Narration - what is it? What are its features?

One of the types of functional-semantic type of speech is a narrative text. What is it that is characteristic of it, features, distinguishing features and much more you can find out by reading this article.


The narrative is about developing events, processes, or states. Very often this type of speech is used as a way of exposing sequential, evolving actions, which are mentioned in chronological sequence.

narration what is it

The narrative can be depicted schematically. In this case, it will be a chain, the links of which are stages of actions and events in a certain time sequence.

How to prove this story

As with any type of speech, the narrative has its own characteristics. Among them:

  • a chain of semantically related verbs that are presented in the text in the sequence of actions;
  • different tenses of the verbs;
  • the use of verbs for which the meaning of the sequence of actions is characteristic;
  • various verb forms indicating the occurrence of actions or signs;
  • dates, numbers, circumstances and any other words that demonstrate a temporary sequence of actions;
  • unions denoting the alternation, juxtaposition or occurrence of events.

Compositional structure

The narrative text consists of elements such as:

  • exposition - introductory part;
  • tie - an event that became the beginning of an action;
  • development of action - the events themselves;
  • climax is the outcome of the plot;
  • denouement - an explanation of the meaning of the work.

These are the structural parts that the narrative usually consists of. What is this, you can understand by reading the examples of texts. Quite often, this type of speech is found in the scientific literature. Here he is represented by biographical notes on the history of discoveries, the study of various scientific problems and stages, which are presented in the form of a sequence of changes in historical stages, stages, and so on.

text narration what is it

Narrative features

The main goal of this type of speech is to consistently describe certain events and show all the stages of its development, from the beginning to the ending. A developing action is the main object that the narrative is focused on. That this is so, you can be convinced by reading the signs of this type of speech, among which:

  1. The dynamics of the story - a constant change of time.
  2. The described events are in the nature of refinement or chronological development.
  3. Temporary logical sequence of actions.
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Description VS narration

That these are two different types of speech - of course, everyone knows, but not everyone is aware of what their main differences are expressed in. Basically, they differ in features of syntactic constructions and types of communication in sentences. The main difference between description and narration is expressed in the use of various temporal forms of the verb. So, in the first, verbs of a perfect form are mainly used , and in the second, imperfect ones. In addition, the description is characterized by a parallel connection, for the narrative - chain. There are other signs by which these types of speech can be distinguished. Thus, impersonal sentences are not used in the narrative, but vice versa in descriptive texts.

This type of text, like any other, has its own characteristics and characteristic features that must be taken into account before deciding or affirming that this description or narration. What it is - you can quite simply determine by reading all the signs presented above.


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