The Tale of Sinbad the Sailor: a summary, the main characters

Any Arabian fairy tale is entertaining. In each fantasy and reality are fantastically interwoven, amazing countries are described, the experiences of the heroes are brightly and vividly conveyed. The Arabian fairy tale "On Sinbad the Sailor" has a literary origin. She has a rather voluminous text.

A little bit about the heroes and the tale

The Tale of Sinbad the Sailor is very instructive. The main characters - merchants and sailors - are fearless, they are not afraid of difficulties and disasters. Not everyone is attracted by the desire to make wealth. The Tale of Sinbad the Sailor itself, a brief summary of which we will try to expound, includes seven stories. The hero had a chance to survive all these adventures in 27 years.

Adventure on a huge fish

Sinbad bought goods and boarded the ship. Everyone reached the island on which the fruit trees grew, made braziers and began to cook. Sinbad was walking at that time. Suddenly, the ship's captain shouted that it was not an island, but a big fish. She will now sink into the sea.

The Tale of Sinbad the Sailor Summary
But the hero did not have time to ship and began to sink. However, he swam to a deserted island. On the shore, he saw a beautiful horse, who neighing loudly, and then a man appeared from under the ground. He explained to Sinbad that his master, al-Mihrjan, owned the horses, and that he himself was only a groom. Such a continuation has the Tale of Sinbad the Sailor. The summary will not be able to cover all events, so, we will not retell the story of the rich life of a traveler on the island of the king. He became the head of the sea harbor and asked everyone about Baghdad. Only one of the many captains knew Baghdad and the missing Sinbad. Having received rich gifts for faithful service from the king of the island, the traveler boarded the ship and returned to his homeland. He resumed a life full of pleasures, but was bored and wanted to go on a long journey.

Rohkh bird and diamonds

Having bought goods and loaded them onto the ship, the sailors set off again and sailed to the island. By the fate of Sinbad, they forgot it. He saw a huge white dome. Suddenly, the sun began to obscure the shadow. A huge bird Rukh flew here. The tale of Sinbad the Sailor's voyages continues. When the bird sat on its egg and fell asleep, the brave Sinbad tied himself to her paws, and she carried him to the valley of the huge snakes that she ate. Our wanderer roamed the valley, consisting of diamonds, collecting precious stones. There cunning people threw pieces of meat. Diamonds stuck to them, and lifting them, they mined jewelry. Our pilgrim tied himself to one piece of meat larger. He was taken out of the valley of snakes. He thanked the people who had saved him, and they helped him return to Baghdad. After a quiet life, he again wanted to see the wonders of the world.

arabic fairy tale

Island of cannibals and dragons

The new "Tale of Sinbad the Sailor" continues. The summary conveys the very essence of history. The ship on which the curious Sinbad sailed, strayed off course and clung to the island. Merchants and sailors on the shore came across a huge cave, in which gnawed bones lay everywhere. While they stood, a gigantic creature resembling a man came out. Without thinking twice, it chose the fattest member of the team, put it on a skewer, roasted and ate it. And then went to bed. Then Sinbad proposed making a raft, blinding the cannibal, burning two iron skewers on fire, and running away. The raft brought them at night to another island where a huge dragon lived. He immediately swallowed all of Sinbad's companions and left. And in the morning the sailor saw the ship, which picked up the unfortunate. There he was dressed and fed. It turned out that the ship was the property of Sinbad.

the tale of Sinbad the sailor the main characters

Sinbad in the land of madmen

And again, tired of pleasure and peace, the indefatigable wanderer set off on his journey. And again he suffered a shipwreck. He and his companions came to people who fed the wanderers with food, from which they lost their minds. Only Sinbad did not eat anything and saw that all his friends were now insane. Our hero wandered lonely and met a shepherd who showed him the way to another city. So continues the fourth tale of Sinbad the Sailor. The summary will tell about the adventures and marriage of a traveler. In this city, Sinbad was taken to the king, who graciously settled him in his palace. The king offered him a beautiful girl as his wife. Our traveler got married. But he recognized the terrible custom of this country. When one of the spouses dies, the living is buried with the dead. Sinbad’s wife suddenly fell ill and died. They were buried together, lowered into a deep well. Sinbad and got out. He examined the cave properly and found a hole. Gathering all the jewels of the dead, he crawled out through the hole and saw the ship. The captain picked him up and brought him home. Again, our hero healed in contentment. But he soon gathered again for the next journey.

heroes of the tale of Sinbad the Sailor

Another wonderful salvation

As usual, a ship crashed at Sinbad, and he ended up on an island. On it, he met a harmless dumb old man, who asked with signs to take him to the water. The good traveler put the old man on his neck and fell into slavery. With shaggy iron legs, an evil shaitan clutched at Sinbad’s neck and beat him and drove him all day. By cunning, the merchant managed to get rid of the old man and destroy him. At this time, a ship passed along the shore, which picked up an unsuccessful sailor. The ship brought the merchant to the big city, and then set off without him. In the city of Sinbad taught to collect valuable Indian nuts. The merchant sold them, bought local goods, boarded the ship and went home.

sailor's travel story
With wealth, the sailor returned to Baghdad. The Arabian tale will give us two more trips.

On the island of ceylon

The ship on which Sinbad sailed, lost its course and crashed on the high cliffs of the island. Almost all the heroes of the tale of Sinbad the Sailor drowned with the ship, and those who remained with our brave hero climbed ashore. But from starvation, the merchant’s companions died, and he was left alone. The valley where he was was filled with precious stones and valuable ambergris.

the main idea of ​​the tale of Sinbad the sailor
Having collected all that he could, the traveler made himself a raft and went down the river. A wanderer swam into the valley where the local natives lived. Sinbad told his story. The natives helped the merchant find the ship that was going to Baghdad. So Sinbad returned to his homeland and healed richer than before.

Last trip

And again, a thirst for adventure pulled a tireless explorer to distant lands. The ship was blown by the wind onto the rocks, and it crashed. Sinbad alone survived. He climbed ashore and embarked on a sandalwood boat. When the traveler reached land, he met people there, and they brought him to the sheikh. There he was treated, and the sheikh married him to his daughter.

7 trip
Then the sheikh died, and Sinbad began to rule the city. At the beginning of each month, men flew somewhere. An inquisitive traveler asked one of them to take it with him. So they flew through the air, and wondered all over Sinbad. But he was thrown down. Allah's messengers came with golden staves and presented a golden cane to the sufferer, and then disappeared. Then Sinbad saw that a huge snake half swallowed a man, and he cries out for help. With a golden cane, the merchant killed the snake and saved the unfortunate. Then flying people appeared and agreed to return Sinbad home. The Tale of the Sinbad the Sailor's Travels is drawing to a close. His wife told him that they serve the shaitans. Then the merchant built a ship, took his wife and returned to Baghdad.

The main idea of ​​the tale of Sinbad the Sailor is that human life is fragile and we must struggle for it, as the resourceful and clever protagonist did in all inconceivable situations.


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