Liquid nails for plastic: instructions for use, reviews

If you plan to finish the walls with plastic panels, then glue, which has the name liquid nails, is perfect for gluing them. You can purchase, for example, “Superstrong moment”. With this substance, you can not only securely fix the finish, but also save space. Indeed, with alternative installation solutions, which involve the arrangement of the crate, it will be necessary to equip the frame, which is removed from the surface of the wall. For small rooms "Khrushchev" this technology is suitable. Rather smooth walls act as the main condition for working with liquid nails, the panels will not deform when glued to such a surface.

Manufacturer's choice

If you decide to use liquid nails for plastic repair, it is important to choose the right manufacturer. In the market of modern building materials today you can find a great variety of these products, which are manufactured by Makrofix, Pozitiv and Quadro. It is important to choose such an adhesive composition so that the instructions for it indicate the ability to fix plastic panels on the walls . That is why it is so important to familiarize yourself with the rules that the manufacturer recommends following.

liquid nails for plastic

Key Features Reviews

Using liquid nails for plastic, you should initially familiarize yourself with the positive and negative characteristics of this composition. According to users, this tool for wall decoration with plastic is completely environmentally friendly. However, this characteristic should be clarified using the instructions or the inscription on the package. For example, if Titebond glue has a dry residue of 100%, then for other companies this figure may be 80%.

liquid nails moment

In the first case, this means that the glue does not completely evaporate substances harmful to human health into the external environment. That is why when carrying out repairs you can not be afraid of secretions that adversely affect the mucous membranes. Liquid nails for plastic are waterproof. They can be used even in those rooms whose conditions are characterized by high humidity. This applies to swimming pools, kitchens and bathrooms, but it is important to ensure that the already glued surface does not immerse in water.

Strength and freeze reviews

Consumers, speaking of liquid nails designed for sticking plastic, indicate strength. This characteristic can be compared with that of epoxy adhesive. The described compositions are also antibacterial, since they do not support putrefactive processes. This is also confirmed by consumers who have been using surfaces trimmed with plastic using liquid nails for more than a year. During the freezing process, you can hope that the composition does not change its original properties, and also does not thicken. After application and hardening, the surface can be polished, which is very popular with the modern consumer.

liquid nails Price

Instruction for use

Liquid nails for plastic are designed for walls with PVC panels, which can be either matte or glossy. You can buy the composition in cartridges and tubes - optional. In the first case, it will be necessary to additionally buy a gun, which is used to extrude the sealant. It is important to bring panels and glue into the room a day before the start of work, so that the materials acclimatize and gain room temperature. This is true if they were stored in the cold. Experts advise mixing the glue well before use.

super strong moment
Liquid nails "Moment" should be used at temperatures from +12 to +35 degrees, but this composition can be operated from -20 to +60 degrees. All work surfaces must first be cleaned, degreased and dried well. Liquid nails, the price of which is acceptable, must be applied with a gun, and the rest of the mixture can be disposed of with water. If the glue has already dried up, but its removal is still required, then emery will do just fine here. After release, glue can be stored for two years in its original packaging, while the ambient temperature should be within 23 degrees.

Guidelines for sticking panels using liquid nails

Sticking PVC panels on liquid nails must be done under conditions that differ in normal humidity. It is important to check how smooth the surface of the walls is before starting work. Degreasing of the base can be done with synthetic detergents, but after that it is important to dry the surface well. Glue is applied to the inner surface of the panels either pointwise or in strips, the distance between which should be 3 centimeters. After the glue is applied to the base, and the panel is leaned against the wall, you can adjust its position within 20 minutes. You can clarify this period in the product instructions.

glue mounting liquid nails

As soon as the panel can be treated with glue, it must be applied to the installation site, and then pressed. The product is detached from the surface after carrying out the above manipulations, the master should wait about a minute, and then finally install the panel in its place. The product must be pressed to the base for several minutes. The glue will dry completely within 2 days, at this time, normal humidity should be maintained in the room.

Reviews of liquid nails for plastic "Moment"

If you decide to use Moment’s liquid nails, it’s important to read the reviews. In order to position the product in place, you will need some time. According to users, this takes no more than ten minutes. If there are uneven surfaces, you can use this composition, as it perfectly fills the voids. The operation of such a mixture can be carried out at a fairly wide temperature range, which is why users choose this product. Indoors, the temperature can vary from -40 to +50 degrees. Buyers emphasize that these liquid nails are ideal for non-absorbent testing surfaces. Using this mixture can provide long-lasting and strong bonding.

pvc panels for liquid nails

Recommendations for use and storage

"Universal moment" should be used at temperatures above +5 degrees. The tip of the cartridge must be cut off at an angle of 45 degrees before starting work. The membrane at the top of the cartridge should be pierced. Before gluing the panel, make sure that the composition is applied on both surfaces. This manufacturer recommends keeping the product for 5 minutes, and then strongly press it to the surface. Fresh traces of glue can be eliminated with white spirit. Installation glue (liquid nails) should be protected from ultraviolet radiation, and also not allow the composition to heat above +50 degrees. Keep the mixture away from heat sources, the conditions in the room should be cool, the room should be well ventilated.

best liquid nails

Precautionary measures

Even if you decide to use the best liquid nails, it is important to observe safety precautions. Work should be carried out away from open sources of fire, the room should be well ventilated. The composition should be protected from children and avoid contact with eyes and skin. Try not to inhale the vapors, and in case of contact with eyes or skin, rinse them with plenty of water; if necessary, consult a doctor.

Why choose liquid nails

Liquid nails, the price of which is 230 rubles per 400 grams, are waterproof and elastic. This composition is frost-resistant, its color is beige. It is based on synthetic rubber. According to experts, the initial setting force is quite large, it is 40 kilograms per square meter. You can count on a relatively low consumption. In the hardened state, the composition is not combustible.


Liquid nails, the instructions for use of which were presented above, are a universal composition for repair and construction works. Using them, you can easily fasten not only plastic products to the wall in a very short time. That is why these products are so popular among the modern consumer. However, you can only verify its quality in practice.


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