"Shark Mountain" - nursery of Shiba Inu, Husky and Shepperke. Nursery history and reviews

A hundred times said, hackneyed truth - dogs should only be bought in a trusted kennel. This is stated by both the breeders themselves and the experienced owners of a particular breed.

Should I believe them and get a dog in the kennel "Shark Mountain"? Could there be the consequences of buying an animal from professional breeders?

Nursery history

Before talking about sore, we suggest making a brief excursion into history.

Kennel "Akulova Gora" is known since 1995. Its owners even earlier began to deal with dogs. The first pets in the Uvarov family were German shepherds.

But nothing worked with the German Shepherd. It happens when a dog is liked, but not the breed that I would like to engage in. Breeders gravitated to husky. They liked the devotion, grace and beauty of these dogs. And what a look of blue eyes is worth!

The breeding of Siberian huskies began in 1995. The cattery has been officially registered with FCI since 1997. The emphasis was on the pedigree qualities of these animals. Everyone knows that husky dogs are sled dogs. And the Uvarovs set a goal: to engage in dog sled racing.

Akita Inu cattery

According to the owners of the Akulova Gora kennel, their dogs live abroad, are actively involved in sledding and are famous for their excellent working and exterior qualities.

8 years have passed. In 2003, dogs of the Shiba Inu (Shiba Inu) breed appeared in the kennel . They are similar to akita, but smaller and more mobile. This breed is distinguished by its interesting and independent character.

After another 10 years, the breeding of new representatives in the nursery begins. A breed like schipperke. These are small dogs with a black color. They have expressive eyes and faces.

Breeders, they claim, are in love with these three dog breeds. Their animals are distinguished by a strong psyche and excellent external data.

Leafing through the nursery site

The Akulova Gora nursery has its own website. Very beautiful photos of dogs are presented on it. You can see the photo in our article.

shark mountain nursery reviews

Breeders describe in detail the achievements of their pets. They even wish their dogs a happy birthday and anniversary dates. And everywhere it is noted that the pets bought from them are special. They are smart, beautiful and work great.

What do dog owners say?

What are the reviews about the Akulova Gora cattery? Those who bought a dog here were not very lucky. Despite his own website with laudatory odes addressed to him.

A sick husky puppy was sold to someone. The pet had worms and a bunch of sores. The owners had to pay about 30 thousand for the treatment. Given that the puppy cost the same. For all claims from buyers, the owners of the nursery were silent and preferred to ignore them.

Another buyer sold a puppy with sore hind legs. And again, instead of answering, ignoring.

Experienced dog owners do not recommend contacting the Siberian Husky kennel, Shiba Inu and Shipperke. Breeders draw up a contract of sale. It states that the puppy is healthy. And in which case this agreement does not matter.

Siberian Husky Nursery

Akita Inu

Another point. Once there were akita inu in the nursery, but now they are not breeding them. Therefore, if you are advised to contact about the acquisition of Akita in this institution, keep in mind that representatives of this breed have not been there for a long time.

Where is?

The Akulova Gora nursery has a branch called Muranovo. Located 20 km from Moscow, in the city of Pushkino. You can find out the exact address only by contacting the breeders by phone.

Draw conclusions

Is it worth it to buy a puppy in elite kennels, as breeders and experienced dog owners insist?

Looking at how they speak about the Akulova Gora nursery, it tempts me to say: no. But, believe me, there are a lot of good ones among breeders and owners of professional nurseries. Which really care about their dogs. They will not sell a sick puppy, they will always help with advice. They will tell you about how to train, treat, care, take care of your pet.

Schipperke breed

Do not recklessly draw conclusions because of some breeders. There are just those who love their dogs, and there are others. Choose carefully.


There is no desire to repeat. Yes, and it makes no sense. You need to buy a dog only by carefully studying the reviews of the kennels. Each of them has a beautiful page on the Internet where people show off their dogs. But you will not praise yourself, who else will praise?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F35409/

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