At what age and how to pierce your ears

Ear piercing for adults and children can be attributed to one of the types of piercings, the now fashionable art of decorating your body in various places. This custom, which girls have long turned into a real tradition, arose even in the days of primitive society. True, at that time it was not possible to pierce the ears of everyone, but only to the one who deserved it thanks to victories over enemies, a large number of hunting trophies, etc.

is it possible to pierce the ears

The opinion of doctors

There is still no consensus among doctors about whether or not to perform this operation. On the one hand, the ear in eastern medicine has long been considered an important reflexogenic zone. With irritation of certain of its points, it is possible to influence the functioning of the internal organs of a person. On the lobe there are projections of the eye, palate, jaws, tongue, inner ear and tonsils, and if you get on them, there is a certain proportion of the risk of disrupting their normal functioning. Therefore, according to reflexologists, it is undesirable to pierce the ears . On the other hand, other doctors, for example, neurologists, believe that if some points are hurt, they simply turn off from activity, and their stimulation gives nothing more. Therefore, today it can be said that the question “can ears be pierced” remains open. We’ll add that earlobes have always been a traditional place to wear earrings. They do not have many active biological zones, cartilage is absent, and healing takes place calmly and quickly.

to pierce ears

What time can I pierce my ears?

According to doctors, it is undesirable for a child younger than three years to do this type of piercing. At the same time, the results of recent studies suggest that if you pierce your ears later than eleven years, then there is a risk of keloid scars forming at the puncture site. Moreover, starting from this age, the ears heal longer and more difficult. Many generally advise to wait until the child is 10-12 years old, so that he himself consciously made his choice. At the same time, children's psychologists recommend piercing the ears either in adulthood or before the child is 1.5 years old, because at this time there is still no sense of fear, and the pain will not be remembered for long.

what time you can pierce your ears


It is worth noting that ear piercing will have to be abandoned if the child has crusts or eczema behind the ears. Also, this should not be done if there is a blood disease or allergy to nickel-based alloys. In the latter case, the ears may begin to fester and itch. And if an infection also gets into the puncture, then there is a high probability of the appearance of a purulent abscess. Therefore, such a piercing should be treated with a certain degree of caution.

Description of procedure

To date, this operation occurs without the use of medical needles, which lengthen the process itself and make it painful. Now they use a special pneumatic gun for punctures (there is one!). A stud earring is inserted into it, which is both the puncture shaft and the earring. Such a gun acts like a stapler, and the procedure itself takes a matter of seconds.


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