Cucumber "emerald stream": reviews. Variety description, cultivation

It is difficult to imagine human nutrition without vegetable crops. Each of them has its own history and individual characteristics. Among the most popular vegetables can not fail to mention cucumbers. This amazing food product, originating in India and China, is quite healthy. Cucumbers are 95% water. However, a high content of potassium and a minimum of calories allows them to be an integral part of the diet for everyone who wants to lose weight.

Salad Cucumbers

When choosing varieties for growing gardeners, following the fashion or guided by other principles of selecting plants for beds, they prefer pickled gherkins. However, those who love cucumber salad and are familiar with growing Chinese long-fruited cucumbers in their garden will always find a place for this variety.

how to grow cucumbers in winter
And it is not necessary to write cucumber seeds from China. Reviews of happy owners of unusual vegetables are advised to grow domestic varieties and hybrids. Among them, the "emerald stream" cucumber variety has remarkable taste qualities.


The hybrid is characterized by early ripening. The growing season is 44-48 days. Partenocarpic cucumber, with a predominance of female flowering type. He is characterized by a bouquet type of ovary formation. The plant does not require pollination. This feature allows you to grow a hybrid in the open ground, in greenhouses and at home.

cucumber emerald stream reviews

Fruits of the Chinese type. Zelentsy reaches 25 cm in length. When fully ripened, the fruits of the emerald flow cucumber hybrid reach impressive size. Reviews of the lucky owners of this miracle suggest that individual specimens reached eighty centimeters in length! The fruits of salad type are sweet and very fragrant. The thin peel is equally tender in both greenery and cucumbers when fully ripened.
Dark green thin cylindrical fruits have a tuberous structure.


“Emerald Stream” F1 is characterized by long-term stable fruiting, which will last from the beginning of the summer season until the first autumn frosts. It is equally resistant to heat and low temperatures. Shade-tolerant qualities allow growing on a window or in a loggia at home. The plant is resistant to powdery mildew.

cucumber seeds reviews

Fragrant and delicious cucumber "emerald stream." Reviews say that the best vegetable for salad can not be found. In this case, one cucumber will be enough for a dish that you can feed all households. Regardless of weather conditions, continuous fruiting of the hybrid will provide juicy sweet fruits all season.


For conveyor production, it is advisable to plant Chinese-type cucumbers in several terms. For early production, the seedling method is perfect. Seedlings are planted in greenhouses in the month of April, when the temperature of the soil reaches fourteen degrees. At the same time, they should be well formed and have three or four leaves. The age of such seedlings should be twenty-five or thirty days. Sown cucumber seeds "emerald stream" to obtain planting material, which will be planted in greenhouses in March. Before planting, they are treated with growth biostimulants or aloe juice. Then the seeds are slightly dried and sown in two pieces in plastic or peat cups filled with a fertile earthen mixture.

emerald stream f1

Growing cucumber seedlings in boxes is undesirable. It does not take root well in violation of the root system. Sowing is completed by moistening the soil and covering the seedling tank. It is moved to a warm place and sprouts are expected. The cucumber "emerald stream" possesses shade-tolerant qualities. Reviews of those who grew seedlings of this hybrid note that there will be no additional problems with care. Plants develop well and do not stretch.

Greenhouse cucumbers

High-quality planting material is planted in closed ground in rows. For the full development of the landing should not be thickened. Between the seedlings can withstand at least 50 cm. Special attention should be paid to the soil. If cucumbers are grown several years in a row in one place, which is extremely undesirable, the soil composition of the greenhouse should be updated. It is filled with fresh fertile soil and a complex mineral fertilizer is applied. The soil should be loose and have excellent aerobic qualities.

cucumber seeds emerald stream
Greenhouse cucumbers are grown vertically. Hybrid cucumber "emerald stream" is characterized by enhanced growth with the formation of medium lashes. He is tied to the frame of the greenhouse.

Cucumber care in the greenhouse

To obtain a stable crop, regular watering and top dressing will be required. When moistened, water should not fall on the leaves of the plant. She must be warm. After each humidification, the greenhouse should be ventilated so that humidity does not increase. Three times fertilizer will be required per season.

The cucumber "emerald stream" differs in the unusual sizes of a fruit. Reviews of gardeners who liked this hybrid suggest that regular eating of greens will be required. They are harvested when reaching 25-30 cm. However, if you do not rush to harvest, you can grow large cucumbers, the length of which will be 60-80 cm. To ensure good and long-term fruiting, fertilizers are applied once a week with regularity. This event is preferably carried out after picking cucumbers and moisturizing. As a top dressing, solutions of mullein or chicken droppings are used.

Outdoor cultivation

If there are greenhouses on the plot, the cucumber "emerald stream" is cultivated in several ways. Reviews of vegetable growers suggest that it is very convenient to grow this hybrid in a few terms. In an earlier period, it will grow in closed ground conditions. After steady warm weather, seeds can be sown in open ground. At the same time, it is recommended to plant pre-grown seedlings on the beds. Sowing seeds in open ground is carried out on a site previously prepared since autumn. The best predecessors for cucumbers will be onions, plants of the nightshade and legume family.

In the spring, weed the site, loosen the soil and make humus. Seeds are sown in rows. Aisles withstand at least 50 cm. In a row between plants should be 30-35 cm. Chinese- type cucumbers are more convenient to grow on a trellis. In this case, a tall plant will require reliable fixation.

Trellis method

The design of the support for growing cucumbers may be different. The main condition is reliability. The design can be built from a wooden bar or metal pipes and wire, as well as a special trellis net. The height of the support should be two meters.

cucumber grade emerald stream
Between the supports, three rows of wire are stretched, on which a plastic mesh is fixed. Fixation of lashes of a cucumber is carried out by twine. The area around the trellis should be mulched with humus. Each bush is slightly spud.

Outdoor Care

A stable crop will require regular care. As in closed ground conditions, moisture and nutrition are needed. To do this, carry out regular hydration and top dressing. Drying of the soil is not allowed. In hot weather, watered in the evening. As in closed ground conditions, warm water is used for this. The frequency of fertilizer application is once every ten days. Start seven days after transplanting seedlings.

When sowing seeds directly into the soil, fertilizer application occurs during the period of the appearance of two true leaves. As fertilizer, dung slurry, chicken manure solution are used. In addition, you can additionally use mineral fertilizers. For ten liters of water you will need: 20 g of urea and potassium sulfate, 30 g of superphosphate. Caring for cucumbers is not limited to watering and top dressing. In addition to using these agrotechnical methods, the beds should also be kept clean and the soil loose.

How to grow cucumbers in the winter?

If there is no summer cottage or garden, you can grow cucumbers at home. But for this, only those varieties and hybrids that do not need pollinators are suitable. Parthenocarpic plants will be most suitable. The best option is hybrid cucumber seeds. Reviews of those who grew cucumbers "emerald stream" at home, only positive. It can be planted even in winter. Shade-tolerant qualities allow you to get yields of fragrant juicy cucumbers at home. Each plant is prepared capacity of at least 5-7 liters. They are filled with a fertile earth mixture. Seeds are sown in mid-February, first in small containers for seedlings. Twenty days after the appearance of the sprouts, the cucumbers are transplanted into prepared large containers, which are installed on the windowsill.

big cucumbers
The plant is fixed with twine. When stepchildren appear after the fourth sheet, they are removed. In this case, pinch the plant. Care consists in regular moderate watering, as well as in the application of fertilizers. Top dressing begins immediately after emergence. The frequency of fertilizer application is once every seven days. For this, mineral fertilizers are used.

High yields!


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