When and how to feed tulips and daffodils in spring? How to fertilize tulips, daffodils?

Most gardeners, gardeners and owners of a private house or summer cottage grow flowers on the plot. Tulips, hyacinths, daffodils, small early bulbous ones mark the arrival of the long-awaited spring. Often they are grown in one flower bed. Flowers delight the eye with a variety of bright colors. How to feed tulips and daffodils in the spring? What needs to be done to make them all feel good?

Tulips: planting and care in spring

Planting and caring for early onions are very similar. But still there are some differences. Many amateur gardeners believe that special care for them is not needed. Planted, and rejoice for many years. But after several years of such care-meditation, it turns out that the number of peduncles has greatly decreased, and the number of leaves has increased. Yes, and the flowers themselves can not be recognized: small, pale. In this case, plants need to be transplanted urgently. Indeed, procrastination with this procedure greatly reduces the ability of the early bulbous to bloom. In addition, they need regular feeding. Not everyone knows how to fertilize tulips, daffodils in the spring. To do this, it is enough to follow a number of simple rules.

how to feed tulips and daffodils in spring

In order for the tulips to bloom in time and please full-fledged flowers, they need to be planted in the fall, in September and early October. First, choose a suitable place.

Tulips grow well and feel at ease in open areas protected from drafts. Direct sunlight does not really like flowers, but they grow and bloom quite well. The soil should be fertile, loose, neutral or slightly acidic. Having estimated its composition, they decide how to feed the tulips in the spring. Its pH should be at least 6.5. If the soil is more acidic or peat is added that oxidizes it, lime is added up to 50 grams per square meter or 300 g of chalk.

Chlorine is not added to light soils. Enough 20 g of potassium sulfate per square meter of area.

It is necessary to pay attention to the predecessors of tulips. They should not be bulbous and nightshade, having the same diseases as tulips.

Soil preparation

If the soil is clay, 6 kg of sand per square meter is added to it, while the sandy soil is compacted with clay so that the moisture is better held in the soil. The fertile layer should be at least 30 cm. The root of the flower penetrates the ground by 70 cm. Each year, a new bulb is formed below last year. Before planting, the soil is fertilized by introducing 5 kg of manure, a couple of kilograms of peat, 50 g of nitrophoska. Fertilizer and various fertilizing for tulips make it possible to obtain not only large flowers, bright colors, but also viable bulb children.

Excess moisture early bulbs are not needed. It leads to rotting of the roots. Therefore, areas where flooding is possible are drained. It is easier to do this by growing flowers on the ridges. They raise the flowers up, and the excess water is collected in deep aisles, which simplifies the care of tulips and daffodils in the spring.

flowers on the plot tulips hyacinths daffodils

After fertilizing, the soil is carefully digged to make it homogeneous.

Before the onset of frost, the site is mulched with sawdust or peat. A layer with a thickness of at least 5 cm will protect the bulbs from frost, extend the rooting time, and subsequently become an additional fertilizer for plants.

Tulip Density

Large bulbs are planted at a rate of 20 to 50 pieces per square meter, small ones - up to 70 pieces. Usually large plants are planted, individually placed in recesses, and small ones are sown and covered with earth.

Top dressing in the spring

Plants with such care winter well. How to feed tulips in spring? After germination, they are fertilized by introducing dry mineral complex top dressing in the aisles to a depth of 8 cm. So, when using nitrophosphate, superphosphate, 50 g of fertilizer per square meter are applied, and potassium salt and urea are applied at 30 g.

During the period of the most active vegetation, when all parts of the plant are growing, fertilizer is most welcome. Choosing how to feed tulips and daffodils in the spring, it must be borne in mind that the tulip, like other early bulbs, has a small root system. Therefore, they need fertilizers easily digestible.

Experts recommend the use of long-acting fertilizers, such as "Kemira" flower. Its composition of nitrogen, necessary for growth, contains 17%, phosphorus, potassium - 10% each. There are various trace elements needed in colors.

how to feed tulips in spring

After the appearance of the buds, liquid feeding is carried out, diluting mineral fertilizers in water. You can use mullein infusion, both as a solvent for fertilizers, and independently.

Of the prolonged funds, Kemira Suite with a high content of phosphorus and potassium is well suited. It is they that plants need to form the stem and the flower itself.

Such top dressing is repeated during the formation of young bulbs, after flowering. But at this time, the vegetation stops, so the plant no longer needs nitrogen. But potassium and phosphorus in equal doses will contribute to the formation of high-quality planting material.

Bulb needs water in such volumes that the earth around is wet all the time, but does not stagnate. Watered every 10 days, pouring 6 liters of water per square meter. For heavy soils, it can be 40 liters per square meter.

Bulb fertilizer of different sizes

How and what to feed tulips and daffodils in the spring? The number of fertilizing tulips depends on the size of the bulbs. Indeed, for flowering, they need to prepare a sufficient amount of the necessary substances.

It is enough to feed young, non-flowering plants twice (dry and liquid top dressing), with an interval of two weeks.

tulips planting and care in spring

Tulips that grow in fertilized soil can not be dug up for two to three years.

Cut the flower with the stem so that a couple of leaves remain near the plant. It is even better to break off, so as not to bring the causative agent of any disease with a knife.

If a diseased plant is still found, it must be quickly pulled out with a lump of earth and discarded so as not to infect the remaining flowers.

Growing daffodils

In the summer, in June-July, daffodils are also dug up. Landing and transplanting to a new residence can be carried out immediately after digging. Planted in the fall, along with tulips. But you need to calculate the time so that the onions are rooted before the onset of frost. Otherwise, they will not winter.

spring tulip and daffodil care

Before planting in the ground, daffodils are treated for diseases and pests. The place for planting is chosen taking into account the fact that they do not bloom for too long, and yellowed leaves will not decorate the flowerbed. Therefore, they need to be draped with perennials, which in spring have a small height. Bulbs are planted to a depth three times its height. At the bottom of the hole put 50 grams of humus earth or humus.

Daffodils do not tolerate frost, so it is better to cover them for the winter.

Feeding daffodils

Daffodils, like tulips, like sunny or slightly shaded areas. They also do not tolerate excess moisture. But they have much less soil requirements. They grow well on sandy and clay soils.

daffodils landing and transplanting

Before planting, the plot is fertilized with humus, introducing 10 kg per square meter and digging the soil 20-25 cm. You can use compost. In no case should you make fresh manure. Before planting, the bulbs are treated with TMTD. At the bottom of the landing fossa, you can sprinkle some nutrient soil. After the daffodils have ascended, they are fertilized with bone meal, superphosphate, potassium salt, introducing them at 40 g per square meter. Before feeding tulips and daffodils in the spring, they need to be watered.

The second top dressing is carried out during the period of bud formation (late spring) with mineral fertilizers (20 g per m 2 ). You can use a solution of mullein or chicken droppings in a proportion of 1:30 with water. Superphosphate (30 g) and potassium salt (15 g) are added to each bucket.

Daffodils grow in one place without sacrificing appearance for five years. If this year you are not going to transplant them, sprinkle ash on the site in the fall. It incorporates various trace elements: phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium. But if the soil on your site is alkaline, then this is not worth doing. Do not mix ash with nitrogen fertilizers.

Growing Tulips and Daffodils Indoors

Maybe with distillation and without it. But in both cases, tulips and daffodils need to supply the necessary substances. When and how to feed the flowers? It is enough to fertilize tulips, daffodils three times during the growing season. Do not need anymore. Excess dressing can damage the flower.

how to fertilize tulips daffodils

Fertilizing organic flowers indoors is not recommended. After all, various pathogens can get with it. And the smell will not please you and loved ones.

Hyacinths Growing

Caring for hyacinths, daffodils and tulips is very similar. But hyacinths are more afraid of frost.

fertilizer and various top dressing

After flowering, it should turn yellow in a natural way, transferring all the nutrients from the leaves to the bulb. Only the top of the peduncle is removed. In the southern regions, hyacinths can be left in the ground for the winter. And in the middle lane they freeze out every few years, therefore it is better not to risk it and hide them for the winter. But here the bulb is in wait for various difficulties. Late excavation leads to weakened flowering. The same thing happens when stored at low temperatures.

The first two months it should be 25 ° C. Then it is reduced to 17 ° C. But all the time you need to make sure that the bulbs do not dry out. To do this, they are sprayed with water or covered with a damp cloth.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F35460/

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