Primer on wood for painting with acrylic, oil, alkyd, varnish

Traditionally, wood is used for furniture and construction. The steady popularity of wood is explained by the advantages of this natural material. But at the same time, the tree is rather capricious in operation and maintenance, therefore the technologies for its processing are constantly being improved. The wood primer for painting allows you to significantly simplify and reduce the cost of wood finishes, extend the life of the material.

primer for wood for painting

Primer for wood

Each homeowner sometimes needs to paint exterior wood structures, interior elements, and furniture. At the same time, the quality of finishing materials and their proper use affect in many respects the duration of their operation. In many cases, prior to painting the surface, a preliminary primer is carried out on the wood for painting.

Depending on operating and placement conditions, wooden structures are exposed to various negative influences that damage and destroy the material. These include:

  • direct exposure to UV rays, which causes burnout of wood surfaces, their drying out and cracking;
  • precipitation and high humidity cause swelling and deformation of wood, the growth of fungi and mold, the development of decay;
  • pests in the form of various wood-boring bugs that can damage and destroy even the strongest structures made of wood.

primer for wood with acrylic paint

Wood Primer Benefits

Each wood primer for painting is distinguished by properties that strengthen the wooden surface, protect it from damage and ensure reliable adhesion to the paint. The coating due to the primer holds for a long time without peeling off. Note that the cost of a primer on wood is significantly less in comparison with the price of paint.

The advantages of using such a primer include:

  • Deep penetration into the processed materials, good impregnation and hardening. This allows you to give old wood a higher density. The primer on the wood for painting penetrates deep into the wood, filling small cracks and pores, effectively protecting against destruction under the influence of high humidity.
  • Reduced absorbency of wood.
  • disinfecting effect, which helps prevent mold and further rotting of wood, protecting against pests.

Using a primer for wood, you can create a protective and release layer for previously painted wood. In addition, natural wood contains tannin (natural dye), which is manifested by unaesthetic stains through a layer of paint. The use of a primer allows you to protect yourself from such phenomena during subsequent finishing. Thanks to all these qualities, a wood primer for painting receives only positive reviews.

In order to obtain a high-quality staining result, the wood should first be treated with appropriate compounds for indoor or outdoor use.

Priming is most necessary for such wooden structures:

- located in rooms characterized by high humidity, and in those in contact with the external walls;

- located in the open air - window frames, fences, doors, roof elements exposed to negative atmospheric influences and temperature extremes;

- with a high probability of damage by insect pests.

Varieties of primer

Impregnations and mastics for wood contain film-forming substances (oils, glue, resins, bitumen) and components in the form of pigments, plasticizers, etc. The choice of primers for wood is quite large. In order to obtain the optimal result during subsequent finishing, it is necessary to choose and purchase a primer on a tree of suitable composition.

Alkyd Primers

Alkyd enamels and its imported analogues are used for painting wooden products . The composition of this soil is similar to enamel, but it contains cheaper pigments and many organic solvents. The primer on wood for painting with alkyd paint perfectly fits in one layer, while creating a water-repellent coating. Drying takes 10-15 hours. It can be used by diluting with water.

Acrylic Primers

The water-soluble primer on wood for painting with acrylic paint is universal, because it is suitable for basic wood processing for different types of wood, it is almost completely absorbed deep into the processed materials, without forming a visible film on the surface of the wood. As a rule, applying an acrylic primer is performed in two to three layers. It does not have a sharp specific smell, dries within a few hours.

oil-based wood primer

Epoxy and polyurethane primers

They are made on the basis of epoxy resins or polyurethane. This primer is used on wood for painting with varnish and various paints. In composition, these primers are similar to varnish, but differ from it in a large number of special solvents and the absence of tinting additives. When buying such a primer, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with its composition, because soil variations from different manufacturers can vary significantly in consistency and composition.

primer for wood with alkyd paint

Silicone Acrylic Primers

Such a primer fills the pores of wood, strengthens it and creates a hydrophobizing strong layer. Suitable for the preparation of basic wooden surfaces for painting with latex, alkyd, water-dispersed paints.

Antiseptic primers

Due to its composition, this primer has disinfecting (pesticidal, fungicidal) and other useful properties. Such a primer is used to prevent damage to wood by various fungi and mold and to protect against damage by various insect pests.

Shellac soil

This primer is intended for reliable isolation of knots on cuts of coniferous wood. This soil is able to neutralize the action of the resins emitted by the material, which violate the structure and appearance of the finish coatings. Also, this soil is used as an insulator for water-soluble stains.

Oil primers

The primer on wood for painting with oil paint is used for previously painted surfaces or as a base for further painting (for this, the primer is applied in one coat).

primer for wood with varnish

Drying oil

It is used as a primer for coating with oil paints. Such impregnation penetrates deep into the wood by several millimeters, providing reliable protection from exposure to high humidity and decay. Firmly adheres oil paint to base surfaces.

do-it-yourself primer on wood for painting

Styrene primer

It is used to create a film on wooden surfaces that protects wood materials from destruction and decay. Such a primer increases the adhesion of finishing materials to the main surface. It is used for painting with alkyd and oil-phthalic enamels.

wood primer paint reviews

DIY wood primer

Before using a primer on wood, you must carefully read the instructions from the manufacturers. Before work, the primer is thoroughly kneaded for several minutes to qualitatively fill all the microcracks and pores of the tree.

Before priming, it is very important to properly prepare the wood. To do this, dirt, grease stains, dust, bitumen, old finish and foreign objects are removed from its surface. To do this, you can use a hard wire brush or a professional tool for polishing wood. The result should be a solid and even base surface for the primer.

The primer is applied with a paint roller, spray or brush. You also need to follow some rules:

  • processing is carried out at a temperature of 5-30 degrees and low humidity;
  • the impregnating composition with the application of a larger number of primer layers penetrates deeper into the wood;
  • deep penetration compounds are used to process chipboard, fiberboard or plywood, and several layers of soil may be required;
  • for processing knots from cuts of the surface of coniferous wood, the emitted resin is removed using a metal spatula, then sandpaper is passed over the surface and dust is cleaned.


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