Blue gem

Sapphire is a blue gem known since ancient times. This word came to us from the ancient Indian language and is translated as beloved Saturn. In those days, all blue and blue gemstones were called sapphires.

The cornflower blue color of sapphire is considered the most β€œcorrect”, such sapphires are called royal, but violet, green, orange, brown, gray and black colors can be found, and colorless sapphires are also found. Non-blue stones are indicated with a color name, for example, yellow sapphire or pink sapphire.

Sapphires today are called jewelry corundums of different colors, except for red - they are called rubies. The color of the stone may depend on the presence of impurities of titanium, iron and vanadium, and the shade also changes depending on their combination.

The most interesting stones can have two shades at once, but they are quite rare.

The color of the stone is also strongly affected by lighting - the play of colors and shades fully manifests itself only in natural light. The best sapphires are completely transparent and can retain color under artificial lighting. Sapphires in hardness are second only to diamonds; they are processed with diamond cutting.

At all times, this clean and cold stone was also a symbol of fidelity and chastity, reflection and contemplation. It is believed that this blue gem cools passion, which is why it is sometimes called the stone of the nuns and the episcopal stone. It is known that the azure yacht - as sapphire was called in ancient Russia, adorned Cleopatra's crown and the clothes of clergymen. Among the Egyptians and Romans, stone was considered a symbol of justice and truth - according to legend, it was from him that the seal of King Solomon was made.

It is believed that this stone gives power, so limp and inactive people should not wear it. A blue gem can be a talisman that brings good luck and can even help a person open a third eye.

If sapphire has small inclusions of rutile, then on the surface of a well-polished stone a star is formed, having three, six or twelve rays, clear or vague. Star-stone is endowed with magical properties - this is concentration, clarification of the mind and taming of passion. This stone brings good luck. It’s good to keep such a stone on the desktop, but for it to work, there should not be other stones in the room, even sapphires. Another star stone symbolizes three great forces - Faith, Hope and Love.

It is believed that the power possessed by the blue gem helps some zodiac signs strengthen the positive features and weakens the negative. The stone is credited with medicinal properties, and its use as a therapeutic agent has a long history.

About the healing properties of this stone was written by the Great magician Albert. Even a simple contemplation of this stone relieves fatigue from the eyes, and water infused with sapphire helps with urolithiasis. You can just apply sapphire to sore spots. This is far from a complete characteristic of sapphire, since its properties can be described for a long time.

Lapis lazuli stone, whose properties are very different from those of sapphire, also has a blue color. It’s just found mainly in the form of fine-grained continuous masses, but lapis lazuli crystals are extremely rare. Most often this stone is blue or violet-blue, but there are also instances of bluish-gray or greenish-gray.

They say that this stone can strengthen consciousness, mind and body and is used to stimulate the activity of the whole human body that wears it. Its healing properties are well known. It is assumed that lapis lazuli strengthens sleep, lowers blood pressure, temperature, and is used in the treatment of allergic, nervous and eye diseases.

The most interesting properties of lapis lazuli are used in magic ....


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