National features of self-organization, or What is kurultai?

Thanks to the natural processes of globalization, different cultures are becoming more mixed, exchanging traditions and characteristics. New words and concepts are woven into our language, the meaning of which is sometimes not so easy to grasp. For example, what is kurultai? How is it different from parliament? Let's get it right.

What does kurultai mean?

what is kurultai

Naturally, itโ€™s logical to start any research with the analysis of a word that means a phenomenon. T.F. Efremova does not write much about him. To the question of what is kurultai, we get a short answer: this is a congress of representatives of some Turkic peoples. From this we conclude: we are investigating practically a state assembly. Kurultay, according to historians, was such in some countries. It was practiced by the Mongol lords of the Golden Horde. The fact is that Genghis Khan united many small tribes. Each had its own leaders and respected people. For more effective management of scattered, in fact, people, the general meeting was a great find. From those ancient times, the kurultai tradition began.

What issues were you going to?

what does kurultai mean

Like any representative body, kurultai was used mainly for political purposes. So, if we talk about the times of the Golden Horde, then it addressed the most important issues of organizing life. Namely: where to wander, whom to attack. It was an event to develop a โ€œstateโ€ strategy. Historians claim that the founder of the tradition, Genghis Khan, used this method quite often. Successors also did not refuse to support the "elites", which was formed at the general training camp. To understand what kurultai is, exploring only historical examples, is impossible. The fact is that tradition developed and filled with meanings in accordance with the development of civilization. Let's consider some modern examples.

Traditions of the Bashkir peoples

kurultai state assembly

It was a tradition inherited from the Golden Horde to gather to consider issues of peace or war, the routes of nomads, the way of life, and judge internecine conflicts. Bashkirs do not wonder what a kurultai is. From a young age, everyone knows that respected people are nominated by local communities to protect and represent them at an important congress. I must say that the role of this meeting does not depend on the level of its officiality. Kurultay is considered a body of self-organization on a national basis. Nevertheless, it is quite functional, as it develops a common point of view of peoples. I must say that the Bashkirs are heterogeneous, they consist of various groups. Their distinguishing feature and achievement is the equality of all peoples included in the community. Therefore, they need kurultai. This is an indicator of respect for any point of view, a kind of higher democracy, sometimes inaccessible to the current "civilized" countries.

Traditions of the Crimean Tatar people

Kurultai of the Crimean Tatar people March 29, 2014

For Muslims living on the peninsula, the popular assembly since returning to their homeland has acquired special significance. The fact is that institutions of local self-government were created in Crimea. Representation in them was common. That is, the Crimean Tatar people could nominate candidates for deputies, win mandates. Only the people tried to live original, not to assimilate the peninsula into society. Therefore, all vital issues affecting the nation were resolved at a general meeting.

Kurultay became a body of self-organization of the people. So, it considered the impact of the Crimean Tatars on the development of the economy of the peninsula, cultural development and others. In the foreground on the agenda has always been the impact on political processes. Without the consent of this respected body, not a single representative of the nation could claim to participate in the elections as a candidate for deputy or for the position of city governor.

Kurultai of the Crimean Tatar people can be called historical on March 29, 2014. At this meeting, it was decided how people would relate to the referendum on the accession of the peninsula to the Russian Federation. Perhaps, after some time, the leaders of the people admit that they have embarked on the wrong path. But at that time it seemed politically correct to them that their people did not vote. And so it happened. There were few disobedient.

Kurultay as a positive experience

I must say that this type of self-organization, despite the fact that it has a colossal experience of existence, can be called progressive. This is a reliable method of forming public opinion. Suppose that so far it affects only a single nation. But civil society has not yet created such a tool, which has such a huge impact on every citizen, rallying individuals to the people! And the point is not so much in the implementation of political decisions, but in the art of preserving our own identity, based on the traditions of our ancestors. Kurultay - a collection of those respected by all members of the people, with the exception of the marginalized. That is, it is brought up in each particular family. Passed from grandfather to grandson and so on. Such a tradition is invincible!


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