Holidays in Georgia with children: tips for tourists

Holidays with children are incomparably different from relaxing together or with friends. He is neither better nor worse, he is just different, and there are much more problems in it. These concerns include such pressing issues as where to stay, where to swim or where to go. To make the life of parents even a little easier, we talk further about holidays with children in Georgia.

Advantages of Georgia

Perhaps, we will start with why it is generally worth going on holiday with children at sea to Georgia. Why not in Anapa or not in Sevastopol? Georgian recreation has many advantages. For example, a huge selection of housing - and now we are talking about both hotels and the private sector. As a result, even during the season, finding a place to sleep, as a rule, is not difficult, and nobody breaks housing prices here - they are exactly the same as in the Crimea or the Kuban (and possibly somewhere less). Georgia is generally considered one of the best options for a budget holiday.

Georgians are very welcoming, hospitable and welcoming. And they also love children, especially men. Therefore, a vacation in Georgia with children will bring only positive impressions regarding the warm welcome. In addition, we will not forget about delicious food and no less tasty wine, which is famous all over the world. You can’t try this either in Sochi or in Yalta (we will return to the question of food for both adults and kids a little later).

Majestic Georgia

The sea in Georgia is clean, as are the beaches. And there are a lot of people on them, but still smaller than in Sochi, for example. And in the sea there are very few jellyfish, one might say, they are not at all. By the way, all Georgian beaches with a length of about 130 kilometers, if desired and the availability of time, you can go around them all.

Another indisputable advantage of Georgia is its favorable conditions - in addition to the clean sea, here you have clean, fresh, and most importantly, mountain, air, and various thermal and healing springs, and magnetite sands ... In general, a paradise for healing! In addition, in Georgia there are a lot of natural products, fresh, real fruits, not stuffed with chemicals, homemade and very tasty food - you will not stay hungry and you will not be able to get poisoned.

And most importantly, Georgia really has something to see. Many exciting excursions await all visitors, and children will certainly not be bored, because they have a huge amount of entertainment.

What you need to enter

Before talking about the details of holidays with children at sea in Georgia, we will touch on the question of how to get children to this very Georgia. We remind those who know, and those who don’t know, we inform that residents of our country do not need a visa to enter Georgia. Only a passport is needed, and there are two ways to transport a child: either you get him your own document with a photograph, as it should (even if it is a six-month-old baby), or one of the parents enters the child in his passport. By the way, an important point: if your passport is biometric, you cannot enter the crumbs there, he will have to draw up his own document. There is no need to stick a photo of the child in the passport (although some argue that the photo is necessary in any case, therefore, it is better to consult with a passport regarding this point). That's all - you can go on vacation!

What time of the year is better to go

The choice of season depends on the purpose for which you come to Georgia. Most go there nevertheless for a beach holiday, in which case it is worth choosing a time from mid-June to mid-September. However, there are also such tourists for whom the sea is secondary, and most importantly - to see all the many attractions of this beautiful country. Then, in general, any month of the year is at your disposal.

The beauty of Georgia

But back to the warm season. We are talking about holidays in Georgia with children, but children are also different. If your child is still a baby, it is best to go to Georgia in June (middle or end). During this period, the sea is already warm, and there are still few people, because the tourists did not have time to arrive, so it will be relatively calm on the beaches and on the streets - namely peace and quiet are often required when it comes to young children. There is only one minus - not too clean water at this time (from precipitation) and possible rains.

You can go with older children in July and in August, however, you must remember that July is the peak of the season. It is in July that it is especially crowded, noisy and hot. So it’s better to give preference to August. There is no need to be afraid of fruits - they are abundant in Georgia from May to mid-autumn.

Which city to choose

Where exactly to stay in Georgia depends, again, on the purpose for which you are coming to this country. If mainly for the sights, walks and other things, it is best to stay in Batumi. There really is something to see, but the sea there is not of the best quality. However, only twenty minutes from Batumi there are many small towns and villages with gorgeous beaches and truly clear water. But Batumi is full of entertainment for children - not only trampolines, which are full everywhere, but also a water park, zoo, dolphinarium - and much more.

But in small towns, as mentioned above, the sea is beautiful. But at the same time there is absolutely nothing to do there, there are no entertainments for children - just lying on a sand with a seal and jumping on a trampoline - the latter are everywhere. Therefore, if your baby does not need anything except the sea, or if you yourself are ready to work as an animator for your own child - then, of course, it makes sense to stay in places such as, for example, Kobuleti, Gonio or Kvariati (especially if your trip does not for five days, and for two to three weeks). Again, to Batumi - just a stone's throw, so that several times a week you can safely ride to various places of entertainment in Georgia. In general, it is impossible to say unequivocally where it is better to stay with children in Georgia - everyone chooses according to his needs. Let us now go through in more detail the best Georgian resorts.

Georgian Resorts

The best resorts in Georgia with beaches for families with children include the following: Batumi, Ureki, Gonio, Kvariati, Kobuleti, Grigoleti. Let’s say a few words about each of them, but first, we note that almost all beaches in Georgia are pebble, and sandy ones. No need to think, however, that for children such beaches are bad - not at all. It is more inconvenient for an adult to walk on stones than a baby. The only negative - the stones instantly heat up in the sun and it is already impossible to step on them barefoot. Therefore, you need to think about comfortable shoes - for example, washable shales - rubber slippers.


Of course, the resort city of Batumi is considered the leader among all the resorts of Georgia. The best vacation with children is there: very many people think so for the reasons already mentioned above. Batumi perfectly combines the opportunity to lie down on the beach, and splash in the water, and sightseeing, and visit many entertainment venues, and just stroll through the streets in the evening - the Batumi embankment is simply amazing (and, by the way, this is an ideal place in Georgia for walking with prams).

Batumi Georgia

However, one must be prepared not only for the fact that the sea is not too good, but also for the fact that the city is quite dirty. The fact is that Batumi is a port, and therefore oil spills are not uncommon there. On the outskirts of the city there is a high probability of swimming in wastewater, there is no way to see the bottom. The cleanest place for swimming in Batumi is known to people who call the tower area of ​​the Alphabet, but in general, everyone strongly recommends choosing Batumi beaches for sea fun.

By the river

What is good about the beaches of Ureki is that it is there - healing black magnetite sands. They are indicated for diseases such as problems with the musculoskeletal system, as well as the cardiovascular and nervous systems. In addition, magnetite sands are also recommended for childhood diseases - so the child will be especially well there. It is interesting that there are such sands in some other resorts (for example, in Bulgaria), but nowhere else they are used as physiotherapy.

Sea in Ureki

The sea in Ureki is always very, very clean, the water is not deep, and if the family wants to stay away from noise and din - this is ideal. However, there are drawbacks: there are practically no entertainments for kids (only small playgrounds), and also, since this resort is very tiny, there may be a problem with checking in upon arrival, therefore it is worth booking accommodation in advance.


Kvariati, the length of the beach of which does not exceed a kilometer, is part of Batumi, and then smoothly flows into Gonio. At the same time, Georgians themselves assure in a voice that it is in Kvariati the cleanest water of all resorts. The beach itself is very beautiful, it is surrounded by high eucalyptus cliffs - the view of all this mountain greenery is amazing.

Beauty Kvariati

Kvariati is small, clean, quite comfortable. And, importantly, quiet: the track passes the village, passing after it, therefore, lying on the beach, you can not be afraid that the noise of cars and exhausts will not let you rest. And in Kvariati there is the only diving center in all of Georgia - of course, this is not entirely relevant for the kids, but their dads (and, possibly, mothers) can be very, very pleased with this pastime.


This village is located just ten kilometers from Batumi, just beyond Kvariati. In the north, it is completely deserted and sad, the closer to the south - the more lively. The village is divided in half by the highway, so it's pretty noisy there.

Gonio Georgia

Gonio has very clean water, but there is absolutely no entertainment, children living there all the time will be very boring (unless it “sticks” on tablets and other gadgets, then, in general, it does not matter where to live).


This is the second largest city in Adjara after directly Batumi, and its beaches stretch as much as ten kilometers. Kobuleti is considered more like a youth resort, there are a lot of vacationers there and it is quite noisy, therefore, perhaps it will not be suitable for relaxing with kids.

Kobuleti Coast

Compared to Batumi, Kobuleti is quite budgetary, although it also has enough places for entertainment: this is a nature reserve, several parks, and much more. There is partially sand on the beach, although it is mainly pebbles of various calibers - from large to small. On the outskirts of the beach, quieter and smaller people, towards the center - more lively and more fun for the kids.


This resort also has sand, so if its presence is a determining factor for you, you can safely turn your attention to Grigoleti. This quiet and peaceful place is perfect for families with children in Georgia.

Beach in Grigoleti Georgia

It’s just as shallow and clean as in Ureki, and absolutely the same disadvantages - lack of entertainment and the ability to stay without a roof over your head if you do not take care of it in advance.

Where to live

Regardless of which resort you decide to choose as your place of residence on vacation, the choice of housing there is huge everywhere. This is the private sector, where you can rent a house or a room, this is renting apartments, and, of course, hotels for those who are less cramped in finances. We will talk about the latter in more detail. So, what are the best hotels in Georgia for families with children?

In Batumi, you should pay attention to the Coliseum Hotel (it was built in the form of a coliseum, which is why the name is). The hotel is new, the rooms are spacious, their cost is from $ 67 per day. There are parking, and Wi-Fi, and sea views, and a wonderful pool - in general, all amenities. And it’s the center of the city, from where it is convenient to get to any point.

In Kvariati, hotels are surprisingly more expensive than in Batumi - almost twice in summer. For example, in the four-star Era Palace, room rates start at $ 87. The hotel is located right on the seafront and offers stunning views of either the sea or the mountains. The rooms are soundproofed and open onto a terrace. In general, this hotel is a great place in Georgia for families with children.

All inclusive - this system works in a hotel in Gonio called Mgzavrebi Batumi-Gonio Hotel. It is also located on the beach, the price there ranges from 55 to 69 dollars per day, and the reviews of vacationers about it are quite decent.

Family rooms, a non-smoking area, an outdoor pool, free Wi-Fi, a bar and a beach three hundred meters away are all the advantages of Hotel Elite in Ureki. The cost of living is $ 75 per day.

In Kobuleti it is best to stay at Chveni Ezo - this is a family hotel for couples with children. It is conveniently located - between the promenade and the park, so there is always where to walk. The ratings at this hotel are excellent, the cost of living is low - from $ 30.

And in Grigoleti the Hotel Nami is very good - with a terrace, soundproofing and the sea within walking distance. Prices are ridiculous - from $ 10 per day.

A bit about food

Georgian cuisine is incredibly tasty. However, there are pitfalls. The fact is that Georgians love seasonings and spices, so the dishes of their cuisine are quite spicy. For a child, such food can turn out to be very specific, especially if he has not tried it before. So when you go to restaurants, cafes and other "food" and when choosing a particular dish, you should definitely clarify the degree of its severity in order to understand whether it is suitable for a child. Khachapuri, for example, you can take the child for sure - it is definitely not sharp.

Georgian food

Another point concerns food for very young travelers, those who eat “Frutonyany”, “Gerberas”, dairy-free cereals and other “inhuman” food. In large cities, such as Batumi, finding food for the child is not a problem - and the choice will be quite large. However, in small towns the situation with this is already more complicated. If there is food, then its assortment will be extremely scarce. Therefore, if the baby is accustomed to a certain brand or if he is on a special diet, it is better to bring everything you need for his nutrition with you, rather than then get into trouble. By the way, there is also almost no fresh milk in Georgia - only pasteurized.

Vacations in Georgia with children: reviews

Everyone who traveled to Adjara with children - even with very small, even with more adults - describe this trip as a great time. There are a lot of enthusiasm for those who stayed in Kobuleti - both in hotels and in guest houses. Good reviews about sea vacations with children in Georgia and those parents who lived in Batumi, but went swimming in neighboring cities. The vast majority of the impressions of Batumi are sunny, they only speak negatively about the local beach. But about pebbles, unrest is not noted: people write that at first this is unusual, but you get used to it instantly and stop feeling any inconvenience.

This is information about holidays in Georgia for children and their parents. Have a nice holiday!


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