Monthly allowance for child care: size, features of appointment and receipt

With the birth of a child, each state assigns a woman the right to various kinds of payments: sick leave, one-time and regional supplements. However, most of these funds are spent quite soon. Despite the fact that the amount obtained at once can be impressive, the problems to be solved are also quite costly:

  • preparation for childbirth;
  • childbirth itself, especially if severe;
  • purchase of child care and maintenance items;
  • providing for the family as a whole.
Amount of monthly childcare allowance

As a result, most mothers, after discharge from the hospital, have a small amount of payments left, and the child needs to be supported and provided further.

What determines the size of payments?

To ensure normal infancy, as a means of supporting families, the state, through the adoption of relevant laws, established the rules for assigning, calculating and paying monthly child allowance. Its size depends on several factors, such as:

  • the age of the child;
  • the presence or absence of employment;
  • salary amount;
  • number of children in a family.

From this list, the most influential amount of the monthly childcare allowance is precisely the first item. Why and how exactly? More on this later in the article. There are monthly benefits for childcare up to 1.5 years. During this period, the mother of the child or father receives the amount that directly depends on the length of service and the amount of wages. Payment up to three years falls to 50 rubles, if the local government does not have funds for a surcharge. Cash assistance after three years is paid in the amount of 50 rubles, without any surcharges.

If there is more than one baby in the family, then the monthly allowance for caring for a second child for women officially employed does not change. But for those who do not work, the sum of payments for the first child is multiplied by two. If the age of the first has not yet reached 1.5 years, then the content for two children is simply summed up.

2018 changes

In 2018, the government took a series of measures that should support families with children. The changes affected the size of payments and ways to use maternity capital. However, in order to make any payments, it is necessary to comply with all requirements of the law, in terms of submitting the necessary list of documents and determining the category of those who are entitled to receive monthly maintenance per child. It is worth mentioning that families who are adoptive parents have the right to receive benefits every month.

Who can apply for such a benefit?

The assignment of a monthly allowance for child care occurs when applying for it an established circle of people. You need to understand that it is not issued to all of them, but to a specific person who takes care of the baby. This norm is defined by law and includes in the list of payees:

2018 monthly childcare allowance
  1. One of the parents or a relative, in fact, caring for the child and insured in the Social Insurance Fund, that is, officially employed.
  2. One of the parents who are a military man, regardless of the type of military unit, including employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  3. One of the parents, guardian or relative (civilian), located in the territory of a foreign military base, if this does not violate international standards.
  4. One of the parents, the guardian or relative caring for the child, in case of dismissal due to the expiration of the employment contract or liquidation of the business, as well as organizational and staff activities in the military unit, including those located outside the Russian Federation.

All these categories of applicants, regardless of circumstances, have the legal right to apply for monthly childcare payments only until the child reaches the age of 1.5. However, the accrual period starts from the moment the parental leave is granted.

Benefit up to 1.5 years. Who is appointed?

The category of those who are assigned a monthly allowance for caring for a child under 1.5 years old, starting from birth, includes:

  • Mothers who have lost employment due to liquidation of the organization.
  • One of the parents or a relative caring for a child and not subject to compulsory insurance in the Social Insurance Fund (full-time students).

In the event of the death of parents, deprivation of their parental rights and detention, all cares for the care of the child are assigned to the guardian. Relatives can also be the last. They will be entitled to apply for benefits. It is important to know that the death of a mother or both parents entitles a relative or guardian to take out monthly maintenance for a child. Payment can be received only from the date of death of the specified persons.

How to get a manual? What documents are required for different persons?

To assign childcare benefits, certain documents are submitted. A complete list is available from the employer or the social authorities. protection - to those who do not have employment.

Amount of monthly childcare allowance

How to get a monthly child care allowance? Documents for the FSS body:

  • correctly completed application in the prescribed form;
  • a document reflecting the fact and date of birth of the child;
  • document certifying cohabitation with the child;
  • a certificate stating that the payment was not assigned or received;
  • in case of employment, the relevant document;
  • if the applicant is unemployed and has never worked, then a diploma or certificate;
  • document of military duty;
  • applicant's identity card;
  • account details for the transfer of funds.

If the applicant is a mother, and she was dismissed in connection with the liquidation of the organization, then it is necessary to attach:

  • a copy of the document on the disposal order;
  • certificate-calculation of the assigned and paid benefits.

If the applicant is a foreign citizen, then a residence permit is required. If the applicant is a guardian or relative caring for a child, then apply:

  • a document which is the basis for the recognition of guardianship;
  • proof of guardian status.

Individual entrepreneurs supplement the list:

  • a document stating that voluntary contributions to the FSS are not made;
  • document proving professional activity.

Documents for Employed

The package of documents for officially employed is slightly different and contains:

  • copy of birth certificate;
  • copy of motherโ€™s identity card;
  • a certificate from the second parent stating that he was not assigned the specified payment.

After the submission of all documents, the payment term for employees is the date of accrual of the next salary to employees; for the rest, the date is established by the Social Insurance Fund.

Paying monthly childcare benefits

Allowance amount

The amount of the monthly childcare benefit in 2018 for unemployed citizens is set in the form of a fixed figure. It will amount to 3,142.33 rubles for the first-born, and 6,284.65 rubles for the second. In accordance with the latest presidential decrees, benefits for children under 1.5 years old are subject to increase annually in February by the amount of inflation for the previous year.

As measures to support families in need, the amount of the monthly childcare allowance will be equal to the minimum subsistence level in the region. The average figure is ten thousand rubles. The receipt of a monthly supplement to the main payment is regulated by the social security fund, where it is necessary to submit a package of documents. Its contents can be clarified in the fund itself or on its website. All papers must be submitted by contacting the MFC.

Second child care allowance


In order for labor not to be in vain, it is necessary to know that families have the right to surcharge, whose income divided by its members (three) does not exceed one and a half times the size of the living wage established in the region as an adult. Revenues are calculated:

  • For one calendar year, in the amount of salary, before tax deductions.
  • If the number of months for which the income is provided is less than 12 months, then it is calculated on the fact.

You can apply for a supplement at any time before the child reaches the age of 18 months. After considering the petition, a decision is made on the purpose of the payment.

Features of the size of payments

For those who have official employment, the main indicator that employers will now rely on when calculating the monthly childcare benefit in 2018 is the minimum wage. From May 2018, it will grow to 11,163 rubles. Thus, the amount of benefits can now not be less than 40% of the minimum wage, even if the full-time wage is less.

The principles of calculation will remain the same. That is, they will make up 40% of the average wage for the last two calendar years. All calculations are carried out by the employer, including the submission of information about payments. Payment of the amounts due will be carried out, as before, from the funds of the company, which the FSS will compensate when submitting information.

The minimum amount for child care was specified earlier. Accordingly, the maximum allowable size is also limited by the amount of 23 536, 57 rubles + indexation by 1.025% in February.

Assigning a monthly childcare allowance

Additional financial support options

As a measure to support families, the government decided to allow families to receive the amount of childcare benefits after the birth of their second and subsequent children from maternity capital. This does not mean that you can take any amount. The government has determined acceptable values. An additional payment is possible if the average per capita income is not more than 1.5 times the subsistence level for the population who can work in the applicantโ€™s region. The funds received can be spent for any purpose and are provided for until the eighteen months of the second child and three years of the third.

Formally employed mothers and those who study need to know that upon renewal of labor and educational activities on a part-time basis, the assigned allowance is retained and is not subject to revision. After the age of 1.5, it is time to decide whether to go to work or not. If the woman decides to continue the vacation for up to three years, then the payment in full is terminated. She subsequently makes up the established fifty rubles + regional surcharge.

Payments after 1.5 years. Some important features

Regarding monthly payments to children after 18 months, no changes are expected in 2018. Existing regional allowances are likely to remain at the same levels. The financial possibilities of the regions are limited in connection with the implementation of the May presidential decrees.

In order for parents to have the opportunity to provide children after infancy, the country's government plans to solve the issue of a manger in the near future. This will give mothers the opportunity to go to work earlier, thereby supporting the overall family budget and wealth.

Monthly allowance

However, as a measure to support families with children, the government has provided a program such as preferential mortgages and co-financing of an existing mortgage loan.

A more efficient distribution of material assistance, which is targeted, makes it possible to support the most vulnerable families. The latter include large and low-income people.

Regarding the indexation of maternal capital, it will not be produced this year either. This is because the law, which imposed a restriction on its increase, remained in force until 2020 and did not undergo any changes.


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