The history and origin of amber. What to wear with amber

For many years, people were attracted by the mysterious appearance of amber, the beauty of its soft colors. Around the year 60 e. the emperor of Rome sent his subordinate to sort out the origin of this marvelous stone. In the north, the military leader learned that it can be obtained on the shores of the Baltic Sea. Hundreds of kilograms of substance were brought home, which was appreciated for its beauty and healing properties. At that time, an amber figurine cost more than a slave in Rome. So what is the origin of amber? Why is he so appreciated?

The first mention of amber in history and legends

In the 4th century BC e. Theophrastus made his first historical mention of amber. The Greeks called it "electron" or "educated sun", which was closely related to their mythology. According to legend, when the son of the sun god Helios, also known as the Elector or the Awakening - Phaeton, was killed, his mother and sisters cried about his death, and their tears turned into amber stones.

They called the stone in this way for a reason. The ancient Greek scientist discovered the supernatural power of amber. He noticed that the stone, shabby with a cloth, begins to incredibly attract straws and feathers. So the phenomenon of static electricity was discovered. Only after 2 thousand years was it discovered that not only amber can produce the same charge.

In 1492, it was discovered that Indians in the Caribbean also use this stone. Having sailed to their island, Columbus wanted to surprise the locals with amber beads. The traveler himself was puzzled, because they gave him shoes in return, decorated with the same stones.

Rare red amber

The origin of the name of the stone

Linguists have not fully understood what the origin of the word "amber" is. The ancient Egyptians called the stone "sakal", which is similar to the word of Lithuanians "sakas". In Lithuania there is a village Sakuchiai, not far from which there were mines with this stone. A comparison of old Latvian names shows that even before the middle of the seventh century BC. e. knew about amber.

Pomeranian residents called amber a resin of pine, which sounded like a gintar in Hungarian. Some linguists believe that the Slavs adopted the name from the Baltic people around the tenth century. It is precisely known that in the 16th century in Russia the stone was called entar.

In Germany, amber (Bernstein) was given the name of two words: stone (stein) and burn (perishable). Poles and Hungarians adopted the German name. They have it Burshtin and Borostian.

"Amber" is the English name for amber, the origin of which comes from the Arabic word "anbar". It is also known as a "barn" in medieval Latin or "amber" in Old French. The word refers to a precious type of oil obtained from sperm whales. Today it is known as ambergris. These two substances can even be mixed up if they are on the same bank. Their difference is in density. Ambergris has a density less, so it floats on the surface. Amber is denser than water and sinking.

Hardened Resin Inclusion

Stone origin

In the Dominican Republic, amber emerged from the hardened resin of local trees in the tropics. Plants have not survived to this day, but some representatives of these broadleaf, still grow on the islands of the Caribbean and in some parts of America. Their coniferous brethren are found on the shores of the Baltic Sea.

For the origin of amber in nature, damage should have appeared on the tree bark. The hole remained from a broken branch or insect. Healing a wound, the plant produces a resin, which includes complex essential oils and alcohols. Such a chemical composition causes the substance to solidify very quickly, embalming in the process all the plants and insects that come in the way.

Resin Amber Formation

Stone processing

When amber is separated from the rock, it is carried out in the sun. For inspection, a dark film is chipped from a piece that connects the substance to the substrate. Through the resulting spall, the stone is examined for the presence of organic remains inside the hardened resin, called inclusions.

In one week, more than one thousand small pieces of amber are found. But there are exceptions, in the form of large stones - up to 8 kg. After verification, the material is sorted by amber origin, size and inclusion. Most small pieces are sent to jewelers for processing, while valuable pieces go to museums and private collectors.

Kinds and colors

Many people think that amber is a transparent stone of yellow and orange shades. In fact, depending on the origin of the amber stone, the kind of wood tar and prescription, you can see many colors. There are up to 350 various shades.

The stone varies in shape, color and transparency. There are 5 main types:

  1. Baltic, called succinite. A similar variety makes up the bulk of all amber - about 98%.
  2. Glessit. It features a brown tint and lack of transparency.
  3. Gedanite. Yellow stone of a waxy shade.
  4. Bockerite. Dark amber, characterized by elasticity and opacity.
  5. Statinitis. This is the most fragile type of amber, which has a black color.

They find not only yellow and orange colors, but also white, red, blue, and blue. The latter species is far from common and is difficult to process. The rarest stones contain shades of the rainbow. In Japan, amber was found that looked like agate. Although the stone is considered semi-precious, rare colors are very expensive. The beauty of the unique stone can be seen in the photo. The origin of amber and inclusions of rare colors is the same as that of ordinary, the difference is only in the type of wood and petrified remains.

Rare blue amber

The healing properties of amber

In ancient times, people believed in the magical power of amber. Amulets made of this stone were intended to attract good luck, strength in wars, and protection from troubles. The substance was used for religious purposes. With the help of figurines and amber discs, they worshiped the gods, the sun and their ancestors.

People’s doctors even now use a stone for treatment. Beads are used to reduce pain in the head, throat and neck, and bracelets are used for rheumatic diseases.

On the basis of amber, many ointments, tinctures and potions are created.

Amber jewelry

What to wear with amber

The standard type of amber is recommended for girls to wear warm autumn and spring colors. Women of winter and summer type, a simple yellow shade can not do. Cool black and green tones, and summer - white.

When choosing jewelry, it is worth considering the personality of the girl:

  • Yellow and honey tones will make dark eyes more expressive.
  • For bright eyes, it is recommended to choose brown and coffee shades.
  • The elongated shape of the stone in the earrings, fits the round cheeks, visually stretches the face.
  • Large earrings accentuate the graceful neck of tall girls.

Amber is a semi-precious stone, wonderfully suitable both for everyday wear and for publication. The most important thing is to correctly combine jewelry with clothes and observe moderation.

Amber Jewelry

The basic rules for wearing amber:

  1. Casual wear. The basic rule is careful combination with bright and color prints. It looks best on warm shades of green, beige, yellow, brown and blue.
  2. Wearing business clothes. Often, beads or a necklace will be inappropriate in the office. It is better to give preference to a large bracelet or elegant pendant.
  3. Combination with summer clothes. In the heat, you want to wear as little jewelry as possible. A good option would be small drop-shaped earrings and a ring with amber stone. A small pendant will suit the deep neckline of white clothes.
  4. If small and elegant jewelry looks good with open skin, then it is better to wear large and intricate necklaces over clothing. With a woolen or knitted dress, you can wear interesting beads in several threads. Massive bracelets complete with earrings will work well.

With any choice, it is worth remembering that amber jewelry is noticeable. If you combine too many elements in one outfit, you get a tasteless and oversaturated image.


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