, it is easy to choose the width, under the outfit. You should pay attention to the quality of the manufactured things. There should be no flaws in such an ornament.


Summing up, it should be recognized that today jewelry on hand have hundreds of variations. Moreover, both man-made and made by professional jewelers.

Prices for such products also range from affordable to ultra-high. But we must remember that the price, if it matters, is solely in the financial capabilities of the buyer. In the first place is still the aesthetic component.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F35402/

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