Cream "Drapolen" - for newborns first aid for diaper rash and burns

Due to the fact that the skin of the child is too delicate and not adapted to be in a new environment, infants often have diaper rash and sweating. Moms begin to fight these troubles in all ways. Unfortunately, the usual powder and regular baby cream will not help here. An experienced pediatrician will advise you to purchase "Drapolen" for newborns. Its excellent properties help to quickly get rid of irritation on the skin and return the baby to a restful sleep.

Drapolen for newborns

The cream was created for use from the first days of life. The only contraindication to use is intolerance to one of the components. Thanks to cetrimide and benzalkonium chloride, Drapolen performs its main functions. For newborns, this is very important, because these are two excellent antiseptics, which in aggregate resist gram-positive microbes. But the spores of microorganisms and acid-resistant bacilli are not susceptible to their effects. In the treatment of diaper dermatitis , the necessary skin hydration of the baby occurs, which is very important during this period.

It has a very thick consistency, but the cream "Drapolen" has a pleasant pink color. For newborns, it is used in the treatment of not only diaper rash, but also various other skin lesions. It is also used for bedsores in adults. Some use it to lubricate mosquito bites. Reviews about the cream are very good, the vast majority of those who used it were satisfied with the result. They note a quick action and an obvious improvement after the first application. I also like the fact that it is very economical to use. The contents of the tube weighing only 55 g are enough for a long time.

Drapolen cream for newborns

"Drapolen" for newborns will be useless if you do not follow the rules for its use. First of all, the skin area must be thoroughly washed and all soap residues removed, since when it comes into contact with any surfactant, the product will lose its healing properties. It is also important to apply it on completely dry skin with a thin layer. This should be done every time you change the diaper or swaddle. It is very important for the period of treatment to try to arrange the child as often as possible hours without disposable diapers and leave the baby without them on a table or bed for taking air baths.

If there are first signs of diaper rash, it is best to immediately start using Drapolen cream for newborns. Its price is slightly more than 250 rubles, which is slightly compared to other similar means, and you can find it in almost every pharmacy.

Drapolen for newborns price

Doctors recommend not stopping its use after the complete disappearance of signs of diaper dermatitis, as it is also an excellent prophylactic. While the baby’s skin does not adapt to the environment, it is better to lubricate the problem areas every day.

Although Drapolen is available for newborns without a prescription, it’s better to consult your pediatrician watching your child before starting treatment. After all, this may not be the usual irritation from the diaper, but some other allergic reaction that requires complex treatment, and not just cream. One thing is for sure: if there is no allergy to the drug, then you can purchase it for emergency cases.


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