Reviews on the book "Scarlet Sails". "Scarlet Sails": the main characters, a brief summary

Alexander Green (his real name is Alexander Grinevsky) is an outstanding Russian poet and poet who wrote in 1922 the famous fairy tale work “Scarlet Sails”, which he dedicated to his beloved wife Nina Nikolaevna. The superbly chosen genre of writing extravaganza is so exciting that it is read in one go. This is a beautiful story about a wonderful feeling of love. In the book “Scarlet Sails” the heroes are a young guy and a girl. They met thanks to their dream and incredible desire for it.

Storytelling plot

Reviews on the book "Scarlet Sails" in most cases are encouraging. It primarily describes humanity, people's attitude to life and values ​​in it. About a young girl and a boy who grew up in completely different classes and did not know each other. But this did not stop them from meeting and falling in love.

reviews about the book Scarlet Sails
In the story “Scarlet Sails," the author put in a spirit of positive emotions. This fabulous story makes people think about the existence of beauty and revise their views of the world.

History of Assol

It should be noted that in the story “Scarlet Sails” the description of the feelings of the heroes is associated with nature and the environment. In the role of the main character of this extravaganza, we are faced by a young girl - Assol. When the girl was eight months old. her mother is dead. The child's father, Longren, had to leave the ship on which he served as a sailor, and take up the education of his only daughter. To feed his family, he had to craft ship models and sell them in a children's store.

The main characteristic of Assol was the very image of the heroine who appeared before us. The author concluded in it all the purest feelings, such as: kindness, credulity, tenderness and sincere love for his father. Her life was difficult. Loneliness and inactivity throughout the work accompanied Assol.

Sad story…

The girls did not like the father of the city. Everyone considered him guilty of the death of the old innkeeper Menners. After all, Longren did not help him when, in a storm, a boat was carried off to sea. The shopkeeper was found barely alive after six days, but he could not survive. Just managed to tell who is guilty of his death.

red sails heroes
But no one knew what happened five years ago. Mary, Longren's wife, asked the shopkeeper for a loan, but he did not mind giving, but in return asked for love. She refused him, and went in the rain to lay a ring in a pawnshop, after which she became ill and died of pneumonia.

When the girl was eight years old, Longren sent her to the city to sell toys. In the basket was a small sports yacht with bright scarlet sails. Assol could not restrain herself and decided to play with her. She let her through the river, playfully talking with the captain of the ship. But a small wave and a breeze caught a small yacht, and she sailed with the flow. The child ran for a long time behind the boat, but he sailed further and further, and she lost it from sight.

After a while, she met old Aigle, who called herself a wizard. In his hands, the girl saw her lost toy. He told Assol that a magnificent prince would sail to her on a white ship with red sails. And he added that he would take her to a distant country.

Arriving home, the girl told this story to her father. Longren did not persuade her, but only listened to her with a serious look. Let him believe in the good. Since then, Assol peered into the horizon of the sea every day and waited for a sailboat.

After reading reviews of the book “Scarlet Sails” and getting to know one of the main characters, the girl’s father Longren, we can say that the author also invested the best human qualities in his image . He supported his daughter in her belief in a miracle, and did not begin to destroy dreams.

Assol characteristic


In a rich family estate, the only son Arthur Gray did not need anything. He was brought up, as expected in the upper class. The boy's parents were self-confident and condescending. But the child grew up with a living soul, kind and simple-hearted. The surname did not spoil him, he took only the best from his ancestors.

Arthur was rarely punished and indulged in everything. At the age of seven, Gray went to the kitchen, where he witnessed how a young girl burned her hand. And deciding to find out if it hurt, he scalded his wrist. Then Gray led Betsy - that was the name of the cook - to the doctor. When she left, he showed and burned. This incident brought them closer, and Betsy began to treat Gray with sweets and apples.

In the family castle was a wine cellar. There, among the many oak barrels, there were two dug in the ground. They were made of ebony with copper rings, and on them was the inscription: "Gray will drink me when he is in paradise." And no one dared to drink wine from them. But the young Arthur laughed and said: “I will drink it! Here is paradise here,” and he clenched his fist, showing that he was in his hands.

When Gray was fourteen, he secretly escaped from the house to the ship. On the schooner "Anselm" he was taken by a young man. Captain Gop was a good-natured but indulgent man. He thought: “Let the boy play, and when he starts to complain, I will send him back to mommy.” But Gray, contrary to the expectations of the captain, stubbornly endured all difficulties.

For several years, Gray did not come home, but when he appeared, he found out that his father had died and his mother was very old. After that, I began to visit my mother twice a year so that she would not feel lonely. By the age of twenty, Gray had become a captain by purchasing a three-masted galleon called The Secret. In reviews of the book “Scarlet Sails” you can add the admiration of readers for the friendship of sailors from this ship. Gray’s team did not change, and the captain respected everyone.

red sails contents


After some time, the “Secret” appeared near the Fox. The captain and sailor went fishing in the evening. They spent the night on the shore, and in the morning the captain accidentally saw a sleeping girl of about seventeen to twenty years old, who was so beautiful that the guy could not take his eyes off her. Gray, in order not to wake her, he quietly took off his ring and put it on the girl’s finger.

After which the captain and the sailor went to the tavern, where they learned from the tavern-keeper that this girl's name was Assol. An old and drunk coal miner told them about the girl’s dream. That she is waiting for the handsome prince on a white ship with red sails.

The captain went to the "Secret", took the money and ordered the sailors to put the ship in order and prepare a shift rigging. Arriving at the market, Gray chose bright scarlet silk and bought it for sails.

On the way to the ship he met a friend musician who entertained people in the tavern in the evenings. The captain invited him and street singers to his galleon.

When the cloth was brought to the “Secret”, Gray told his team that as soon as the sails were changed to scarlet, they sent for his future wife. All sailors congratulated their captain and set to work.

story red sails

Assol alone

In this chapter, the characteristic of Assol is fully disclosed, it is both thoughtful and windy. Recently, things have been going very badly. Longren had to return to the sea, getting a job as a sailor on a mail ship, in order to somehow make ends meet. He left his daughter for a whole week. It was then that Assol and Gray met.

A meeting

Assol was reading a book by the window when she saw the red sails. She ran to the port to meet her dream. A boat sailed from the galleon and headed for the shore. On the oars sat tanned sailors, above them stood that very beautiful prince. Everything happened exactly as the old wizard said. In the evening, the captain poured and ordered everyone to drink a hundred-year-old wine that no one had ever drunk. In the morning, the “Secret” was already very far from Caperna.

red sail theme


If you look at the book “Scarlet Sails” briefly by chapter, you can see that each chapter is a separate little story. And only in the last these stories are closely intertwined in one enchanting story.

After reading this work, we can say that the theme of red sails combined the most important qualities of man. Thanks to the close interweaving of will, fate and fortitude, it is possible to realize even the most cherished dream. And that little light in the soul that is warm in the hope of meeting will never go out. And let time pass, but the moment will surely come when it will grow into the flame of love. Approving reviews of the book "Scarlet Sails" are still heard today. Everyone who read the work did not remain indifferent to this story.

red sails description
Each of us will be happy if we do the so-called miracles with our own hands. But do not forget that the main assistant in the realization of a dream is fun, a smile, the ability to forgive and the necessary words spoken at the right time. This can often be read in the reviews of readers.

In the extravaganza “Scarlet Sails”, the characters are represented mainly on the positive side. Yes, Longren really consciously refused to help the dying old innkeeper, but there was an insult to the death of his beloved wife. Thus, Longren opposed himself to all the townspeople.

The apotheosis of the work “Scarlet Sails” (the contents of the last chapter) is already very much like a fairy tale. But we can say with confidence: dreams have come true.


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