Refrigerating and freezing showcases for equipping trading floors

The segment of the modern market responsible for the wholesale and retail sale of food products is not able to fully function without professional refrigeration equipment.

freezer display cases

This technique varies in temperature:

  • Medium temperature refrigerators (0 ... +7 ). Used for storage and exhibition of dairy products, drinks, canned goods and confectionery.
  • Universal (-6 ... +6 ). Used for storage and exhibition of chilled meat, poultry, fish.
  • Freezing showcases (-24 ... -18 ). Used for storage and exhibition of frozen foods and some types of alcohol.

Refrigeration technology ensures the correct storage and spectacular exhibition of products, which due to their properties cannot be stored at room temperature.

Manufacturers have provided for everything - for each food product, you can find a unit that will provide the necessary storage temperature, adjust the humidity level. In this article, we will consider the basic refrigeration and freezing equipment needed to equip trading floors, and describe their functionality.

General characteristics

Regardless of the final destination, all professional equipment has the following characteristics:

  • High level of wear resistance. When creating their equipment, manufacturers realized that it would be subjected to intensive use.
  • Attractive appearance. First of all, it is necessary to attract the client with a spectacular “facade”. All refrigeration equipment for trading floors is distinguished by high-quality lighting, smooth lines, stylish color schemes. Also, almost all manufacturers provide branding services. For example, a chest freezer may have a special bright coating on top, on which information about the contents is applied, whether it is ice cream, semi-finished products, or something else.
    chest freezer
  • Possibility of equipping with both integrated and remote units. The latter is especially true for large retail areas - if you force them with appliances with an integrated unit, then the air in the room will overheat. This is especially true of freezing equipment, which must be provided with a stable low temperature.
  • Hardened construction. The design bureaus took into account the “human factor” when developing models, due to which professional refrigerated and freezer display cases are characterized by increased anti-vandal protection.


Horizontal refrigerated cabinets vary in:

  • Volume. Displacement varies from 29 to 1,500 liters.
  • Type of door. Since the equipment serves as a showcase, they are glass by default, but, depending on the model, can be oar or a compartment.
  • Temperature conditions (this issue is highlighted above).
  • Corps. It can be made of painted metal or stainless steel.
  • Execution - floor or table.

Shop windows

Freezing showcases - horizontal trading equipment. Differ by:

  • Length. Depending on the model, it ranges from 90 to 2,800 cm.
  • Temperature condition.
  • Execution - floor or table.
  • By type of calculation zone. They can be simple or gastronormized (for sale by weight ice cream, for example).

freezing equipment


Refrigerated slides - specialized equipment with a vertical arrangement, mainly installed in self-service stores. They are open cabinets without doors. Products are laid out on the shelves, and visitors can freely take what they want. Slides distinguish:

  • By lenght. Depending on the model, it ranges from 90 cm to infinity (in the case of remote units).
  • According to the temperature regime. By default, it is believed that a refrigerated slide can only cool products, but a number of manufacturers have universal and low-temperature models.


This is a horizontal refrigeration equipment. It features a large working volume. Particularly in demand in self-service stores. The functionality is the same as that of the slides. Bonuses vary:

  • By design - with glass covers or open.
  • According to the temperature regime. The most popular freezer display cabinets-bonets operating in the range of -24 ... -18 ° C, but there are other varieties, for example, those in which the mode is maintained within the range of -5 ... +5 ° C and 0 .. . +7 about S.
  • By the absence or presence of a superstructure - a special neutral superstructure. In fact, this is an ordinary shelf on which you can put any product that does not require cooling. Superstructure saves space on the trading floor.


Chest freezers are one of the most popular types of refrigeration equipment. They can be found in any store, regardless of its scale. Lari is distinguished by:

refrigerated wall

  • Type of cover. It can be deaf, glass straight or glass bent.
  • The temperature regime is -24 ... -18 or -3 ... +3 .
  • The working volume - chest freezer, depending on the model, provides from 150 to 800 liters of working volume.


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